10th degree

Originally posted by Goldendragon7
Yes Donald I agree with most of what you said, the part of Mitose promoting Ed Parker tho I have to disagree with. All his early promotions came from Chow. He only claimed Chow as his early instructor in Kenpo after the intro from his brother Frank.

This phantom promotion that I refer to. Was'nt really a promotion, as in testing, board of peers, etc.. My understanding is that Mr.Mitose attempted to "bestow" a ranking on Mr.Parker. This was supposed to have happened after Mr.Parker had established himself in California. I can't recall the source of this info. Except to say, I know I did'nt just pull this out of the air. It may of been an interview through a magazine? I am sure that there has to be a P.K.S. senior out in cyberspace, who knows of what I refer? At least I hope I have'nt gone roun tha bend!!!!
Salute in Christ,
Donald :asian:
Well Donald, I would agree with the idea that Mitose may have "attempted" to give Ed Parker some sort of promotion.... but Ed Parker never accecpted any such document.
When I grow up I want to be a 10th degree, but only if I can have tons of people saying they love what I am doing to my face and stabbing me in the back later. Yep that sounds like fun to me.
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Thank You, Turner

I also chatted with Grandmaster Al Tracy via e-mail and Master Will's 8th Degree was not conferred in American Kenpo; but Traditional Kenpo! I can send you the e-mail if you like! Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

That's what I have been saying all along.

Yes, and i see that now! The mis-information that i was receiving at the time really screwed my lineage understanding up! Since i trainded in matsumura orthodox shorin-ryu karade-do. We had our own kenpo system. This is what intrigued me to seek out the true lineage of my kenpo system. I give out kenpo lineage charts to my students to give them some understanding of where there system starts and some idea where they are going as they progress to the higher ranks. This information if it is correct, can be passed on the their students. So Master Conaster; i want to thank you for setting the record straight for my lineage information! My charts will be changed so that there will not be a direct line from Master Will to Parker for our system. it will go down from Grandmaster Parker to Al and Jim Tracy to Jay T. Will ( with his line looping to Parker) to Master Hutchison (with his line looping to Will And Tracy) to myself to my students! Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

That's what I have been saying all along.

Yes, and i see that now! The mis-information that i was receiving at the time really screwed my lineage understanding up! Since i trained in matsumura orthodox shorin-ryu karade-do. We had our own kenpo system. This is what intrigued me to seek out the true lineage of my kenpo system. I give out kenpo lineage charts to my students to give them some understanding of where there system starts and some idea where they are going as they progress to the higher ranks. This information if it is correct, can be passed on the their students. So Master Conaster; i want to thank you for setting the record straight for my lineage information! My charts will be changed so that there will not be a direct line from Master Will to Parker for our system. it will go down from Grandmaster Parker to Al and Jim Tracy to Jay T. Will ( with his line looping to Parker) to Master Hutchison (with his line looping to Will And Tracy) to myself to my students! Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
Ohhhh Master Conatser is all knowing!! Hey Mr. C did you notice I got my yellow belt, man and I didnt even get punched!!
Originally posted by Klondike93
Did Mr. Parker really kick that hard?

What do you mean?

If you mean for promotions........... NO, the purpose is not to hurt or injure anyone. Just an initiation. He did land a few good ones now and then especially to some of his tougher guys.... but not ever did I witness any abuse or anything of the sort, nor the full extent of what he COULD DO. (thank God)!! Nobody would be around to tell about it!! lol

I did mean the promotion, when you see some of the pictures of him promoting, doing the kick, the person is usually bent in half like he's really laying that front kick in there.

Mr. C, do you do kicks for every belt level? My instructor does
punches for purple and below.
Sometimes I kick others I punch or heel palm. Just depends on the student and the circumstances and how I feel.


again it is a ritual and not a display of power from the Testor to the testee....... (no pun intended)

Has everyone been explained the promotional ritual?

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