Do martial artists get negatively stereotyped?


Yellow Belt
Apr 26, 2004
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I moved to Raleigh, NC about two and a half years ago in attempt to get over a woman and the the passing of my dad and grandfather in a time frame of about a year and a half.

I naturally wanted to move on with my life and meet someone new. In the process, I mentioned that I like kenpo as well as have many other interests. Apparently, mentioning the martial arts didn't paint me in a the best possible way, and in my desire to impress, I was taken in the wrong light.

To me, the martial arts are a very positive endeavor, even more mentally than physically. Someday, it would be nice to have a wife or children that are into karate as well.

The truth be told, I am actually easygoing and nice, and I even have a couple Andie MacDowell romantic comedies on dvd.

Should I keep my karate a secret when someone asks what interests me?
I moved to Raleigh, NC about two and a half years ago in attempt to get over a woman and the the passing of my dad and grandfather in a time frame of about a year and a half.

I naturally wanted to move on with my life and meet someone new. In the process, I mentioned that I like kenpo as well as have many other interests. Apparently, mentioning the martial arts didn't paint me in a the best possible way, and in my desire to impress, I was taken in the wrong light.

To me, the martial arts are a very positive endeavor, even more mentally than physically. Someday, it would be nice to have a wife or children that are into karate as well.

The truth be told, I am actually easygoing and nice, and I even have a couple Andie MacDowell romantic comedies on dvd.

Should I keep my karate a secret when someone asks what interests me?

There is another thread asking basically the same question. Yeah, basically saying "I'm studying martial arts" can hit some of the people the wrong way some of the time. Others won't be that much impressed. Others will say: yeah you and about 20 million other guys. Others will be totally wow-ed by it. It depends.
Me, I'll wait til someone asks what my interests are and list them accordingly, including MA.
Remember it's none of your business what other people think (of you) til they tell ya.
Hello, Most times it is best not to mention it, because many people think you are showing off.

I usually say I have a night class and leave at that, unless they want to know what it is!

I will not make it a big deal unless they train in a MA class too...then we talk more about it.

At my part-work I mention to my Boss (reason for certain nights off)and he told everyone I am a Karate Expert, now everyone thinks....I fight like Bruce lee, actually more like an old man (I am one).

Lesson is best to keep it a SECRET! .....people will know later..but best to be HUMBLE and quiet about it!

Martial arts is a person to keep it to yourself. Let them found out for themselves will make a bigger impression on them that way! Just my thoughts on this........Aloha
I Should I keep my karate a secret when someone asks what interests me?

There is a similar Thread here..Check out "How do people react to you being a Martial Artist?" Me I blame the 1000 of MA that came before us ..The braggers and profilers..It's an ongoing struggle..Check ou that thread....
I moved to Raleigh, NC about two and a half years ago in attempt to get over a woman and the the passing of my dad and grandfather in a time frame of about a year and a half.

I naturally wanted to move on with my life and meet someone new. In the process, I mentioned that I like kenpo as well as have many other interests. Apparently, mentioning the martial arts didn't paint me in a the best possible way, and in my desire to impress, I was taken in the wrong light.

To me, the martial arts are a very positive endeavor, even more mentally than physically. Someday, it would be nice to have a wife or children that are into karate as well.

The truth be told, I am actually easygoing and nice, and I even have a couple Andie MacDowell romantic comedies on dvd.

Should I keep my karate a secret when someone asks what interests me?

As I said on the other thread, sometimes, depending on whom you're talking to, its best to keep it to yourself. If someone is honestly asking a sincere question, I have no problems answering any questions they may have, but if they're going to turn the discussion into, "Oh, you do Martial Arts? So does that mean you can kick anyones ***?" I usually walk away from those.

I wouldn`t keep my karate training secret if asked about my interest. However if I`ll usually say I train "a little" instead of telling the the truth that I am a certifiable MA freak.

Martial artists are not negatively stereotyped where I live at least. There are a few arts like shootfighting that have gotten some negative media coverage (tales of underground tournaments etc), but the public seems to have a generally positive attitude towards us. Altough a lot of people seem to think it is all about "jujutsu tricks". :uhyeah:
One of my favorite stories about Grandmaster Lee H. Park:

He had been dating the woman that became his wife for a long period of time before she found out he was a martial artist. I think they may have even got married before she found out, but I'm not sure on that.

So she finally found out he trained and asked him to take her to a tournament. As they entered the gym, someone called the room to attention and they all bowed.

"Why are they all bowing to YOU?" she asked. She had no idea until that moment that not only was he a martial artist, he was a grandmaster.
I agree with what others have already said. It is usually best not to mention that you study unless you know the person/people you are talking to better. Sometimes however you may catch a movement by the person and realise that they also study, in which case i would simply ask what martial art do you study.
People have so many mixed feeling avout the arts that it is hard to guess what there reaction will be when told you study.
I've found that unfortunately the masses know only two belt colors that they automatically categorize everyone in to: white (you know nothing, and they know more than you) and black (oh crap-the expert-the deadly weapon-bruce lee) etc etc.

