inteview of tkd blackbelt

Hi guys, I just caught up with this topic today and just noticed a situation I was asked to look into. First, Brother Peter Teymourez' remark on lineage wasn't directed at Professor Cerio. Peter and I talk periodically via landline and I know exactly who he means and it has to do with a senior whose system Shihan Geary did the bulk of his training with up to, brown belt, just before his shodan. However, I respect Peter's wishes, if he wanted to mention the name he would, he didn't, so neither will I.

As far as the article goes, correct David, it's an old article and someone I converse with e-mailed it to me a while ago and I brought it to Mr. Geary's attention of which he spoke openly about the incident. Sijo Gascon did indeed spend time in conference with Mr. Geary about this matter when he joined the KGS BBS PRIOR to his promotion. I understand Hanshi Lou Angel who first awarded Geary his 6th dan before Sonny Gascon, was also made aware, in both instances, by Mr. Geary himself. Sijo Gascon made his decision and it stands. If anyone has any questions about it either contact him or see him in person on his 2005 seminar and school visits schedule. He will be all over the country from California to New York, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and several other states. As far as Hanshi Angel goes, e-mail or call him. He always responds to his e-mails. Good luck.

In closing I'll say this. As a police officer of nearly three decades, we learn there are two sides to every story and some even say the truth lies somewhere in the middle. When it comes to relationships and restraining orders and the like, I'll say this. How many on this forum have either been victimized or know someone that was victimized by someone's scorn? Be honest. I'm not passing judgement one way or the other for it wasn't my case and didn't involve me in any way, shape, form so 'I mind my own business'. An attorney on a radio talk show recently stated perjury is being committed everyday on affidavits for R.O.'s. It's too bad because some are sincere and honest when they apply for an R.O. and not using it as revenge against someone. I do have my limits on being outspoken and those are for crimes that shock the conscience as in the Mitose/Lee situation. Again, I will raise what I like to call the 'glass house syndrome'. You see, law enforcement officers have access to what we call out here as B.O.P.'s-Board of Parole record checks. However, this information is kept confidential through what was passed in Mass. as the Cory Act so it doesn't affect one's livelyhood. I WILL SAY THIS. If some of you only knew the people teaching martial arts and I also mean popular instructors in ALL LINEAGES of ALL STYLES, with FELONY records from the present to past, you would be humbled over passing judgement on people of other systems. This is no joke, gentlemen, I'm sure their are other cops or some civillians on this forum who are privy to what I'm saying. On other topics here, I think on the Locker Room section, some of you have made comments about cops (me included) being too hard on certain offenders by giving them parole and a chance at a new life. This was in reference to repeat offenders of violent crimes (sex crimes, child molesters, etc.) and I stand by my beliefs. Yet, right here, you're showcasing a situation that from what I recall didn't even warrant incarceration. I wonder how many on this forum have either been arrested or have a friend, family member or loved one that was arrested? This is why I say 'you mind your store and I'll mind mine'.

With respect to all, Professor Joe Shuras
Sorry, forgot this one. Gary, in all honesty, the editing of the interview was a correction that was initially brought to light on this forum by KenpoJoe Rebelo. Joe told me about it at Nick Cerio's Legacy Memorial and said he was going to post on it. He noticed the mistake, probably due to accent, Trejo mistaken for Trias. I believe that would go along the lines of something like a 'typo' but it certainly didn't have any malicious intent. It was a correction.

Take care & be safe, Prof. Joe
As far as the actions taken in FL, if his students are comfortable following the leader.....

it is a thorny issue when you get up and statrt waving your "credintials" around. At first I said he might be a hell of a teacher, you never know. Does he give martial arts a black eye, yes-but its allright cuz he's not the only one

Is there a schedual for Mr Gascones Tour??

This thread has pretty much run its course
The Kai said:
As far as the actions taken in FL, if his students are comfortable following the leader.....

it is a thorny issue when you get up and statrt waving your "credintials" around. At first I said he might be a hell of a teacher, you never know. Does he give martial arts a black eye, yes-but its allright cuz he's not the only one

Is there a schedual for Mr Gascones Tour??

This thread has pretty much run its course
Hi Kai and all,

Joe that was a good one and thanks for the follow up on my thoughts...

Now for you guys that want to close this...If they had, we would not have received the last couple of good posts...So lets let it run some more, only with a civility that should always be there...

Regards, Gary
Karazenpo said:
I wonder how many on this forum have either been arrested or have a friend, family member or loved one that was arrested? This is why I say 'you mind your store and I'll mind mine'.

With respect to all, Professor Joe Shuras

You got me. I did a few years. :uhyeah: Of course I know you're not wondering about me but this is not the first time that I've talked about this and I think it's important for people to know that some people have done some things that others would not do. But they are still good people in their hearts and thats what matters.

