Noah's ark found

What makes Noah's feat more impressive is that unlike Deucalion, Noah didn't get help from Prometheus to build his ark. Noah's ark didn't need to carry all the animals as Utnapishtim was also saving animals during the great flood. That's teamwork!
But there were 1,200+ years between the Flood (before 3000 BC) and the Exodus (1200 BC). At the time of the flood, there was no Egypt. So how could Egyptian measurements be used?

The Egyptian royal cubit's -earliest- evidence is 2700BC, though most references I find are from Khufu (2589–2566 BC)

Royal Cubit = 1 royal cubit = 7 palms = 28 fingers = c. 52.5 cm

I see a disconnect maybe?
Royal Egyptian cubit (20.6in)

300 Royal Egyptian cubits = 515 feet. The unit of measurement that Moses, who wrote the Book of Genesis, would have been familiar with was the Royal Egyptian Cubit. This is the same unit of measurement used in the construction of the Great Pyramid in Egypt. This cubit was employed until at least the time of King Solomon as gates constructed by him, in Israel, are based on this unit of measurement

Moses did not write Torah. It was dictated to him by G-d. The cubit used by Noah might be the Hebrew short. The one by Solomon as well. Scholars of Torah don't have an exact measuremnt for the cubit. Usually estimated to be between 12 and 18 inches.
But there were 1,200+ years between the Flood (before 3000 BC) and the Exodus (1200 BC). At the time of the flood, there was no Egypt. So how could Egyptian measurements be used?

The Egyptian royal cubit's -earliest- evidence is 2700BC, though most references I find are from Khufu (2589–2566 BC)

Royal Cubit = 1 royal cubit = 7 palms = 28 fingers = c. 52.5 cm

I see a disconnect maybe?

Remember by the time of the Exodus, these people had lived in Egypt a long time, it makes sense that they would have passed down the story in a measurement that they were currently using (for example I wanted to know how many feet does 300 cubits equal, so I could tell my children the story in a measurement that they could understand).

Since Moses was the author of the book of Genesis, my guess is that he probably decided to use the most established form of measurement that he personally knew of. Since he was raised in Egypt, it would make sense that he used this one. I know that in some Bible translations they have converted the Ark's measurement to feet, but I think they used the Hebrew cubit in error, not taking into the consideration of Moses's educational background. The boat that they found measured to the Egyptian cubit exactly. Since I posted the first video, I have managed to find the original video that was narrated by Mrs. Wyatt who goes into much more detail of the testing analysis. PLEASE watch this next video - honestly, I just can't see how it could be anything else other than Noah's Ark; the evidence that was found is overwhelming. The Turkey government decided to officially acknowledge the site as the remains of Noah's Ark.

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BY your own admission then, Noah got two of every kind of animal, and several pairs of the "clean" animals, into a boat that was a mere 518 ft. long.....:rolleyes:

Keep in mind it wasn't of every species and sub-species - it was of every KIND (he wouldn't have to have 400 species of dogs for example). Also (in my own personal opinion), it would make sense to bring younger animals than of adults for many reasons such as: they would eat less, take less space, sleep more, and live longer for breeding afterwards.
Remember by the time of the Exodus, these people had lived in Egypt a long time, it makes sense that they would have passed down the story in a measurement that they were currently using (for example I wanted to know how many feet does 300 cubits equal, so I could tell my children the story in a measurement that they could understand).

Since Moses was the author of the book of Genesis, my guess is that he probably decided to use the most established form of measurement that he personally knew of. Since he was raised in Egypt, it would make sense that he used this one. I know that in some Bible translations they have converted the Ark's measurement to feet, but I think they used the Hebrew cubit in error, not taking into the consideration of Moses's educational background. The boat that they found measured to the Egyptian cubit exactly. Since I posted the first video, I have managed to find the original video that was narrated by Mrs. Wyatt who goes into much more detail of the testing analysis. PLEASE watch this next video - honestly, I just can't see how it could be anything else other than Noah's Ark; the evidence that was found is overwhelming. The Turkey government decided to officially acknowledge the site as the remains of Noah's Ark.

Sorry, but no. Ron Wyatt's been shown to be a fraud.
Ronald Eldon Wyatt (1933 – August 4, 1999) was an adventurer and former nurse anesthetist noted for advocating the Durupınar site as the site of Noah's Ark, among other Bible-related archaeology. His claims were dismissed by scientists, historians, biblical scholars, and even by leaders in his own Seventh-day Adventist Church, but his work continued to have a following among some fundamentalists and evangelical Christians.

As to the rest, what you just said was this: "Moses didn't really know how big it was, so he used the measurement in use at the time to guess,".
So, it's on par with how "1 gallon" is different depending on if one is in the US, or England.