Kinda disheartening since I work with one of my students who broke the news to the rest of the staff that I teach, and now there are those who like to press the issue just to see how I'll respond. I smile and shrug off whatever is thrown at me, but it does get old. Quickly.
The general public is quick to repeat the "Black belter who got his butt kicked by an untrained individual"..They never repeat the storied where a BB took down someone twice their size and weight..I've seen it happen..It brings warm feelings...
Re: the topic, only by the type of idiot who will come up to you at a party and say, "So what would you do if I did THIS?" as they come at you with their best attempt at a punch. The last guy that did this to me had to leave shortly afterwards. Drinking beer was becoming painful with a bruised throat... :p
Re: the topic, only by the type of idiot who will come up to you at a party and say, "So what would you do if I did THIS?" as they come at you with their best attempt at a punch. The last guy that did this to me had to leave shortly afterwards. Drinking beer was becoming painful with a bruised throat... :p

Excellent..This also hapened to me at a Xmas Party in front of my fiancee..I was challenged by the host..I decided to leave..The next day everybody at work made excuses for him "He was drunk"..I hate that..
Drunks at parties :rolleyes:

I was having a conversation with a kid (16, 17 years old?) who expressed an interest in Hapkido.

Into the room walks some thuggish drunk who says something like,

"Aw, all you have to do if someone does THIS is do THIS..." and proceeds to try to make me his uke.

About a half second later I decided I did NOT want him waving his drunk mitts around my face. So I circled his hands away from my face with soft block. He reached toward me again so I grabbed his right hand, twisted it into a wrist lock, stepped behind his right leg and slowly lowered him to the ground, reached down and placed my right hand on his neck for a choke if he resisted.

I then leaned down and said something like, "I'm not interested in seeing your improvised BULLSH*T. Are we clear?" :)

It was all gentle, but the drunk was clearly under my control and at my mercy. The kid I was conversing with looked like he had goosebumps and had eyes as wide as saucers.

No more problems from the drunk that night, either ;)
Drunks at parties :rolleyes:

I knew there was going to be an incident at the Xmas party..I saw the host walking around and refilling everyone's wine glass, he also took a couple of swigs from the bottle whe no one was looking..He walked up to me and "So you're pretty good with your hands and feet.?",he said "Not really", I responded..
"Well I'm a pretty bad mother myself, I studied overseas".. "Oh,let me guess you studied" Wow-Do-Chi-Go".. "You're dam right, so don't screw with me"..My fiancee asked me what discipline that was ? I told her none that I had just made it up...
Hello, Most times it is best not to mention it, because many people think you are showing off.

I usually say I have a night class and leave at that, unless they want to know what it is!

I will not make it a big deal unless they train in a MA class too...then we talk more about it.


Martial arts is a person to keep it to yourself. Let them found out for themselves will make a bigger impression on them that way! Just my thoughts on this........Aloha

I pretty much do the same. The other night a person that knew I was taking classes finally asked me when I was going to finally be done with my class. I told her that that I am taking these classes indefinitely. When she gave me the 'what in the world are you talking about look' then I let her in on what I'm studying.
I generally don't tell people that I study martial arts unless it comes up in conversation somehow, and then I gloss over it as much as I can. The jokes and the suspicion usually arise after they find out I teach, it's usually over fairly quickly and I've had no real problems. The assinine comments are easy to ignore, the bait is easy to see and avoid, and physical violence has never become an issue to this point.
Apparently, mentioning the martial arts didn't paint me in a the best possible way, and in my desire to impress, I was taken in the wrong light.

The problem is, mentioning anything to impress usually fails to meet those expectations. This is especially true when trying to persuade a female, or her friends.

Mention things when they are relavent; don't try to hide anything, but don't force it either. Often what isn't said is more important then what is.
I naturally wanted to move on with my life and meet someone new. In the process, I mentioned that I like kenpo as well as have many other interests. Apparently, mentioning the martial arts didn't paint me in a the best possible way, and in my desire to impress, I was taken in the wrong light.

Should I keep my karate a secret when someone asks what interests me?

Well, I think it depends on the context of the conversation. If it's someone at work or elsewhere who is a casual acquaintance, I don't think I'd mention it unless it was relevant. If it's someone you are dating, or want to be dating in the future, I think that I would say - because it's going to come up (at least it does for me; TKD is too big a part of my life not to come up eventually) and if you don't say it now, you're going to have to say it later - so why wait? And if the relationship has the potential to get serious, you need to know NOW if the person can handle your participation or not, so you can decide what to do about it before the relationship goes further.

Good luck to you!
Well, I think it depends on the context of the conversation. If it's someone at work or elsewhere who is a casual acquaintance, I don't think I'd mention it unless it was relevant. If it's someone you are dating, or want to be dating in the future, I think that I would say - because it's going to come up (at least it does for me; TKD is too big a part of my life not to come up eventually) and if you don't say it now, you're going to have to say it later - so why wait? And if the relationship has the potential to get serious, you need to know NOW if the person can handle your participation or not, so you can decide what to do about it before the relationship goes further.

Good luck to you!
I like this answer. You don't have to go around claiming to everyone your a martial artist, but if your going to be dating someone, and they ask you what your intrests are, or if your taking about your intrests, why not mention it? I mean especially if the Martial Arts are an important part of your life. Also, in this context you can delve into the reasons you take martial arts, and what you get out of it. I suspect that it would make the best impression this way.