10th degree



Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Sometimes I kick others I punch or heel palm. Just depends on the student and the circumstances and how I feel.


again it is a ritual and not a display of power from the Testor to the testee....... (no pun intended)

Has everyone been explained the promotional ritual?

is it not to signify birth into a new level, and in every birth there is a little pain.


Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Sometimes I kick others I punch or heel palm. Just depends on the student and the circumstances and how I feel.


again it is a ritual and not a display of power from the Testor to the testee....... (no pun intended)

Has everyone been explained the promotional ritual?

No, I don't know anything about it :(
But I'm all ears (so to speak).


Feb 15, 2002
Reaction score
Scottsdale, Arizona
Keep in mind this original process may have been changed by different organizations today.. here is the original format tho.....

FORMAL PROCEDURES TO BE OBSERVED DURING EXAMINATION FOR PROMOTION (Observers are not permitted to witness the Formal Test)

During the testing period for promotion, the following formalities should be adhered to:

LINE UP The students (or student) being tested will be
commanded to line up at the designated area.

They will then be commanded to execute a Training Horse Stance (with their fists clenched and cocked on their hips).

They are to remain in this stance until the Board of Examiners
(Testing Committee) give them further instructions.

MEDITATE Meditation will be the next command.

ATTENTION Attention will be the next command.

SALUTATION The group will then be commanded to execute the Full Salutation.

BOW The command to bow will then be given.

SIT DOWN Students being tested will then be commanded to sit down on the mat, cross their legs, sit erect, and keep their
hands on their laps. (The Board of Examiners has the option to
request that students stand, reposition themselves, or make any
other adjustments dictated by environment, or by the nature of
the Test.)

FRONT & CENTER When student names are called, they are to
come to the front, center themselves before the Board, stand at
Attention (with their hands alongside their legs), and focus their
attention on the Chief Examiner conducting the test.

RESPONSE Students will then listen to what is asked of them and
respond, "Yes Sir", in acknowledgement of each and every

COMMENCE Depending upon the request, the student will
commence by demonstrating his skill and knowledge according to
the best of his ability.

SALUTE After completing everything that is requested, the
student will then salute the Board of Examiners and await the
command to return.

RETURN The student will then be commanded to return to his/her
position and await further instructions. (Encourage students to
take prompt action when returning to their former position.)

LINE UP At the conclusion of the testing period, all students will
be commanded to line up in a straight line in front of the Board
of Examiners. They will then be commanded to remain in a
Training Horse Stance (with their fists clenched and cocked on
their hips.) They are to remain fast and await further

DECISION - At this point the Board of Examiners must make whatever decisions are necessary to establish who passed or
failed their test. It is suggested that the Board of Examiners seek
an isolated area, or room, where no one (other than the
Examiners) can hear the discussions and decisions that are being
made. Once the decisions are made, with the majority rule taking
precedent, return to the testing area to inform the students as to
who passed or failed.

NOTE: Students being tested are to be warned that any talking,
slouching, or unapproved adjournment during the testing period
could result in disqualification.

FURTHER NOTE: Realizing that testing procedures often require
tailoring, permission is hereby granted if such action is
necessary to improve the situation.

REMINDER: The above procedures are for FORMAL TESTS and
observers are not permitted to witness such tests. Instructors,
however, may wish to conduct INFORMAL TESTS of their own. In
this case observers may be permitted if so elected.


RETURN - The Board of Examiners, upon their return, will now
become the Presentation Committee.

ATTENTION At this point it is the duty of the Chief Examiner to
call the students to Attention. Upon his command, the students
will snap to Attention and face the Presentation Committee as
they re- enter the room.

COMMENTS General and specific comments will then be
addressed to individuals or the group as a whole. Students will
then be told whether they passed or failed.

FRONT & CENTER Those individuals who did not pass the test
will be asked to reassemble to the rear. Those who passed will
be asked to move to the front and center themselves before the
Presentation Committee. If the number of students who passed
are of concern, it is recommended that two or more lines be
formed to accommodate the group. If there is only enough to
form one line, have the students remain where they are
presently standing.

KNEEL The students will receive the command to kneel before
the Presentation Committee.

NEW BELT The new belt will then be placed on the floor in front
of, and parallel to the student.

OLD BELT The students will then be commanded to take off their
old belt. They are to neatly fold their old belt and place it
vertically and to the left of their new belt so that when the left
end of the new belt touches the bottom end of the old belt, they
form the letter "L". They will then be instructed as to the
significance of this belt formation.

THE TOUCH From the students' kneeling position, command
them to bow, and touch their foreheads to the top and flat side
of their new belt. Have them remain in this position for at least
six (6) seconds before returning to their kneeling, upright
position. They will again be instructed as to the significance of
this formality.

NEW BELT The students who have passed will then put on their
new belt and will adjust the knot on their belt so that it is
positioned properly.

RISE Upon the command rise, the students will then snap into an
Attention Stance.

TRAINING HORSE - When commanded, the students will then drop
into a Training Horse with their fists clenched and on their hips.

INITIATION The Chief Examiner and the Instructor(s) will then
initiate the students, as well as explain the reason for the

ATTENTION The passing group will then be commanded to come
to Attention.

LINE UP The entire group (whether they passed or failed) will
then be commanded to again return back to their original
formation when first tested and line up in an orderly manner.

COMMENTS Final comments will be addressed to the students.