I've seen several different locations for what was supposed to be Noah's Ark. The images from Mt. Ararat from 20 years ago show something, that on modern enhancement were revealed to be just shadow and stone. Later investigation shows nothing there.

I'll take the opinions of a respected scientist like Robert Ballard. Duane Ballard (born June 30, 1942) is a former United States Navy officer and a professor of oceanography at the University of Rhode Island who is most noted for his work in underwater archaeology: maritime archaeology and archaeology of shipwrecks. He is most known for the discoveries of the wrecks of the RMS Titanic in 1985, the battleship Bismarck in 1989, and the aircraft carrier USS Yorktown in 1998. He discovered the wreck of John F. Kennedy's PT-109 in 2002 and visited Biuku Gasa and Eroni Kumana, who saved its crew. Ballard leads ocean exploration on E/V Nautilus.[SUP][1][/SUP]

Many have claimed to have discovered evidence of Noah's Ark, the huge ship that Noah filled with two of each creature to repopulate the planet following God's devastating flood. But in the 1990s, geologists William Ryan and Walter Pitman gathered compelling evidence that showed a flood--if not an ark--may have occurred in the Middle East region about 7,500 years ago, PBS reports.
The theory, the Guardian reports, is that a rising Mediterranean Sea pushed a channel through what is now the Bosphorus, submerging the original shoreline of the Black Sea in a deluge flowing at about 200 times the volume of Niagara Falls and extending out for 100,000 square miles.
Ballard has been exploring this theory for more than a decade, National Geographic reports, first discovering evidence of a submerged ancient shoreline in 1999. At that point, Ballard was still not convinced this was a biblical flood, according to the Guardian. Last year, his team found a vessel and one of its crew members in the Black Sea, according to ABC.
Bad Science.

You can find my opinion of the Theory of Evolution in the thread titled "The Dangers of Evolution."

Thanks for reading though, but honestly, I doubt you spent the time to watch the video before posting your criticisms.
Bob Hubbard,

You forgot this one:

"Don't watch any of the videos that grumpywolfman posts! He's trolling you guys!!" ~ SATAN
We aren't going to waste hours of our time watching videos by debunked frauds which are presented as proofs. It's as bad as my saying "Here, watch DUNE and you'll see that Muad'Dib is the Messiah".
I don't think Noah's Ark existed. I doubt that Noah himself as presented existed. I doubt there was a global flood.
If anything, it's a retelling of a retelling of a retelling of a retelling of a parable.

As to Moses, he was the -blood- son of Ramses, led an uprising against his father, lost, and was run out of the country. All record of him was erased from Egyptian history, and what was written by the 'exiles', was, "embellished" a "little bit". There's no proof other than the Bible that Hebrews were slaves in Egypt. They might have been there, I've seen significant evidence (right down to Joseph's Signet Ring) that they were there, but as slaves? No.
Keep in mind it wasn't of every species and sub-species - it was of every KIND (he wouldn't have to have 400 species of dogs for example).

I wasn't aware there was more than one species of dog--indeed, 'dog' arguably refers to one or two subspecies of a certain type of wolf.

Also (in my own personal opinion), it would make sense to bring younger animals than of adults for many reasons such as: they would eat less, take less space, sleep more, and live longer for breeding afterwards.

OK, but I still don't think you get how really many types of animals there were. Two of every type of dinosaur would sink that ark.
You can find my opinion of the Theory of Evolution in the thread titled "The Dangers of Evolution."

Inarguably, that theory is great science--even if it somehow should turn out to be wrong (in a sense similar to how F=ma is an approximation of relativity at low speeds and quantum physics for large systems). It's a paradigm of solid scientific work.

Thanks for reading though, but honestly, I doubt you spent the time to watch the video before posting your criticisms.

True. There are much more basic plausibility questions to be answered before investing time in yet another "I found the ark!" theo-documentary would be warranted.
I don't think Noah's Ark existed. I doubt that Noah himself as presented existed. I doubt there was a global flood.
If anything, it's a retelling of a retelling of a retelling of a retelling of a parable.

As to Moses, he was the -blood- son of Ramses, led an uprising against his father, lost, and was run out of the country. All record of him was erased from Egyptian history, and what was written by the 'exiles', was, "embellished" a "little bit". There's no proof other than the Bible that Hebrews were slaves in Egypt. They might have been there, I've seen significant evidence (right down to Joseph's Signet Ring) that they were there, but as slaves? No.


The majority of the Earth's surface is covered by sedimentary rocks (70%+). There is no denying the presence of the "object" that is sitting at the location recorded in the Biblical account. The "object" was proven to be the ancient remains of a sophisticated boat meeting the description of Noah's Ark. Isn't the possibility that mankind wasn't an accident worth looking into?
70%+ of earth's surface is covered by water.

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