I work with a gun toting idiot.


Senior Master
MT Mentor
Oct 26, 2003
Reaction score
Springfield, Missouri
So I'm at work today, and this guy starts bragging about the unregistered firearms he owns. Now, I'm all for firearms, and I'm completely against registration of any kind, but bragging about how you're breaking the law is just dumb. Making sure that everyone around knows how you own multiple firearms which you have failed to register in accordance with state law is stupid. Especially when you are doing it to impress the people around you with how tough you are.

I let the people around me know I own guns, and that my wife knows how to use them. I make vague comments at work about how my wife and I have practiced defending our home against intruders. I do it not to impress anyone, but so that the casual aquaintances around me have some idea that my home and my wife are not easy targets. I'm not against that.

What I'm against is bragging about how you're flouting the law so that you can impress the people around you. It's stupid and dangerous, and probably a lie. Behaving in that fashion can get you in trouble.

When he started bragging about how he liked to carry his gun tucked into the back of his pants so everyone could see he was armed I had to leave the room.

Bragging about an "Mexican" carry of an unregistered firearm. Holy Hannah that guy is a motard. :rolleyes:

The guy is the kind of bloody idiot that gives the rest of us (those of us that are interested in self-protection, whether we are gun owners or not) a bad name.

Its also enough to make you wonder if that guy will make one of the Darwin awards list in the future.
Just in case I'm misunderstanding something...

There is no requirement for any type of firearm registration in Missouri (except for NFA items). The only licensing is for those who wish to carry concealed. Is that what you're talking about...that he is carrying concealed w/o a CCW?

That aside...this guy definitely sounds like a total idiot.
Yeah he does sound stupid. However, personally I don't tell casual aquaintances anything about whether I have firearms or not. Nor do I tell them how much martial arts I've studied or anything else. If the subject comes up I usually willl respond with, "Well, I don't know how many of know this or not, but I'm a master of mexican judo." and generally they ask, "mexican judo?" and I respond with, " Yeah ju don't know I gotta knife, ju don't know I got a gun." and laugh, and everybody else laughs and we have a good time. Otherwise I'll tell them, " Nah, I quit carrying a gun when I learned to kill a man with my bare hands." :) I usually get some good laughs from that one, but I never tell a cop that, I did once when I was 21 and thought I was gonna' go to jail for that joke. LOL! I don't make it a habit to tell people I don't know what I have and don't have. Matter of fact, I don't have any of those things, and feel that I need them. I've two big german shepherds, there ain't nobody getting in my yard, much less my house unless they kill my dogs, and I don't forsee that happening in the middle of the night. You can't see the monsters, as there both black, so I feel secure at night.
So I'm at work today, and this guy starts bragging about the unregistered firearms he owns. Now, I'm all for firearms, and I'm completely against registration of any kind, but bragging about how you're breaking the law is just dumb. Making sure that everyone around knows how you own multiple firearms which you have failed to register in accordance with state law is stupid. Especially when you are doing it to impress the people around you with how tough you are.

I let the people around me know I own guns, and that my wife knows how to use them. I make vague comments at work about how my wife and I have practiced defending our home against intruders. I do it not to impress anyone, but so that the casual aquaintances around me have some idea that my home and my wife are not easy targets. I'm not against that.

What I'm against is bragging about how you're flouting the law so that you can impress the people around you. It's stupid and dangerous, and probably a lie. Behaving in that fashion can get you in trouble.

When he started bragging about how he liked to carry his gun tucked into the back of his pants so everyone could see he was armed I had to leave the room.


Carrying an unregistered firearm concealed???That guy sounds like a real tool...Announcing that you're packing is similar to announcing that you hold a blackbelt in some discipline, there is always going to be someone that challenges...
Just in case I'm misunderstanding something...

There is no requirement for any type of firearm registration in Missouri (except for NFA items). The only licensing is for those who wish to carry concealed. Is that what you're talking about...that he is carrying concealed w/o a CCW?

That aside...this guy definitely sounds like a total idiot.

Tex, I am glad you got this down. The registration of firearms is one of the things we are fighting right now.
My father told me this story avec bon accent when I was young to teach a lesson about reputation:

One day the famous and wealthy Pierre went to his doctor and said

"Doctor, I am depressed"

"Why are you depress? You have money. Little children know your name."

