BIGGER than you.. BADDER! than you

Q: Are you willing to accept that I .. someone both bigger AND badder than you.. that I can exist?

Yeah, you exist. Chances are you have a Y chromosome, too. I don't mind people with Y chromosomes, in fact I can be rather fond of them. Just not you. I don't trust you.

Q: If I exist.. what advantage can you POSSIBLY have over me?

You think with the wrong head.

Q: If you have advantage over me then how will you use it? as I am telling you right here I want to take something from you that I do not think you want to give.. What are you gonna do bout it?

You aren't expecting me to be situationally aware. You aren't expecing my manic brain to be observing everything around me because its bored and has nothing else to do until I cram some numbers down it. You don't realize that the adrenaline dump will be far more disorienting to you than it will to me. I may surprise you, I may scare you, I may fight you but I know that all I have to do is outsmart you.
Carol Kaur said:
Yeah, you exist. Chances are you have a Y chromosome, too. I don't mind people with Y chromosomes, in fact I can be rather fond of them. Just not you. I don't trust you.

You think with the wrong head.

You aren't expecting me to be situationally aware. You aren't expecing my manic brain to be observing everything around me because its bored and has nothing else to do until I cram some numbers down it. You don't realize that the adrenaline dump will be far more disorienting to you than it will to me. I may surprise you, I may scare you, I may fight you but I know that all I have to do is outsmart you.
One X + one Y -vs- two X ?? Hmmm.... yes but what is that to me? I follow my instincts.. I take what I want. Question is what will you do to stop me from taking what I want? I am bigger than you and badder than you remember... And lest you forget the thrill I may get I will also have my adrenals pumping into my bloodstream same as you.. does your training really delude you into thinking you are a match for me?


Thank you Carol my most enlightened friend :) Do not run away now.. stay and fight a while :)

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Jenna said:
Well I am encouraged you have a "game plan" at least for this bigger badder opponent though I will admit that having me throw myself at you randomly for a while and tire myself out sounds maybe a little optimistic, no?

Nope law of agression, in order to beat me you have to attack me, I just have to stay alive to win ;) And it doesn't take long for people make mistakes, and you will make the same mistakes over again because I won't get them on the first two or three times they show up. That way I can set you up to lose an arm or leg when you make that mistake.

Jenna said:
Clarify for me.. while I am throwing myself around.. what would you be doing..? would you not care to join in? Or would you be happy to have me just throw myself about until I am exhausted? and then jump in for the killer blow.. this is cruelty, no? ;) ahh you are a heartless fighter my friend :D

Blocking, dodging and talking pure **** to make you want to attack me even more. Like I said I know the game, I've played it myself that one opening you have in guard, and you will have it because your attacking, I'll hit and go straight for the eyes. Thats where those sharpened finger nails come in, and while your blinded for moment I can run away, but I won't.

Thats where the fear part comes in :mad: and the evil comes out, thats where getto switch blades, wallet chains and knuckle dusters come out and in your mind. I ran away so your guard is down. To me it's a matter of experience, you won't know I know the game. But I will know your game before you annouce your intentions. I grew up around bikers and street fighters, so I got the best of both worlds and learned from the "old dogs" who have been their and done that. Now I'm talking about fighting heartlessly ;)
rbzak1 said:
To question 1: Yes. Chances are, the reason you're going to use your bigger and badder attitude towards me is because YOU have never realized someone like YOU exists.

To question 2. I see you. I know you're real. Because you've shown yourself to be a threat to me, I can choose to act first.

To question 3. Does what you want to take from me fall into the parameters I've set for myself as to what I would fight for, or try to kill you for, or DIE for? If not, I give it and walk away at peace. If so, I fire first knowing that if I'm never going to see my family again, you've got to go with me. If you don't, you've killed me and now have my wallet and can now pay a visit to my loved ones...and I've failed. Clarity Of Purpose. People say an animal is most dangerous when in it's death is imminent. If that's the only weapon I have to use against you, I choose to use it.

Ahh my friend :) you are a clever one! Your answer to the first question shows absolutely your eyes are open! Excellent! And for #2 you rightly state that you can choose to react or pre-empt.. and this is an advantage of CHOICE that can NEVER be overlooked.. and for #3.. I AM impressed is all I will say.. I like your concise and cogent answers a lot. Thank you for this :)

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Jenna said:
One X + one Y -vs- two X ?? Hmmm.... yes but what is that to me? I follow my instincts.. I take what I want. Question is what will you do to stop me from taking what I want? I am bigger than you and badder than you remember... And lest you forget the thrill I may get I will also have my adrenals pumping into my bloodstream same as you.. does your training really delude you into thinking you are a match for me?