I'm not shy about where I've been. I always tell it straight. But I'm not a felon and thats the good news and I haven't had a drink or anything else for a long time. That was another life.

But I also recognize to some, I will always be guilty. Their ignorance, not mine.

My old instructor used to be a pretty wild guy and apparrently he's become a respected martial artist. I guess rehabilitation works for some.
You're Brother, Jim
akja said:
You got me. I did a few years. :uhyeah: Of course I know you're not wondering about me but this is not the first time that I've talked about this and I think it's important for people to know that some people have done some things that others would not do. But they are still good people in their hearts and thats what matters.

I'm not shy about where I've been. I always tell it straight. But I'm not a felon and thats the good news and I haven't had a drink or anything else for a long time. That was another life.

But I also recognize to some, I will always be guilty. Their ignorance, not mine.

My old instructor used to be a pretty wild guy and apparrently he's become a respected martial artist. I guess rehabilitation works for some.
You're Brother, Jim

Thank you Jim. You are stand up guy but I've already told you that before. It takes a lot of 'moxie' to come on this forum and say what you did. We've all made mistakes and we've all done things we regret and would have done differently if given another chance. I never, ever pass judgement on things like that, UNLESS, well you know, the really bad crimes I mentioned earlier, not misjudgements, the fog of youth or just the stupid things we do as human beings. If that was the case, none of us would be teaching at all, lol. Jim, my old instructor was a hell raiser too but also settled down and it was the martial arts that did it for him. He'd be the first to say it. I hear ya, brother. The other question about Sijo Sonny Gascon's schedule. As soon as I get it I'll let you guys know, so far it's set for May. With respect, 'Brother Joe'
Karazenpo said:
Thank you Jim. You are stand up guy but I've already told you that before. It takes a lot of 'moxie' to come on this forum and say what you did. We've all made mistakes and we've all done things we regret and would have done differently if given another chance. I never, ever pass judgement on things like that, UNLESS, well you know, the really bad crimes I mentioned earlier, not misjudgements, the fog of youth or just the stupid things we do as human beings. If that was the case, none of us would be teaching at all, lol. Jim, my old instructor was a hell raiser too but also settled down and it was the martial arts that did it for him. He'd be the first to say it. I hear ya, brother. The other question about Sijo Sonny Gascon's schedule. As soon as I get it I'll let you guys know, so far it's set for May. With respect, 'Brother Joe'

Thanx, Bro! You know considering how close "Brother John" is and the fact that he probably knows most of my old friends, it's more likely that I'll meet him first. But I really would like to meet you too!

My oldest daughter lives in Providence. Not sure how far away you are from there and I've haven't made it there yet but I am headed there sooner or later hopefully sooner.
Brother Jim :asian:
akja said:
Thanx, Bro! You know considering how close "Brother John" is and the fact that he probably knows most of my old friends, it's more likely that I'll meet him first. But I really would like to meet you too!

My oldest daughter lives in Providence. Not sure how far away you are from there and I've haven't made it there yet but I am headed there sooner or later hopefully sooner.
Brother Jim :asian:

You're welcome, Bro! Providence is only about 35 minutes from my home, I have trained in that area over the years. Sounds good! Take care, Bro Joe
Well, things don't sit still in the world of the youngest 10th degree in US history. Here's his latest from the new and revised Chapter 19:

