BBC Says No Such Thing As Safe Cocaine

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
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In other news, they report water is wet, sometimes it gets cold out, and some dogs actually bark.

No such thing as 'safe' cocaine, experts warn

The image of cocaine as a "safe party drug" is a myth that must be dispelled, say UK experts, as a study shows the drug is linked to 3% of sudden deaths.
The British Heart Foundation said the findings, published in the European Heart Journal, were a reminder that the drug can have devastating effects.
Although the data comes from south-west Spain, researchers said the results should apply to Europe in general.
They said deadly consequences of using cocaine can happen to anyone taking it.
Learn something new every day. Guess I'll have to take my "safe party drug" business elsewhere ... and I so liked not smelling like smoke but still being totally bombed.
Acutally, they're wrong. Cocaine CAN be safe. I've given it to any number of patients over the years. Medical grade cocaine is still one of the better anesthetics for difficult nosebleeds. I think I am MUCH less likely to be junk-punched in my man business during cautery when it's used...

Of course, medical grade is pure, while street crap is loaded with who-knows-what, and it's used in doses MUCH smaller than those of recreational users.

Have to keep in mind that many "street" drugs, including cocaine and heroin, were originally developed for medical use, and still have valid medical indications.
Bit out of context though and it's not the BBC saying it, they are reporting what others have said, that's their news job. It goes on to say that the myth of safe cocaine must be dispelled. there are a great many people who do think it's fine to use recreationally " only at weekends" etc or if they just use a bit now and again.
The first line of the article mentions "safe party drug".

I think it is easy to understand that cocaine in the "party drug" context is going to be...a party drug, for quality and portions.

But, the headline "No such thing as safe cocaine" is a bit deceptive, as the good doctor indicates.