Your mind is raging, my mind is clear.I've had to solve a lot more complex problems than what to with a big oaf like you when my mind has been on fire. I may defeat you without throwing a punch.
Jenna said:
Well I am encouraged you have a "game plan" at least for this bigger badder opponent though I will admit that having me throw myself at you randomly for a while and tire myself out sounds maybe a little optimistic, no?

Clarify for me.. while I am throwing myself around.. what would you be doing..? would you not care to join in? Or would you be happy to have me just throw myself about until I am exhausted? and then jump in for the killer blow.. this is cruelty, no? ;) ahh you are a heartless fighter my friend :D


This is all just a game to you, isn't it?

I leave you to your game and scenario
Jenna said:
Well I am encouraged you have a "game plan" at least for this bigger badder opponent though I will admit that having me throw myself at you randomly for a while and tire myself out sounds maybe a little optimistic, no?

Clarify for me.. while I am throwing myself around.. what would you be doing..? would you not care to join in? Or would you be happy to have me just throw myself about until I am exhausted? and then jump in for the killer blow.. this is cruelty, no? ;) ahh you are a heartless fighter my friend :D

Everyone has a weakness- including being egotistical. I have patience on my side for that sort of thing- big, bad, whatever. If I can't defeat you, then yes- I'll let you wear yourself out and then jump in. Heartless? Hardly!
Jenna said:
ahh Beowulf :) you talk the talk.. I hope you talk the same when your warrior pals aint got your back.. when it is just you with nothing but that haunting and hollow song on your tongue.. Just remember I am bigger than you and badder than you and there are many like you who wave the threat of death like a flag but it is a pennant under which they soon get to sacrifice themselves... Am I afraid for my own mortality? I am surely though not believing it will ever be taken from me as I go bout my business with you or anyone else.. Arrogance you see..

*still smiling* No buddies at my back save the Grim Reaper... You may be Bigger and Badder... But maybe I'm Crazier.... Maybe I really don't have anything to loose and maybe, just maybe I ain't afraid of dancing with the devil himself and if that's true maybe you might end up coming along for the ride straight to hell...

Is that a moment of hesitation in your step....

The Wind is getting louder isn't it.......

Jenna said:
LOL :) Hey Rob :) you are good!! I think of you from herein always as The Poet Warrior!

*bow* You are too kind Dear Jenna... And if I my words do please the ear know that it is only a small addendum to your inspired Opus... Without the inspired Question, there cannot be an inspiring Answer...

Your Most Humble Servant,
Jenna said:
Q: Are you willing to accept that I .. someone both bigger AND badder than you.. that I can exist?

I have seen and dealt with those bigger and badder than me. So I know you exist let alone accept that you exist.

Jenna said:
Q: If I exist.. what advantage can you POSSIBLY have over me?

Position, and using the environment to my advantage. If you are sitting then I put my hands on the table you are at to be able to push it back into you. I am willing to use improvised weapons to assist in my task.

Jenna said:
Q: If you have advantage over me then how will you use it?

I will use it by bringing as hard as you and and as fast and hopefully before you do.

Jenna said:
as I am telling you right here I want to take something from you that I do not think you want to give.. What are you gonna do bout it?

You either walk away and let the police handle it, or you take it to them before they are ready to fighter. Some hit themselves in preparation. After the first hit, I take it to them before they are recovered and also ready with the adrenaline pumped up.

If there are multiple people I take out the closest person as mean I as I can. If I get a chance to speak I might let them know I am going to hurt them real bad, so they will think of me as the bigger and badder peson. I will use my intellignece to scare them. If not then you take them out as fast as possible. No questions, no worries they go down. Their head against the wall, the stick against their head, the can of tuna fish in your hand against their head. What ever it takes you take it to them so their survival instinct kicks in and they want to flee.

Now there are some out there who do not have to be bigger or badder they have to be just on some drig and they feel no pain. You can break their arm or hand and they will not feel it until they come down. In this case you have to use their lose of sense against them. Still hurt them but you have to also use certain control such as stepping on their head to get their attention.

Or as I recommend you just walk away and drop a dime on them and let the police with their back up handle it.

My first response would be to walk away.

If that isn't going to work, then the assailant is going to get hurt...real bad. He can be bigger than me. Maybe badder (a legend in his own mind). But I'll be the one left standing when the dust settles.

Anything's fair so long as I win.
Q: Are you willing to accept that I .. someone both bigger AND badder than you.. that I can exist?

You don't exist. If I accept that you do, that means you can and will have your way with me and I've already lost against you.

Q: If I exist.. what advantage can you POSSIBLY have over me?