"In October 2004 I received my sixth-degree black belt in Tenshi Goju Kai from Hanshi Lou Angel. When I asked him what I would need to do to get promoted from sixth to seventh degree in his style, he told me I would need to start teaching his style to some of my students. I began teaching Tenshi Goju Kai to about 10 to 15 students in December of 2004.
After a year went by it became apparent that most of my students who were studying Hanshi Angel’s style were not impressed by it. As time went on, the number of students dropped steadily until only two remained in the program. During the winter of 2005 I asked Hanshi Angel, “How long do I need to be teaching Tenshi Goju Kai to get my seventh-degree black belt in your system?”, thinking to myself, “This isn’t going to last very long.” Hanshi Angel said that he wanted to see a couple of my students be promoted to black belt in his system.
In the spring of 2006 I called Hanshi Angel and explained that two of my students had almost finished their training and would be ready to test for black belt in his system in the summer. I asked him, “What will I need to do when we get to that point?” He told me that he wanted to wait a while longer to promote me to Seventh Dan in his system, because the people whom he had promoted to seventh degree and higher in his system had been training with him for a couple of decades. I was under the impression that some of these people may have been upset when he had promoted me to Sixth Dan because they thought he was promoting me too fast. To keep them from getting even more upset, in his NCMA newsletter he had told everyone that it had taken me a year to master his system, even though it had actually taken me about 90 days.
If Hanshi Angel had let me know from the beginning that he was planning to promote me to Seventh Dan after I had been teaching his system for a very long time, I could have accepted that fact. But he hadn’t given me any timetable of how long it would take, so all this time I had been teaching an art that I never wanted to teach and sending him the money for the promotions. I was starting to feel like I was being manipulated.
Shortly before this conversation took place, I had begun to make arrangements for Hanshi Angel to come to Omaha to do a seminar. I put information up on my website, and he put information on his website, but very few people were signing up. Hanshi Angel had done two previous seminars in Omaha, and I got the feeling that the people who had attended didn’t see any point in going to a third seminar.
When I talked with Hanshi Angel about the fact that not many people were signing up for the seminar, I suggested that maybe more people would be interested if he would make the seminar longer than two hours. Most presenters would have given more instruction in return for being paid $1000. I thought a longer seminar might make people feel like they would be getting more instruction for their money. Hanshi Angel got defensive, and he refused to teach for more than two hours and then said that he didn’t want to come anymore. To pay his fee plus meals, gas for his car, and hotel expenses if he decided to stay over in Omaha, I knew that I would need to have quite a few people pay a good amount of money to attend the seminar; however, having a good turnout didn’t seem likely. The bottom line was that my students had not been all that impressed with him, and that’s why they were not willing to pay the money.
Around the same time, the NCMA membership fee for regular members was raised from $25 to $30 per year. For that amount of money, people were getting a membership certificate and access to his online newsletter about twice a year. (Hanshi Angel would e-mail the school owners to let them know that the newsletter was up on his website so they could tell the NCMA members in their school to log on and read it.) He wouldn’t even print out a copy and mail it to the members. The fee for the NCMA’s school charter program also went up from $75 to $100 per year. If you had a school and you wanted to be in the NCMA and get promoted, it was apparent that you had to be part of the school charter program. In addition to paying $100, each school had to have at least 10 students signed up as NCMA members for $30 per year. I was able to get enough people to sign up, but I felt as though they were only doing it as a favor to me, not because they believed they were getting any benefits. I started feeling bad for these people, and that’s when I began to seriously question whether I wanted to stay in the NCMA. I knew that Hanshi Angel had done a lot for me by promoting me and serving as my advisor and instructor, but I didn’ t want my students to be stuck paying for something that had no value to them. I sent my NCMA membership renewal to Hanshi Angel in June 2006, because my NCMA membership term lasted from July 1 to June 30. The only reason I did this was because I wanted the Tenshi students to test out for their black belts in Tenshi Goju Kai, which I planned for them to do in the first part of August 2006.
By July 2006 I was getting the distinct feeling that Hanshi Angel was stringing me along. It seemed like he was counting on the fact that I would stay in his organization and keep paying membership fees for many years so I could eventually get my seventh-degree black belt in his system and continue to be promoted in mine. In other words, he was planning to hold rank over my head year after year. When I first met Lou Angel I’d had so much respect for the man. I hated the thought that he was putting money ahead of everything else, similar to my experience with Nick Cerio’s organization.
All this being said from a guy (Geary) that has never physically passed a Dan Rank test!!

Cerio failed him twice for Shodan, then on the third test he passed him based on his character and gave him a probationary shodan that expired in one calender year. Geary never made it a year so he never got a shot to test for a REAL Shodan.

This guy is to much!!! Master a system in 90 days... lmao!!!!

WOW!!! Even more proof that this guy is full of it! He moves like a kyu rank. And, what is up with his kiai and his cat stance after every tech? Most masters that I have witnessed never kiai the same way twice. You only see that with kyu ranks....

Um... yeah... sure... he moves like one of my students - who is a 12 year-old girl, about 80 pounds dripping wet, and a green belt (6th gup) - who knows every technique he demonstrated except the gun (because I don't give guns - even fake guns - to gup ranks) - and can use them against adults, without having to trip one attacker over the other to make him go down.
It also is poor form to criticize openly about other instructors (naming names), especially former ones. Great way to sow sour grapes....
Master a system in 90 days... lmao!!!!

Well it's no wonder that his students wouldn't be impressed by someone like Lou Angel after seing Geary move. :lfao:

I wonder if he "Mastered" it as well as he did SKK?
Um... yeah... sure... he moves like one of my students - who is a 12 year-old girl, about 80 pounds dripping wet, and a green belt (6th gup) - who knows every technique he demonstrated except the gun (because I don't give guns - even fake guns - to gup ranks) - and can use them against adults, without having to trip one attacker over the other to make him go down.

And somehow Kacey, I think your Gup knows you can't master a system in 90 days...just a hunch though :rofl:

Kacey's Gup vs. CNG in a match.

My money's on Kacey's student. :D :D :D
And somehow Kacey, I think your Gup knows you can't master a system in 90 days...just a hunch though :rofl:

Kacey's Gup vs. CNG in a match.

My money's on Kacey's student. :D :D :D

Damn. I can't even ask whether it's sparring or forms, because it wouldn't matter.
What is next for Mr geary? a 13th degree?? Unskilled and ready to show it to the world.