Any thoughts

Who ever wrote her Menkyo in Tomo ryu I doubt is American or if American has good sentence structure in Japanese.
If anyone else can read Japanese I would like to hear their opnion on the Menkyo written to me and my Wife(Japanese) looks fine.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that she trained in two made-up styles of "ninjutsu" and then made up her own style to boot... :idunno:

Well, that's more or less what I meant. She added ground game to the art and called it something new.

Though honestly - if she made up her own style, who cares? If someone wants to study with her, they will. If not they won't. Is the general concern that she will further smudge the term 'ninjutsu'? Hell, Hatsumi doesn't even teach ninjutsu anymore, by his own admission.

I was going to say something but I want nothing to do with this thread or the person in question! (oh and Kreth I am with you)
Who ever wrote her Menkyo in Tomo ryu I doubt is American or if American has good sentence structure in Japanese.
If anyone else can read Japanese I would like to hear their opnion on the Menkyo written to me and my Wife(Japanese) looks fine.
I'd have to do a comparison, but it looked to me like a copy of a Bujinkan menkyo with the style name changed. And no, I'm not claiming to be a Japanese expert here.

Though honestly - if she made up her own style, who cares? If someone wants to study with her, they will. If not they won't. Is the general concern that she will further smudge the term 'ninjutsu'? Hell, Hatsumi doesn't even teach ninjutsu anymore, by his own admission.
Based on the fact that she's only a Bujinkan yondan (if that is true), it's fairly obvious that she just couldn't wait for the high rank that she so obviously deserves. (yes, sarcasm) So, she created her own system and gave herself that rank.
I'd have the same opinion if she was claiming to teach some long lost style of Sambo.
It's not the word you used. The filter blocked part of it, which is a pejorative term for African-Americans.

Aye, I've fallen foul of that myself before now - and not just here; it would seem that filters are very sensitive in that regard. Oh and yes, just to clarify that which has already been explained {thank you, good sir :tup:}, my comment, sadly, was strictly on topic with regard to the weapon the subject was bearing in one of the pictures.

As to the other, more gender reassigning aspects I couldn't possibly comment.

About all I can say, in serious rather than 'Carry On' mode, on that subject is that one of my work colleagues has gone through such a transformation and, after a period of re-adjustment as he settled into the adopted gender role, she operates just fine in the professional environment. She acts like a woman and we treat her as one and all is well.

As odd as it may seem if you've not had practical contact with someone whose done this, as long as the 'work' done is good then it is surprisingly easy to adapt and accept (about the most difficult bit being remembering the new 'feminised' name :eek:).
Kreth I would be interested in what you find out.
I really could not see to clearly the Stamp signature.
So no doubt what you say could be possible.
OK, keep in mind that I'm doing this the hard way, by looking up the kanji I don't recognize, which is most of them. :lol:
From right to left:
kurisuta yakobisun Phonetical spelling of her name. However, from what I understand, foreign names are always done in katakana. Hers is in hiragana.
Next on any menkyo I've seen would be migi no mono (the person to the right), but it's omitted on this one.
Tomo Ryu Ninjutsu
Menkyo Kaiden the kanji here seem to have been written by someone other than whoever wrote the menkyo license kanji on the far right.
ju ichi gatsu ni ju (something) hi 2004?(the kanji for the 0s are strange). I assume this is supposed to be 11/2?/2004. In any event, dates on this type of document are normally written in terms of the current emperor's reign, and here it's written in kanji, but in the US date standard.
In the lower left would normally be the name of the person issuing the document. It seems rather small for a signature.
Thats it Kreth gets a new job at the UN next week you go big guy hehe. I had only made it like half way when you posted my Japanese sucks.
BTW off topic what happen to our rep power ? I guess it got reset.