See above. I have not accepted the possibility of an assailant being badder than I. The assailant will see that and start to question himself.. If he has half a brain.

Q: If you have advantage over me then how will you use it? as I am telling you right here I want to take something from you that I do not think you want to give.. What are you gonna do bout it?

Lack of fear. Direct eye contact. A bark that suggests the bite is strong. And the bite, bone crushing. It's my only option, or give up, bend over and take it from behind. Not today, not me and not without maiming you first.
Jenna said:
TO my eyes it is a plain fact.. I am bigger than you.. bigger AND stronger AND more physically experienced for what I am about to do.. Further.. I am plainly BADDER than you as I am PREPARED having NO great conscience nor sense of moral. And as I am going about my business with you I DO NOT CARE if I hurt you maim you or if you die at my hands.. as has happened previously and left no lasting mark on my body or mind..

Q: Are you willing to accept that I .. someone both bigger AND badder than you.. that I can exist?
Q: If I exist.. what advantage can you POSSIBLY have over me?
Q: If you have advantage over me then how will you use it? as I am telling you right here I want to take something from you that I do not think you want to give.. What are you gonna do bout it?


1. Absolutely yes. The story of my life, especially early on.
2. Hopefully smarts. But, POSSIBLY------ NOTHING!
3. Maybe just give it, but, probably--Fight. Some you win. Some you lose.
Jenna said:
TO my eyes it is a plain fact.. I am bigger than you.. bigger AND stronger AND more physically experienced for what I am about to do.. Further.. I am plainly BADDER than you as I am PREPARED having NO great conscience nor sense of moral. And as I am going about my business with you I DO NOT CARE if I hurt you maim you or if you die at my hands.. as has happened previously and left no lasting mark on my body or mind.. I am telling you right here I want to take something from you that I do not think you want to give.. What are you gonna do bout it

I get people acting like this with a reasonable level of frequency at work.

Me - "Sorry sir, we have a $10 cover charge tonight"
Them - "I'm not pyaing that! I'm going to go in and have a drink."
Me - "I'm afraid I can't let you through without paying, sir"
Them - "Who's going to stop me? You?"

That last is often accompanied by a condescending sneer.

My mental response at this point is; Yeah, maybe me. And if not me, maybe that guy over there. And if not him, theres another three guys inside. I reckon all five of us have got a pretty good shot at taking you down. And even if we don't, theres gonna be a world of pain. Is it really worth it?

Thankfully I've never yet encountered anyone bigger and badder than all of us put together, and I tend to avoid situations where I'm likely to be involved in non-work related violence.
Adept said:
I get people acting like this with a reasonable level of frequency at work.

Me - "Sorry sir, we have a $10 cover charge tonight"
Them - "I'm not pyaing that! I'm going to go in and have a drink."
Me - "I'm afraid I can't let you through without paying, sir"
Them - "Who's going to stop me? You?"

That last is often accompanied by a condescending sneer.

My mental response at this point is; Yeah, maybe me. And if not me, maybe that guy over there. And if not him, theres another three guys inside. I reckon all five of us have got a pretty good shot at taking you down. And even if we don't, theres gonna be a world of pain. Is it really worth it?

Thankfully I've never yet encountered anyone bigger and badder than all of us put together, and I tend to avoid situations where I'm likely to be involved in non-work related violence.

OH MY! That is so familiar!!!!! Heard it two nights ago too!
Jenna said:
TO my eyes it is a plain fact.. I am bigger than you.. bigger AND stronger AND more physically experienced for what I am about to do.. Further.. I am plainly BADDER than you as I am PREPARED having NO great conscience nor sense of moral. And as I am going about my business with you I DO NOT CARE if I hurt you maim you or if you die at my hands.. as has happened previously and left no lasting mark on my body or mind..

Q: Are you willing to accept that I .. someone both bigger AND badder than you.. that I can exist?
Q: If I exist.. what advantage can you POSSIBLY have over me?
Q: If you have advantage over me then how will you use it? as I am telling you right here I want to take something from you that I do not think you want to give.. What are you gonna do bout it?

1. Yes of course you exist. I lay no claim to being either big *or* bad so yep, I see you everywhere, from the street corner to my place of work and your "bad" intentions are carried through wherever I meet you, just in different ways and using different methods.

I think you're right though Jenna, there is quite a bit of complacency on certain corners in the martial arts where the belief seems to be that even where bigger and badder exist, MA skill can overcome it.

2. I haven't got your complacency. And if you're as good a physical fighter as I [or better] I'm forced to rely on a greater cogition. I mean, you can't be *everything* right? They ain't built the Universal Soldier. Yet. Hehe.

