Hotel California.


Senior Master
Dec 7, 2015
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It's not a lovely place, and there are no lovely faces. I was there because I had voluntarily checked myself in. I had grown tired of the stresses at home and decided I needed a break.

That was a big mistake as that place was dangerous and downright disturbing. They didn't let me leave even though I had checked myself in because I was apparently "a danger to myself and others." So there I was in a room with a bunch of people, one arguing with himself, one twitching. One women was having a conversation with her grandmother who is obviously not there.

The staff was very bleak, like they had not sleeped in who knows how long. Many had long faces and approached us all with a "let's get this over with" kind of attitude. One person had gotten violent with me when all I did was ask him if he was ok. He choked me and shoved me against the wall, this caught me very of gaurd.

I had dropped my elbow/ and weight on his hand breaking the grip, and with my right I punched him in the mouth. Next thing I know security is up our assholes and we are taken to seperate rooms. I kept explaining that I was only defending myself but they didn't listen to a thing I said.

They gave me something called Ativan and it made me sleepy, I didn't want fall asleep though because this place wasn't safe. One of the nurses was nice and kept telling me to stop fighting it and just relax.

How the hell are you supposed to relax in that sort of environment though? Honestly this experience really changed me for the better. It showed me that when you toss people in a confined space and not let them leave, ugly things happen. It doesn't take a lot for people to be reduced to animals.

I guess the point of all of this is a warning to people, do not ever go to a place like this. They won't help you, they are not safe and rarely will anyone give a single damn about you. If you need to talk to someone speak to a friend, if you need a break go for a drive or a friend's place. These institutions are more of a punishment than a place designed to help anyone.
It's not a lovely place, and there are no lovely faces. I was there because I had voluntarily checked myself in. I had grown tired of the stresses at home and decided I needed a break.

That was a big mistake as that place was dangerous and downright disturbing. They didn't let me leave even though I had checked myself in because I was apparently "a danger to myself and others." So there I was in a room with a bunch of people, one arguing with himself, one twitching. One women was having a conversation with her grandmother who is obviously not there.

The staff was very bleak, like they had not sleeped in who knows how long. Many had long faces and approached us all with a "let's get this over with" kind of attitude. One person had gotten violent with me when all I did was ask him if he was ok. He choked me and shoved me against the wall, this caught me very of gaurd.

I had dropped my elbow/ and weight on his hand breaking the grip, and with my right I punched him in the mouth. Next thing I know security is up our assholes and we are taken to seperate rooms. I kept explaining that I was only defending myself but they didn't listen to a thing I said.

They gave me something called Ativan and it made me sleepy, I didn't want fall asleep though because this place wasn't safe. One of the nurses was nice and kept telling me to stop fighting it and just relax.

How the hell are you supposed to relax in that sort of environment though? Honestly this experience really changed me for the better. It showed me that when you toss people in a confined space and not let them leave, ugly things happen. It doesn't take a lot for people to be reduced to animals.

I guess the point of all of this is a warning to people, do not ever go to a place like this. They won't help you, they are not safe and rarely will anyone give a single damn about you. If you need to talk to someone speak to a friend, if you need a break go for a drive or a friend's place. These institutions are more of a punishment than a place designed to help anyone.
Hmmm, after a particularly nasty event in my life I ended up in such a place for a month, it was apart from the after shock of the event a very pleasurable experiance,

Long hot summer nights say in the garden with some playing guitar, a games room with pool and table tennis, a weight room, good company, I made three long term friends, who looked after me whilst I couldn't look after my self, chess tournaments scramble tournaments Quizzes,get up when you want, go and sit in the garden, then organise a a pool knock out, work out a plan for smuggling contraband in, they had a,down on coffee , late night feasts with food ordered and paid for by my new friends, oh and the Olympics was on, so that filled a few hours,

All in all I've had a lot worse holidays, I was Gutted when they said I could leave, id have happily spent another month, I used to go and do a load of pull up before my nightly medical to send my heart rate soaring, so I could stay longer
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Hmmm, after a particularly nasty event in my life I ended up in such a place for a month, it was apart from the after shock of the event a very pleasurable experiance,

Long hot summer nights say in the garden with some playing guitar, a games room with pool and table tennis, a weight room, good company, I made three long term friends, who looked after me whilst I couldn't look after my self, chess tournaments scramble tournaments Quizzes,get up when you want, go and sit in the garden, then organise a a pool knock out, work out a plan for smuggling contraband in, they had a,down on coffee , late night feasts with food ordered and paid for by my new friends, oh and the Olympics was on, so that filled a few hours,

All in all I've had a lot worse holidays, I was Gutted when they said I could leave, id have happily spent another month, I used to go and do a load of pull up before my nightly medical to send my heart rate soaring, so I could stay longer

Well the differences here are night and day. This one was for one very small, it was also pretty dirty, the "meals" were ramen noodles and pathetic sandwiches that had one slice of bolonga and nothing else. There weren't even beds or rooms, we all had to sleep in recliner chairs all together. The only luxary I can think of was we all shared a television.
Well the differences here are night and day. This one was for one very small, it was also pretty dirty, the "meals" were ramen noodles and pathetic sandwiches that had one slice of bolonga and nothing else. There weren't even beds or rooms, we all had to sleep in recliner chairs all together. The only luxary I can think of was we all shared a television.
The food was pants,and not enough to feed an 8yo, they seemed to have a infinite supply of bread rolls and tangerines, so I survived on them till someone ordered a Chinese banquet and offered to share, the only conflict was over who had control of the tv remote, once we had established that was me, or rather once we had establish that the second smaller tv room was mine,then conflict stopped,