"Yes doctor, but it is this way. When I am a young man I build roads. I do not build one road. I do not build ten roads. It is only when I build hundred road that they call me 'Pierre the Road Builder'."

"So you have worked hard and become well known. Why are you sad?"

"Then, when I am master of my trade I begin to build ships. I do not build ten ships. I do not build hundred ships. When I build thousand ships I am 'Pierre Ship Builder'."

"I still do not understand, Pierre. You are known far and wide for building roads AND ships. You have wealth and comfort. Why should you be depressed?"

"Ah, doctor, but let Pierre suck one little *****"

There aren't thousands of responsible people with guns. There aren't hundreds of thousands of responsible people with guns. There are millions of responsible people with guns. All it takes is one like this clown to confirm every prejudice.

By the bye, registering regular guns is not required in Missouri. If they're automatic weapons, grenade launchers, sawed off shotguns or similar, then there are Federal requirements. But run of the mill pistols and long arms? No. Carrying one in public requires a license. If he's carrying without a license he could really use a visit from the police. This ***-hat is a menace to public safety.

The usual rule is that guns are like underwear. Most of us wear it. But we don't let it show. And particulars of our underwear don't normally come up in polite conversation. Someome who insists on talking about his underwear with strangers or co-workers is at least a bit creepy.
Just in case I'm misunderstanding something...

There is no requirement for any type of firearm registration in Missouri (except for NFA items). The only licensing is for those who wish to carry concealed. Is that what you're talking about...that he is carrying concealed w/o a CCW?

That aside...this guy definitely sounds like a total idiot.

You're right, there isn't any requirement to register ownership but their is a requirement to register purchase. He was bragging about aquiring the firearms illegally, so that the government wouldn't know. Ooooohhh. Scary....

This guy sounds clueless. Unless he's going to walk around with in his hand, it doesn't do him much good in his belt. He'll probably get the crap beat out of him and get it taken away. Would serve him right.
You're right, there isn't any requirement to register ownership but their is a requirement to register purchase. He was bragging about aquiring the firearms illegally, so that the government wouldn't know. Ooooohhh. Scary....


Illegally, how, exactly? If he purchased them used, then there is (typically) no requirement to register their purchase-though this may differ in Missouri, I don't know. I do know that in most places, you can sell or purchase a firearm as a private citizen, to or from another private citizen, and there is no obligation to record that purchase anywhere. It's how a lot of us wind up having "unregistered" firearms. Of course, they were registered, at the time of their original purchase-they're just not registered to their current owners. All imperfectly legal......
Illegally, how, exactly? If he purchased them used, then there is (typically) no requirement to register their purchase-though this may differ in Missouri, I don't know. I do know that in most places, you can sell or purchase a firearm as a private citizen, to or from another private citizen, and there is no obligation to record that purchase anywhere. It's how a lot of us wind up having "unregistered" firearms. Of course, they were registered, at the time of their original purchase-they're just not registered to their current owners. All imperfectly legal......

Exactly. Unless you live in occupied territory such as, oh, say, my fair and perfect(ly retarded) home state that has individual gun registration the only paperwork you fill out at the dealer is the federal form 4473.

They can prove an individual *purchased* a firearm on a given date but cannot determine whether they *still possess* it.

In the particular case of our friend with the death wish as outlined in the particular post, I would consider him enough of a 5150 (CA police code for "dangerous to self and others") to rat him out. I would expect the same damn thing done to me if I boasted about carrying, especially in open violation of the law. What kind of person boasts about things like that? No one who should be carrying, for damnsure.

I'm gonna come right out and say it, however unpopular it makes me, there's more at stake than my popularity, this guy is self destructing the entire image we work so hard to present to those who do not Understand The Problem.

I'm telling you:

Rat him out.

Before he does anything else or creates any other accident which his behavior is bound to lead to. Get this guy shut down before his negligence or idiocy gets an innocent killed and makes it just that much worse for us.

Flame away.
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This guy sounds clueless. Unless he's going to walk around with in his hand, it doesn't do him much good in his belt. He'll probably get the crap beat out of him and get it taken away. Would serve him right.

