Last Poster #6

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Roughing it on Cozumel...




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I have decided that shopping for a new drill is hard work.
Went apple picking today with Mrs Xue and the littlest Xue. After 50 pounds of apples Mrs Xue wsa finally done apple picking. When her mother us to go with us we ended up wth 150 to 200 pounds of apples....which is why her mother no longer goes with us.
Quit my job today.
I had planned on being nice, giving notice, and stuff....
but this week they were mean to me, so I played hooky for 2 days, during which I convinced myself to quit today.
Didn't tell nobody til quitting time....
Oh, and came in the shop this morning to find they had removed me from my area I had been in for over 3 years.
No consultation, just oh well, we put you there.
If I had not already made up my mind, I think that would have been the kicker, although I spend a wonderful last day, just basically walking around, cleaning a couple of bathrooms, pulling some trash, and taking A LOT of breaks.

But I was still pissed.
It used to be like 'hey, we need you in such and such area, would you mind?"
Then I'd go, sure, no problem.
Except for Psych.
But that's a mini meltdown for another story.

Pass the beer, I need one today! :D
Have a beer. :)
Went apple picking today with Mrs Xue and the littlest Xue. After 50 pounds of apples Mrs Xue wsa finally done apple picking. When her mother us to go with us we ended up wth 150 to 200 pounds of apples....which is why her mother no longer goes with us.
What are you going to do with it all? Apple butter?
Went apple picking today with Mrs Xue and the littlest Xue. After 50 pounds of apples Mrs Xue wsa finally done apple picking. When her mother us to go with us we ended up wth 150 to 200 pounds of apples....which is why her mother no longer goes with us.
send them to my house, I got hickory nuts picked up in the front yard. It's like walking on marbles!
Went to the cinema this morning for the first time in years.

And yes, I mean years...

The last film I remember going to see was Batman Forever :D

(I did go once since then, but I only know I went through being told I did so. Alcohol is a strange thing.)
Went to the cinema this morning for the first time in years.

And yes, I mean years...

The last film I remember going to see was Batman Forever :D

(I did go once since then, but I only know I went through being told I did so. Alcohol is a strange thing.)

I was thinking it was Herbie, fully loaded, but it was 21, or 22 Jump street.
Kid wasn't quite old enough to see it without mom (by a few weeks) so I had to turn around and come back. Funny AF movie though!
and the kid is now 21, so you can guess how long that has been....

No, wait!
World of Warcraft!
the kid took me out on the night on the town!
Travis Fimmel! <3
I was thinking it was Herbie, fully loaded, but it was 21, or 22 Jump street.
Kid wasn't quite old enough to see it without mom (by a few weeks) so I had to turn around and come back. Funny AF movie though!
and the kid is now 21, so you can guess how long that has been....

No, wait!
World of Warcraft!
the kid took me out on the night on the town!
Travis Fimmel! <3

You have a few years before you catch up on my cinema free scale.

Batman Forever was 1995, and the time since that doesn't count was a friend's stag weekend, so 2001 I think.
You have a few years before you catch up on my cinema free scale.

Batman Forever was 1995, and the time since that doesn't count was a friend's stag weekend, so 2001 I think.
I was surprised it was that many!
Because, I don't go to the movies!
Oh, and for the knittists (or other wooly yarny types) among us, I recommend:


A yarn winder :)
My great uncle use to pick hickory nuts.....many pounds of them, and then send them to everyone in the family
I trying to come up with a use - past killing people by throwing them in the floor!
I nearly wipes out a couple of times walking to and from the car!

I wonder if I can just stick the raw ones in everclear for flavoring, or if I should roast them first....I missed my window of opportunity - again - to try with the young, green ones.
Great Grandma left a wealth of recipes, among them a great many with to make that sweet concoction.
Fer some reason she didn't make any with weed. Mom said she made cookies with it, lemon cookies for the grownups.....It wasn't illegal back then! :D
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