having trouble aquiring a six pack


Black Belt
Feb 4, 2009
Reaction score
san ysidro
i try to work at my abs as much as i can , and that section of my body does feel hard and has become very important to me for many reasons ( ki ) other than just trying to have a six pack but wheres it at ?

must be those weekend goodies i indulge in ...
i try to work at my abs as much as i can , and that section of my body does feel hard and has become very important to me for many reasons ( ki ) other than just trying to have a six pack but wheres it at ?

must be those weekend goodies i indulge in ...

You can do ab exercises until you're blue in the face, but if your diet sucks, you'll have nothing but hard abs under layers of fat. Start with diet and lots of cardio first. With time, the abs will show. And please...don't buy into the fancy machines or other gimmicks. There is no magic solution. Its hard work, hard work and more hard work.
another question with in this one , will the wey protein interfere with ab workout or in trying to attain a six pack :angel:
another question with in this one , will the wey protein interfere with ab workout or in trying to attain a six pack :angel:

I don't think so. One thing that you should keep in mind....I notice that in this thread and in another, you're talking about supplements. Please keep in mind, again, that there are NO magic solutions, no magic pills, no magic powder, no magic machines. I dont give a crap what the TV commercials say, there is nothing but hard work involved. Sure, the supplements, gadgets, etc. will help, to a point, but you need to do work, hard work, yourself. The supplements, just like doing a ton of ab exercises, will be pretty much useless, if you're eating crap.

My suggestion would be to talk to a personal trainer or someone who can set you up with a proper workout plan, designed to meet your goals, as well as a meal plan, also to meet the goals you want. Yes, that matters too, because depending on what your goals are, you need to base what and how much you eat on that as well.
To see a 6 pack the average male needs to get his body fat below 11% to see them clearly you are talking more like 8%

And although I do not know what abs exercises you are doing simply doing crunches won't do it.
If I might add...genetically not every man is capable of eliminating enough stomach fat to show abs this way.

It isn't JUST a matter of hard work, it's also a question of whether you can EVER achieve what you're looking for.
Absolutely agree with JDenver. Genetics can vary a lot, even among family members.
The thing about getting a six pack is diet not more exorcises, proper diet will allow the six pack to show other wise you are just rock hard with a layer of fat, like me.
When it comes to getting a six pack it all comes down to one thing, the intake/output equation.

If you burn more then you take in, you will lean out and your bas MAY show. Start writing down eveything you take in and decide how many calories it comes up to. Then get your butt moving. Work your legs more when it comes to strength training, they are your calorie burners. Also perform HIIT and mix it up on the type of cardio you do. 20-30 minutes 2x per day. This is my professional opinion.
The thing about getting a six pack is diet not more exorcises, proper diet will allow the six pack to show other wise you are just rock hard with a layer of fat, like me.

Sigh, and me.

Starving myself down to 11% body fat just doesn't give me a happy-joy-joy feeling. Being hungry makes my tummy hurt :D
Everyone alredy has a six pack. Just like someone has already mentioned, you need to remove the fat over the muscles. The only way to do this is to eat less and move more. You have to melt away the fat to see the six pack. There is not ab exercise alone that you can do make your ab muscles pop over your fat, just not going to happen.

Start running and eat less. Eat what you normally eat but just less of it, and move more, so start running.
Hello, ....Yes six-packs...is all about body fat...we agree here...

Look at any muscle building magazines...and see what those guys eat?

Same amount of food as most "birds" eat! Lesson here is "eat like a bird"

Our "six-packis" is in the refrigerator.....and we can bring it out anytime...NO efforts' ...Note: diet Pepsi..

Don't look at me, I live in a dry county. :angel:

(Sorry, couldn't resist.)
use the whey to substitute for a meal or 2 less calories and fat coming into the body and cardio should see results in 6-8 weeks.
use the whey to substitute for a meal or 2 less calories and fat coming into the body and cardio should see results in 6-8 weeks.

Bad advice - nutrients are still important or you'll send the body into starvation mode and he will pack the fat on.

They make whey based meal replacement shakes that have nutrients and fiber in them if you plan on going this route. The best on the market in my professional opinion is Slim Styles with PGX (a type of fiber) by Natural Factors. It has also been mentioned but eat 5-7 small meals a day, and replace up to two of those with the Meal replacement. This will boost the metabolism without causing a "rebound".
Though it hasn't been posted yet..and with great hesitation for fear of sounding judgmental...I'll go ahead and ask why it's at all important to have one?

Really, it isn't about core strength. It's about 'showing' the muscle. As someone posted, you have to drain yourself down to get to that level, and I still maintain that not everyone's body can even handle such a low level of body fat. I dunno.
If you trained your abs well, then you probably already have six pack, you just cant see them since they are covered with fat.

Its important to know that you cant lose fat from local/specific places in your body, the fat is burnt from all over the body gradually.