I stopped TKD


Yellow Belt
Jun 16, 2005
Reaction score
I stopped TKD because of financial reasons and I miss the art. Now I am doing breakdancing because it somehow reminds me of TKD days. I just practice by myself now and then but I have no training partner and school gets in the way and its really sad on my part. Did anybody here had to stop practicing martial arts because of money and how did you deal with it?
I stopped for other reasons but missed it terribly. Once its in your blood...
Maybe you can talk with your instructor or the owner of the school where you went. He might want to cut you a deal or even sponsor you if you help out at the school. I know our master trades for cleaning the dojang. So who knows? TW
Many people that have practiced the arts for a long time have stopped at one point or another. Financial reasons are probasbly high on the list. I'm going to agree with TigerWoman on this one. Talk to your instructor and see if you can't work something out. We do it at our school all the time.
pony-kicker if you talk to your instructor and open up like you have here I would bet he would find the way to let you train, by either doing chores around the dojang. A student that misses the art can always find a school that will let him train for duties.
After 6 years of karate, i stopped all martial arts for 2 years, miserable. Now i've been back into it for almost 2 years, and im loving it lol. And yeah i dont have to pay tuition ...because i clean the dojang, and teach 1 night a week. Ask your instructer for a deal :) when there's a will theres a way!!!

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