Favorite Instructor

Originally posted by RCastillo
Bring him out of reitrement. Loser buys lunch

Hee hee.... (I've been waiting for you Darth Castillo.....
we meet again at last.....
When you left me ..... you were but the student.....
Now I am the Emperor.... Goldendragon7 Rules the Empire...

I'll have a Mushroom Cheese Steak Sandwich w/hot peppers on the side and a full side of French fries. Milk to drink....
Uncle Sams Wants you..... (Cash only no Pesos)

My favourites have been
Mr. Conatser, Mr. Trejo, Mr. Sepulveda, Mr. Speakman.

Not meaning to show my internet ignorance...but what does LMFAO stand for?
LMFAO = Laffin My Fat @$$ Off !!! ROFLMFAO!!!!!!! :rofl: :rofl:
OOOH....well thanks for the education...man I thought Kenpo was tough, but this internet stuff....man:D :rolleyes:
GD, you know as well as I do that some of my best lines would never ever be permitted on this forum! LOL! I'm not as 'tuned up' on the lingo as I used to be, as it has been a whole year since I have spent my days in the company of all those smart-mouthed teenagers. Wow, now those kids knew everything. They sure kept me entertained! I hope they're still that clever when they're my age! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
According to the National Institute of Smart Assed Kids, NISAK, "Old Age" is defined as any age over 24. It is also proven by , NISAK, that Cleverness is directly inversely proportional to age, once you have entered the Old Age Bracket.

Time for my Metamucil
CORRECTION: Lynching is not a martial art in Texas. It is a sanctioned sport (though played extensively at the amateur level)

Typically, professional lynching is reserved for "Canadian types" talking trash about our SACRED HOLY WATER Picante Sauce (crossing myself while dropping on one knee). Bowest ye down before the venerable jalapeno or be smited with grave vengeance.

Chunky ketchup? CHUNKY KETCHUP??!? Geez Rob, say something bad about our mamas next time. We take more kindly to that.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
My students and experience..........

I have learned (and continue to do so) an incredible amout of knowledge from the way students respond, quesion and repeat information that is fed to them. I can't begin to repay all the lessons.

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

My students and experience..........

I have learned (and continue to do so) an incredible amout of knowledge from the way students respond, quesion and repeat information that is fed to them. I can't begin to repay all the lessons.


Try me, I'm not shy!:rofl:
Originally posted by vincefuess

CORRECTION: Lynching is not a martial art in Texas. It is a sanctioned sport (though played extensively at the amateur level)

Typically, professional lynching is reserved for "Canadian types" talking trash about our SACRED HOLY WATER Picante Sauce (crossing myself while dropping on one knee). Bowest ye down before the venerable jalapeno or be smited with grave vengeance.

Chunky ketchup? CHUNKY KETCHUP??!? Geez Rob, say something bad about our mamas next time. We take more kindly to that.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yes, tribute is accepted , if you come into my territory. A discount is given, if you have a current IKKO card!:samurai:
I agree with Dan Farmer. Dennis is one of the brightest and most intelligent of the kenpo seniors, and he is the one you should seek.
Originally posted by Doc

I agree with Dan Farmer. Dennis is one of the brightest and most intelligent of the kenpo seniors, and he is the one you should seek.

Your no slouch yourself...

Good to see ya here Doc....

This is bound to be giving you a big head Dennis. Who is your favorite instructor, given that you undisputably had the best for most of your Kenpo lifetime?

I am a big Tom Kelly Sr. fan, I also respect Bob Liles knowledge and expertise tremendously. Who else, hmmm.... Howard Silva showed up on my doorstep Saturday morning and taught a seriously invigorating class for me. This is very rare ... like in never happened before since he lives in California and I am in Austin. He qualifies as my "Kenpo Dad", (as Bryan Hawkins calls him, himself a great teacher) and the man who spent a year and a half teaching me the American Kenpo techniques and insisting I learn the principles and concepts physically, not just mentally.

Other than the obvious people I study with now, I guess Dennis Conatser would have to near the top also, (remember I know where some of the bodies are buried Dennis.) I like John Sepulveda, Dian Tanaka, and Barbara Hale. Sigung LaBounty always has my respect also, as does Frank Trejo.

Gee, I want "stuff" from bunches of Seniors not just material. I do not know Ron Chapel at all, but SL4 is "interesting"; Mike Pick and Huk Palanas I have only had a few seminars with, ditto with Paul Mills. With a few exceptions, I do not neccessarily want to be "their student" as I do not know them well enough to make that kind of decision. There are only a few I trust to keep me going as I approch my 48th birthday in a couple of months.

I am open to learning from anyone, but would want a teacher who would care about my development as a Kenpoist for the rest of my time here on earth, not just making a buck with me or my students.

Hard choices anytime I approach the question of who I would like as a teacher, if I could have anyone, especially since I already have one I respect tremendously, Mr. Tommy Burks. The best teacher has left us and the loss is still felt in that different "pieces" of Kenpo are found everywhere and people have interpreted or emphasized the part that called to them the most. Wish I had had more time with Mr. Parker and am jealous of what the Seniors that were still training with him until the end had. That includes Dennis of course, even if he was not a 7th in 1990.

Yours in Kenpo
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Well silly, you need to be a student first. I still haven't got back the application yet.


No one ever sent me an application. What gives?

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