Good teaching clip

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Not only that, but if the attack comes on the center, for you to intercept it with say paak or taan, or to wedge, or whatever you guys use, you have to first move your wu to one side or the other and come back at center, or step to move yourself to one side or the other.

Both options, as I said, are not as direct or efficient as having a wu in position ready to go, and there will likely be little to no time to decide and respond correctly.

In the YM VT I train, we keep the wu sau on-center and a good distance in front of the chest. When an attack comes in, we meet it by going forward on centerline, with the intent to hit, not to block, using the wedging principle to simultaneously deflect the incoming attack. We only resort to tan, pack or bong if the punch obstructs our counterattack and we have no alternative. Keeping the wu-sau to one side may be helpful, but as you never know exactly how your opponent's punch will come in ...what angle, on center or slightly off-center, etc. we do not see keeping the wu of-center as a solution.
Honestly, Guy, LFJ's comment to Juany about still being a beat cop did not come across as a good humoured jibe. It struck me as a rude and angry response that was insulting to both Juany, and to friends of mine who are cops. Beat cops.

Are you all this uptight offline? :grumpy:

I assure you I'm not going to get angry on a web forum when someone doesn't understand what I'm saying. :hilarious: I will just attempt to clarify things further.

It just struck me as odd how unobservant Juany has been in this thread when I remembered his profession. I actually respect his service, as I've told him in private months ago.

You all just need to lighten up. Nothing is so serious on here you need to get all whiny about it. M'kay?
In the YM VT I train, we keep the wu sau on-center and a good distance in front of the chest. When an attack comes in, we meet it by going forward on centerline, with the intent to hit, not to block, using the wedging principle to simultaneously deflect the incoming attack.

You are wedging with your man-sau though, aren't you? Not your wu-sau. What does your wu-sau have to do with it?

Keeping the wu-sau to one side may be helpful, but as you never know exactly how your opponent's punch will come in ...what angle, on center or slightly off-center, etc. we do not see keeping the wu of-center as a solution.

That's precisely why not to keep it on center. Keeping it on center reduces the area of space you can cover. To deal with anything past your wu-sau will require you to move out to cover that space.

If you lose your man-sau, and don't have time or room to move, your only option may then be to paak or in some other way chase the hand to block it as a last resort. You can't just attack.

If you cover more area you won't have to worry as much about something being on or slightly off center.
Perfect example of what I have been pointing out!

Yeah. Great post! Appreciate your contribution to the thread so far! Same to wxyz or whatever.

If all you're gonna do is post to cry about something, better if you'd just stay quiet and pick up the crumbs you came for.
You all just need to lighten up. Nothing is so serious on here you need to get all whiny about it. M'kay?

If all you're gonna do is post to cry about something, better if you'd just stay quiet and pick up the crumbs you came for.

More examples of what I've been talking about! Keep it up! You're on a roll! :rolleyes:
You all just need to lighten up. Nothing is so serious on here you need to get all whiny about it. M'kay?

If all you're gonna do is post to cry about something, better if you'd just stay quiet and pick up the crumbs you came for.

More examples of what I've been talking about! Keep it up! You're on a roll! :rolleyes:

Another great, content rich post by KPM!

Contributor of the Month, Nov. 2016?
Another great, content rich post by KPM!

Contributor of the Month, Nov. 2016?

And the hits just keep on coming! You really don't see what I've been pointing out, do you? You really wonder why people are hesitant to engage in any kind of technical discussions with you guys, despite what is now showing up on this thread?
You really don't see what I've been pointing out, do you?

You don't see that I. do. not. care.

You really wonder why people are hesitant to engage in any kind of technical discussions with you guys, despite what is now showing up on this thread?

We were having a fine discussion on this thread without you. Of course, without you.
You don't see that I. do. not. care.

We were having a fine discussion on this thread without you. Of course, without you.

Yes, until you started to belittle Juany for asking questions? You keep proving my point over and over. It really is time you and Guy find a WSLVT-specific forum.
Yes, until you started to belittle Juany for asking questions? You keep proving my point over and over.

He made false statements and apparently ignored or didn't understand replies.

It really is time you and Guy find a WSLVT-specific forum.

You don't own the forum, pal. You can create your own and moderate it yourself.

I promise, I will not even sign up.
Yeah. Great post! Appreciate your contribution to the thread so far! Same to wxyz or whatever.

If all you're gonna do is post to cry about something, better if you'd just stay quiet and pick up the crumbs you came for.

If you meant to include me, thank you for the appreciation ;) and by the way ... I'm wtxs, hate to some one else getting the credit.

I must have to said that so far I have pick up only crumbs from your contribution.
And the hits just keep on coming! You really don't see what I've been pointing out, do you? You really wonder why people are hesitant to engage in any kind of technical discussions with you guys, despite what is now showing up on this thread?

Snap, gobble, burp
He made false statements and apparently ignored or didn't understand replies.

This is my last comment on the matter.

I made observations of a video nothing more or less. I then posted videos of "the man" in that lineage to illustrate my point. Nothing more nothing less. I never contradicted or disagreed with anything you said about the method or theory of the art, only what I saw on single video and again I provided a point of comparison.

Videos speak for themselves. You can't lie or make stuff up about what you see there, all you can do is interpret. If people interpret videos in a different way then that is a point of discussion because there must be reasons. Often these reasons are found in the context that was not captured by the video but in the conversations that occur pre and post "roll camera."

However no discussion occurred. A reflexive defense and "you are wrong" occurred followed by ad hominem attacks. Not regarding the art itself but regarding a single video which makes it all the more perplexing.
Videos speak for themselves. You can't lie or make stuff up about what you see there, all you can do is interpret.

And misinterpret.

If people interpret videos in a different way then that is a point of discussion because there must be reasons.

Like misinterpretation.

Often these reasons are found in the context that was not captured by the video but in the conversations that occur pre and post "roll camera."

That's why they were explained to you by people who understand the system.

However no discussion occurred. A reflexive defense and "you are wrong" occurred followed by ad hominem attacks. Not regarding the art itself but regarding a single video which makes it all the more perplexing.

Interesting. So, I didn't actually provide pages of detailed, technical explanation for you?

This is my last comment on the matter.

I made observations of a video nothing more or less. I then posted videos of "the man" in that lineage to illustrate my point. Nothing more nothing less. I never contradicted or disagreed with anything you said about the method or theory of the art, only what I saw on single video and again I provided a point of comparison.

Videos speak for themselves. You can't lie or make stuff up about what you see there, all you can do is interpret. If people interpret videos in a different way then that is a point of discussion because there must be reasons. Often these reasons are found in the context that was not captured by the video but in the conversations that occur pre and post "roll camera."

However no discussion occurred. A reflexive defense and "you are wrong" occurred followed by ad hominem attacks. Not regarding the art itself but regarding a single video which makes it all the more perplexing.

Your analysis was both non specific (no times given) and changed as replies were given, making it look more like you had some kind of bias than simple discussion of what you saw. You also persisted with making the same accusations after explanations were supplied. Overall looked like you weren't really interested in the clips, more keen to make some kind of point.
Probably time for someone to make a new trolling ID
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