Be Exellent to Each Other......

andrew, that icon is the coolest.
... and Party On, Dude!

There is seldom enough 'Bill and Ted' in the Universe.
what does the gray box by michael edwards' name mean?

I know what green and red means, but I've never seen gray
how do you do that, and what is the point?

what is bill and ted by the way?
Samantha said:

what is bill and ted by the way?
For You?

A homework assignment ;)

Head over to local video store and ask the person at the counter that question. Be prepared for a totally excellent adventure :D
Andrew Green said:
For You?

A homework assignment ;)

Head over to local video store and ask the person at the counter that question. Be prepared for a totally excellent adventure :D
hm, maybe I'll do that when I get around to renting Perfect Weapon
in that case, scrap Bill and Ted's Excellent or even Bogus Adventure...go watch Speakman...and Keanu was all like "Dude!!" before he was The One.
Chronuss said:
in that case, scrap Bill and Ted's Excellent or even Bogus Adventure...go watch Speakman.
but now you've peaked my interest...

so its a movie about some guys named bill and ted. if its so great why havent I heard of it?:idunno:


damn you chronuss, you edited your post and now I have to edit mine. Keanu reeves is in it? Did he have the same "save the free world" complex like he does now? matrix 1, 2, 3, constantine....