Personally I've learned *never* to assume an opponent has less martial art or fighting ability than I do. I *hope* this is the case but I no longer assume it. So what does that leave? The only remaining factor if they're a match or better in physical fighting terms is that I'm slightly ahead on my cognition. Ultimately I've got to be prepared to accept the fact that I'm just not the best there ever was, and consequently there's a chance I'll be beat. Only the aforementioned complacency would lead one to believe otherwise.

3. If greater cognition is my only advantage, I'll need to play the speed-chess game. First things first. If I've got the chance to exit, them I'm gone and you can fight the thin air. But if you've got me in a room or somewhere with no exit then I think it'll be a quick game. I'm not gonna stand around and let you throw punches or try grabs on me because if you're the better physical fighter, there's a chance you'll take me. I'll stay out of your circle but you need to be *very* careful not to leave any opening. And I suspect your complacency will lead you to do just that. We'll see.

Thanks for this thread J - intelligent and provoking as usual!

Hand Sword said:
OH MY! That is so familiar!!!!! Heard it two nights ago too!

Heh, and the other one they seem to like; "Well, I'm just going to stand right here then..."

Honestly, it's like working in a childcare centre with six foot tall aggressive children.
Jenna said:
Q: Are you willing to accept that I .. someone both bigger AND badder than you.. that I can exist?
A: Yes.

Jenna said:
If I exist.. what advantage can you POSSIBLY have over me?

A: Experience in dealing with many such as you..The Physical Skills and the proper mind set, it a cop thing...

jenna said:
If you have advantage over me then how will you use it?

A: That would be telling..

Jenna said:
as I am telling you right here I want to take something from you that I do not think you want to give.. What are you gonna do bout it

A: WHATEVER is necessary to win.My watch ends and 4 am and I'm going home..
Jenna said:
Q: Are you willing to accept that I .. someone both bigger AND badder than you.. that I can exist?
Q: If I exist.. what advantage can you POSSIBLY have over me?
Q: If you have advantage over me then how will you use it? as I am telling you right here I want to take something from you that I do not think you want to give.. What are you gonna do bout it?

There is always someone out there who is bigger, faster, stronger, more skilled, better trained, etc. The trick is to be smarter, more careful, and to not be alone if at all possible.

The first rule of self-defense: don't get into a situation where you need to defend yourself. The second rule: run like the wind. Corollary to the second rule: if someone grabs you and you can't run, do whatever you need to do to make the person let go; see second rule.

The only rule of street-fighting: do it first, do it fast, and do it dirty. This is a concept that is not always appropriately addressed in martial arts classes: you cannot win a street fight using tournament rules.
Jenna said:
Q: Are you willing to accept that I .. someone both bigger AND badder than you.. that I can exist?
Q: If I exist.. what advantage can you POSSIBLY have over me?
Q: If you have advantage over me then how will you use it? as I am telling you right here I want to take something from you that I do not think you want to give.. What are you gonna do bout it?

In a harken back to another thread about combat and honor...I remain a fan of the "Live Well; Die Gloriously" mind set. I know you're out there. Hell, I've tangled with you before to look down that tunnel and into the light, only to be saved at the last by efforts not my own, so I also know you can, and perhaps will, win. But I have been in that place before; of feeling the body shut down in defeat, and watched in amazement as the fears, rage and anxieties of self-preservation dissolved into sweet, sweet peace.

My advantage is this: You may win. But I'm going to take a piece of you with me, so that you remember our brawl each time the weather changes. Each time you reach for the aspirin bottle. Each time you drink to dull the pain. And I, in exchange, will be spared the ennui of a slow passing, brought on by my own poor dietary habits and impure living. No pacemakers; no chemo wards; no slobbering post-stroke syndromes, just sweet release.

So have at you then, by Krom. And you better bring your best, because I am. And you better be good, because I will be. Right up to the moment my spirit returns to the gods for judgement, and I join my fathers in the sky.
tkdgirl said:
Everyone has a weakness- including being egotistical. I have patience on my side for that sort of thing- big, bad, whatever. If I can't defeat you, then yes- I'll let you wear yourself out and then jump in. Heartless? Hardly!
Ahh as the great Ali said.. it is not arrogance if you can back it up.. And so tell me MISSY.. what exactly would you let me wear myself out doing? I am not going to wear myself out swinging aimlessly or hitting a brick wall.. I AM coming FOR YOU and I think you have NO idea of how you are gonna stop me. Do ya?


Thank you my friend tkdgirl.. :) You know I value your input particularly on this as I think maybe in certain ways we are alike you and I... :)

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,

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