The people where all, odd, as you might exspect, but mostly nice odd, the nOise at night took a bit of getting used to, but when I came out, I could sleep with out the knocking banging screaming and other row, we went allowed pencils, which makes playing scramble a challenge, so we had to sMuggle one in and hide it with the coffee,
That may be why. I'm in America, your countries mental health facilities may be better, but that is just my guess. I could have possibly got put it in a bad one.
I'm guessing it's a mental health place and haven't got much to say about it I have no idea but well you're annoyed you got put into another room.....well you had a fight with a guy who's mentally ill what do you think they're going to do. It probably would've been best if you broke the choke then stepped away and if he'd come back maybe hit with a body shot or a front kick to keep him away.
I'm guessing it's a mental health place and haven't got much to say about it I have no idea but well you're annoyed you got put into another room.....well you had a fight with a guy who's mentally ill what do you think they're going to do. It probably would've been best if you broke the choke then stepped away and if he'd come back maybe hit with a body shot or a front kick to keep him away.

He held me against the wall. So I did what I did.
Yes offence but everywhere you go you seem to get into fights it seems...just an observation

That's not true. I went to a flea market the other day and did not get into any fights. I went to the beach and had friendly chats with people and jogged, over all I had a good time. I tagged along with my friends to a pride event because I support the LGBT, and no fights happened there. A drag queen did give me some funny looks though, maybe it was just his her makeup idk, but the point is no fighting.

I have been working on changing with the help of my therapists and psychologists to be a better person.
You should stay away from place that send out negative energy.

- Get up to a mountain top and watch sunset.
- Sit on the beach and watch tide.
But not if the tides coming in...then you'll have even more stress lol
You should stay away from place that send out negative energy.

- Get up to a mountain top and watch sunset.
- Sit on the beach and watch tide.
Nether of those are wise places if your feeling suicidal, best not to hand out at the train station either
But not if the tides coming in...then you'll have even more stress lol
When I feel stress, I'll run on the beach. When I'm running, I'll repeat "enjoy my life" in my mind over and over.

Life is too short to feel stress. A 30 years old guy told me that he felt depress. I told him that I'll pay everything I have to be 30 years old again.

Most of the time, we only see what we don't have. We don't see what we already have. If we can see, walk, eat, sleep and without body pain. We are already in heaven.
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Nether of those are wise places if your feeling suicidal, best not to hand out at the train station either
One day I was on the Mountain Constitution in Orcas Island, Puget Sound. There was a sign that said a guy had cancer and his doctor told him that he only had 6 months to live. Not only he had spent 6 months on that island, he had lived a long healthy life after that. All his body cancer cells were gone in that beautiful environment.

Next time if you visit Puget Sound Orcas Island, make sure you visit the Mountain Constitution with 360 degree ocean view. A positive place can give you positive energy.

One day I was on the Mountain Constitution in Orcas Island, Puget Sound. There was a sign that said a guy had cancer and his doctor told him that he only had 6 months to live. Not only he had spent 6 months on that island, he had lived a long healthy life after that. All his body cancer cells were gone in that beautiful environment.

Next time if you visit Puget Sound Orcas Island, make sure you visit the Mountain Constitution with 360 degree ocean view. A positive place can give you positive energy.

Hmm, good views kill cancer, I'm sure suffers will be delighted to hear that, who needs kemo,?
Hmm, good views kill cancer, I'm sure suffers will be delighted to hear that, who needs kemo,?
Kemo not only kill cancer cell, it also lower you immune system. Happiness can enhance your immune system. Strong immune system kill cancer cells.

We all have cancer cell in our body. When our immune system is strong, we won't have any problem.
Kemo not only kill cancer cell, it also lower you immune system. Happiness can enhance your immune system. Strong immune system kill cancer cells.

We all have cancer cell in our body. When our immune system is strong, we won't have any problem.
That is complete nonsense, now it's only unhappy people who get cancer, ? what about all those happy children who get cancer ?

You will be saying it's all goD's will next, or maybe chi!
Kemo not only kill cancer cell, it also lower you immune system. Happiness can enhance your immune system. Strong immune system kill cancer cells.

We all have cancer cell in our body. When our immune system is strong, we won't have any problem.
What you say is true, but it’s not the entire story.

It’s all in the genes IMO.

A childhood friend started smoking cigarettes at 15 years old. He was otherwise pretty healthy and a happy guy. He died of smoking related lung cancer a week before his 21st birthday.

Another childhood friend’s grandfather smoked 2 packs of Pall Mall cigarettes and drank a bottle of ouzo a day. Other than his military days, he was what I’d call a sedentary guy. He died a very healthy 102 year old man.

Those are extremes, but how some things easily kill some people and have virtually no ill effects on others comes down to one thing in my opinion - genes. Some people’s bodies fight everything and anything off, others’ can’t handle it.

My father eats an extremely low bad cholesterol diet. He eats significantly better than I do. At 70, he’s been on blood pressure and cholesterol medicine for almost 40 years. And none of them have been very effective. His liver naturally produces dangerously high levels of cholesterol. I don’t remember exactly what my cholesterol numbers are, other than “textbook perfect” according to my doc. And they haven’t budged for 20 years, regardless of how good or bad shape I’ve been in.

It’s all in the genes.