And runs the risk of having it used against him...
You're right, there isn't any requirement to register ownership but their is a requirement to register purchase. He was bragging about aquiring the firearms illegally, so that the government wouldn't know. Ooooohhh. Scary....
There is no requirement to register purchase either. There is the NICS check (Form 4473) but that's only required when purchasing firearms from a licensed dealer and is not required on private transfers.
There used to be a "Permit to acquire a handgun" (which is, I will admit, de facto registration). However, that requirement was repealed in August of last year. Even when it was in effect, it only applied to handguns purchased within the state, not to those owned by someone who moved from another state (and when it came to private transfers it was unenforceable ;))

I'm not trying to make a big deal out of this...I just jump on this one when I hear it because I hate the fact that many people in the general public are conditioned to think that all guns are/should be registered. They are usually surprised to find out that they are not and do not need to be (in most states anyway). I guess it comes from watching too many stupid cop shows and action movies.

...No. Carrying one in public requires a license. If he's carrying without a license he could really use a visit from the police. This ***-hat is a menace to public safety.
I do not agree that carrying a firearm without a license is, in and of itself, evidence that the person is a "menace to public safety." I know several people who possess a very high level of skill and training and are the epitome of responsibility and professionalism. Unfortunately, they happen to live in states that do not allow them to carry a firearm legally. Does violating an oppressive law in order to be prepared to defend oneself make one a menace to society?
At any rate, it's definitely a stupid thing to disclose...If you're going to do it, STFU so you don't attract attention. This guy apparently isn't smart enough to figure that out.
There is no requirement to register purchase either. There is the NICS check (Form 4473) but that's only required when purchasing firearms from a licensed dealer and is not required on private transfers.
There used to be a "Permit to acquire a handgun" (which is, I will admit, de facto registration). However, that requirement was repealed in August of last year. Even when it was in effect, it only applied to handguns purchased within the state, not to those owned by someone who moved from another state (and when it came to private transfers it was unenforceable ;))

I'm not trying to make a big deal out of this...I just jump on this one when I hear it because I hate the fact that many people in the general public are conditioned to think that all guns are/should be registered. They are usually surprised to find out that they are not and do not need to be (in most states anyway). I guess it comes from watching too many stupid cop shows and action movies.

I do not agree that carrying a firearm without a license is, in and of itself, evidence that the person is a "menace to public safety." I know several people who possess a very high level of skill and training and are the epitome of responsibility and professionalism. Unfortunately, they happen to live in states that do not allow them to carry a firearm legally. Does violating an oppressive law in order to be prepared to defend oneself make one a menace to society?
At any rate, it's definitely a stupid thing to disclose...If you're going to do it, STFU so you don't attract attention. This guy apparently isn't smart enough to figure that out.

Ok, now I understand our confusion. I purchased my last handgun several years ago, when you were still required to apply for a permit to acquire. I didn't realize they had repealed that, and when I looked into it on the internet the information I found still showed it as a requirement.

So when he purchased the guns, he failed to apply for the permit, but now you don't need one. Does that apply retroactively? Could he still be prosecuted for having failed to apply when it was still a requirement?

Ok, now I understand our confusion. I purchased my last handgun several years ago, when you were still required to apply for a permit to acquire. I didn't realize they had repealed that, and when I looked into it on the internet the information I found still showed it as a requirement.

So when he purchased the guns, he failed to apply for the permit, but now you don't need one. Does that apply retroactively? Could he still be prosecuted for having failed to apply when it was still a requirement?


To my knowledge, it's as if it never existed...so no I don't think he could be prosecuted (at least I hope people can't be prosecuted for that ;)). And, from what I remember, it was only a misdemeanor offense so even if it doesn't apply retroactively, the statute of limitations is probably up).
Ok, now I understand our confusion. I purchased my last handgun several years ago, when you were still required to apply for a permit to acquire. I didn't realize they had repealed that, and when I looked into it on the internet the information I found still showed it as a requirement.

So when he purchased the guns, he failed to apply for the permit, but now you don't need one. Does that apply retroactively? Could he still be prosecuted for having failed to apply when it was still a requirement?


It does not apply, the Tiahrt Ammendment got rid of any laws of this type, along with that stupid AWB.
And I agree with Tex, if you are going to carry you need to be quiet about it. The first guy that gets sgot by the BG is the one that poses the biggest threat. In most cases, that is the guy with a gun.
When he started bragging about how he liked to carry his gun tucked into the back of his pants so everyone could see he was armed I had to leave the room.


Evil thought--I hope he prefers small-of-back carry and gets tripped/thrown on his back( The uninitiated will scratch their heads, but the wise willl understand).*Evil grin*