Am I using a dolyo chagi chamber for a yeop chagi here? (VIDEO)=

Part of the NK bragging rights was that all the Korean GMs became affiliated with that group. Didn't last long - I wonder why?

I wonder why they became affiliated with the NK group if you claim that Chois death bed wish wasn't confirmed?
I wonder why they became affiliated with the NK group if you claim that Chois death bed wish wasn't confirmed?
A couple of things. 1.There was a post about a year after his death from one of the Seniors who was there relating that General Choi spoke in a soft voice that only the NK person present could hear and he thought the person lied to him. I figured stuff on the net would be there forever so I never did anything to preserve it and that forum is now long gone. You can take that for what it's worth.
2. You have to understand part of the culture . The Koreans would like nothing more than to have the country united. If TKD could be a means toward facilitating that so much the better. Joining the NK group headed by an IOC member could be away of doing this.
3. Still, why on earth they still thought it was a good idea, was beyond me. Obviously within a year or so they thought better of it. Only Woo Jin Jung maintains a relationship with and Supports the NK controlled ITF faction.
2. You have to understand part of the culture . The Koreans would like nothing more than to have the country united. If TKD could be a means toward facilitating that so much the better. Joining the NK group headed by an IOC member could be away of doing this.

And General Choi was Korean, so you just made my point. .. He had a history of flirting with NK, including creating the pattern Juche for them. For him to appoint a NK as his succesor is not exactly a long-shot.
And General Choi was Korean, so you just made my point. .. He had a history of flirting with NK, including creating the pattern Juche for them. For him to appoint a NK as his successor is not exactly a long-shot.
Except he had no power or authority to make such an appointment. For a dying man in his final moments in whatever state of mind to allegedly express certain wishes - which would also facilitate his desire to be buried in the area he was born is not a long shot.

For the same man to nominate a person months earlier when he was clear thinking to serve as Senior VP which in accordance with the constitution was confirmed by the ITF Congress and which the constitution provided would fill any vacancy of the President until the next duly called congress is what we know happened . The other is somewhere between speculation, conjecture and wishful thinking. Without any real effect if it ever happened.
I often wore a non-standard uniform when not in class. So, even given the NGAA regulations being actually consistent across the country, if you'd had a video of me outside class, that wouldn't have helped. And that assumes the regulation is consistent across all member schools in all countries.

The uniform is only a clue.
I guess the uniform of my organization is worn out sweatpants (or perhaps shorts) and a ratty tee-shirt with or without a random graphic on it. This is what I must surmise from what is most commonly worn in class by the members.
For the same man to nominate a person months earlier when he was clear thinking to serve as Senior VP which in accordance with the constitution was confirmed by the ITF Congress and which the constitution provided would fill any vacancy of the President until the next duly called congress is what we know happened . The other is somewhere between speculation, conjecture and wishful thinking. Without any real effect if it ever happened.

If you have an inheritance dispute in court, do you go by what the agent said X amount of months ago, or the final hours? There was no report of General Choi losing his cognitive faculties right before passing, and to suggest this with no evidence is desperation.
If you have an inheritance dispute in court, do you go by what the agent said X amount of months ago, or the final hours? There was no report of General Choi losing his cognitive faculties right before passing, and to suggest this with no evidence is desperation.
Since I due Probate / Inheritance law this is simple You go by what has been credibly, properly, and legally documented witnessed by disinterested parties. That is legally controlling. Interested parties are disqualified from being witnesses. So, no legal document, no credible disinterested qualified witnesses to the alleged last wishes which even if they existed do not supersede proper legal documentation.
Since I due Probate / Inheritance law this is simple You go by what has been credibly, properly, and legally documented witnessed by disinterested parties. That is legally controlling. Interested parties are disqualified from being witnesses. So, no legal document, no credible disinterested qualified witnesses to the alleged last wishes which even if they existed do not supersede proper legal documentation.

That's an anser to what constitutes evidence, not what I asked.
That's an anser to what constitutes evidence, not what I asked.

This is what you asked' " If you have an inheritance dispute in court, do you go by what the agent said X amount of months ago, or the final hours? "

I did not accept your change of narrative since I felt it was merely a simple way of recounting what happened. The facts here are clear, Proper formal procedures were followed months earlier. Not simply "what agent X said months earlier". So, the proper question in this case is "What would a court do in this situation? " The answer is without a doubt follow what the was done through proper procedures - not what someone allegedly said on their deathbed as related by interested parties. All of this not withstanding this was not a question of inheritance.

This is what you asked' " If you have an inheritance dispute in court, do you go by what the agent said X amount of months ago, or the final hours? "

I did not accept your change of narrative since I felt it was merely a simple way of recounting what happened. The facts here are clear, Proper formal procedures were followed months earlier. Not simply "what agent X said months earlier". So, the proper question in this case is "What would a court do in this situation? " The answer is without a doubt follow what the was done through proper procedures - not what someone allegedly said on their deathbed as related by interested parties. All of this not withstanding this was not a question of inheritance.

What are these proper formal procedures that you are referring to?
What are these proper formal procedures that you are referring to?
Sir, the ITF was an organization that had a constitution which required that certain procedures be followed to elect a President, or what should happen in the event the president was unable to act or died. The elections some 6 months prior to General Choi's death took place at an ITF congress which is where such elections take place. The Senior VP was elected to fill the Senior VP Vacancy who (in accordance with the constitution) would act in the event of a presidential vacancy, The person elected as Senior VP was Russell MacLellan. This (As required by the constitution) would be in effect until the next properly called congress and elections. General Choi was certainly free to let his preferences be known, however there was no mechanism for these wishes to have any binding effect.