Just Wondering

How did you find MartialTalk

  • Accident.

  • Someone told me about it

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Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
I don't think this thread has been done before, and if it has I will apologize now..

Just how did you find your way here to Martial Talk???
I found it through a link from an Aikido site.
You know, I don't even remember. Seems like I've always been here.


It was probably a web search that first brought this place to my eye.

It was an accident..Alas I cannot recall what I was looking for..How sad is that???
My sahbum found it while looking for MA sites on which to publish information about upcoming events, and sent me a link.
It was an accident for me as well. I think I did a search for something and one of the choices was a thread but I don't remember what it was for.
Neither of the two choices apply to me. :D I actually did a search for martial arts forums or discussion groups. This was when I was looking for a school and was having trouble with my search. I also wanted to research different arts. :)
Neither of the two choices apply to me. :D I actually did a search for martial arts forums or discussion groups. This was when I was looking for a school and was having trouble with my search. I also wanted to research different arts. :)

Similar story here :)

I was trying to look up some information on American Kenpo and was hoping to find a Kenpo discussion group in the process :)
Totally by chance
I think I either googled or yahooed a search term like
Hapkido Discussion or Hapkido Forum or Hapkido Information, etc.
and this site was listed in the search results
It was an accident for me as well. I think I did a search for something and one of the choices was a thread but I don't remember what it was for.

This was exactly my route here as well. It happened a number of times and I found the backing and forthing of the discussions both civil and highly informative. There was something else, though... even though it's a quasi-anonymous medium, what I found was that the personalities of the individual posters was somehow managing to emerge... the nature of the discourse on the forum seemed to encourage that, which is definitely not the case on other MA boards I'd seen. So after a while I started dropping in on a regular basis (completely invisbly, and I hadn't even heard of Ashida Kim at that point :D ).
It was pretty much by accident for me. I was searching the internet half out of boredom, half out of being tired of another forum I was on- trolls... I don't even remember how I found the site of the first forum I was visiting. Probably boredom too. What else was I to do on my days off when I have nothing to do? Now I have here, though!
I was looking for kenpo-specific information. I hadn't thought of looking for discussion groups. MartialTalk was among the list on google search, so out of curiosity, I looked and got hooked.

- Ceicei
I Googled one of my original instructors because I couldn't remember his number and was looking for his website. I saw a thread linked that mentioned his name and out of curiosity I followed it here; haven't left sense.
It was an accident for me as well. I think I did a search for something and one of the choices was a thread but I don't remember what it was for.

Same deal for me. But then I wanted to post something to the thread I found and I had to sign up with all these crazy people to do so :)
What did I get myself into...?
By accident one boring day at work, I think I was looking for something on Yang Jwing Ming and somehow ended up here, don’t remember why I didn’t go directly to the YMAA site.