COMMITTEE - At this point the Presentation Committee will also stand and form a line facing the students. The highest ranking
belt will stand to the extreme left (Committee's point of view) and
all others (highest to the least) to his right.

SALUTE & HANDSHAKE All students will then be commanded to
execute a Humble Salute and shake the hand of each Committee
member, starting from the highest to the least ranking black belt.
(From the student's point of view, they will start at the right and
work their way to the left.) The first student to start this
procedure will be the student with the highest rank. All others
are to follow in the order of their succeeding rank. Congratulations are in order if committeemen wish to do so.

JOIN - When the Senior Student salutes and shakes the hand of
the last Presentation member, he and the remaining students
are to join the line and in turn salute, and shake the hands of
each of the remaining students. Students may also congratulate
each other if the wish to do so.

MEDITATE The entire group will then be asked to Meditate.

ATTENTION They will then be commanded to come to Attention.

SALUTATION All will then be commanded to execute a Full Salutation.

BOW The final formal command will be to execute the concluding bow.

DISMISS All will then be dismissed.

NOTE: All students will be required to pick up their belt (if they
have not already done so) and clean up the testing area.

REMINDER: Observers are not permitted to witness the FORMAL
TEST. They may, however, be allowed to witness the


When you are commanded to take off your old belt from your kneeling position, you will be required to neatly fold your old belt and place it vertically and to the left of your new belt. When properly positioned the left end of your new belt should touch the bottom end of your old belt so that the letter "L" is formed. (See illustration.) You will then be informed that this "L" shaped belt formation has four significant meanings -- LIE, LONGEVITY, LOYALTY, and LOTS & LOTS. The following will then be read to give you an indepth understanding of the significance of these terms:

1. If the "L" formed before you stands for a LIE, a LIE that you
are not deserving of your new rank, then you are not to
accept it. However, if you feel that you have earned it,
knowing with assurance that it is not being given to you as a
gift, you may then accept it.

2. If receiving your new rank is not a LIE then "L" can take on
its second meaning -- LONGEVITY or your ability to prolong
your life. LONGEVITY can only come about if your knowledge of
Kenpo is internalized to a point of spontaneous and
successful application. If receiving your new rank is a LIE,
then LONGEVITY will be short lived.

3. "L" also refers to LOYALTY. Whether it be to your instructor,
association, or country, LOYALTY cultivates integrity and

4. The statement, "One becomes humble when he comes to the
realization that what he knows is very little.", is an
introduction to the meaning of the fourth "L". In this case
"L" stands for LOTS and LOTS. That is, no matter how good
you become there is still LOTS and LOTS to learn and perfect.

From your kneeling position, you will be commanded to bow and
touch your forehead to the top and flat side of your new belt. You
will remain in this position for approximately five (5) seconds
before being asked to return to your kneeling position. The
significance of this formality is as follows (read):

1. At the moment your forehead touches your new belt you are to
mentally transfer your previous knowledge to your new rank
and to establish room for greater knowledge yet to come. You
are to also ponder on the following:
a. Fully understand your new roll as a senior student.
b Become a competent example among your fellow
c. Create rapport among them.
d. Encourage, and assist them whenever possible.
e. Avoid taking advantage of them.
f. In no way subject them to ridicule and suppression.

While still kneeling the following will then be read to those being

As you are promoted to your next rank, do you solemnly pledge
to use the art of Kenpo solely for purposes of defense and never
for aggression? (Wait for response.) Will you strive to impart an
attitude of respect and appreciation for the art of Kenpo, and an
understanding of what Kenpo truly entails? (Wait for response.)
Will you endeavor to refrain or sanction the use of Kenpo for
destructive or harmful designs? (Wait for response.) Do you make
these promises solemnly and on your honor? (Wait for response.)

As long as you continue to keep this oath inviolate, may it be
granted that you enjoy the life and practice of Kenpo, and forever
be respected by your associates. However, should you trespass
and violate this oath, it is hoped that the reverse will not be your

Let us now recite the Kenpo Creed:

"I come to you with only Karate, empty hands. I have no weapons, but should I be forced to defend myself, my principles, or my honor; should it be a matter of life or death, of right or wrong; then here are my weapons, Karate, my empty hands."

By the authority granted under the constitution of the governing
body of the (Organization Name), we do hereby grant you your
new and respective rank(s).

The student(s) who have passed will then put on his/her (their)
new belt and will adjust the knot on his/her (their) belt so that it
is positioned as required -- left side for males and right side for

The following will then be read:

Any dishonor to this school, the (Organization), or to any of its members can bring immediate and automatic revocation of rank and honor. As symbolized in our association patch, the bottom which forms the shape of an ax represents the executioner. In the event a member is influenced by evil ideas and thoughts contrary to our philosophy, or shames the (Organization), he is to be cut off, never to co-exist with us again.

Those who have been promoted will then be asked to stand in a horse stance with hands clenched and cocked at the waist. At this stage all will be informed of the next part of the ceremony -- the BIRTH OF PAIN. The following will then be read or extemporaneously discussed:

The earning of your new rank can be compared to the birth of a new child. For those of you who have been advanced from one color belt to another, the birth of your new rank is obvious. On the other hand for those of you who have received tips within the rank of Brown or Black, your new rank, although not as obvious, is indeed significant. Therefore, comparable to a female who goes through labor pains during the birth of her new child you too will be symbolically experiencing the birth of pain regarding your new rank. This experience is obtained through the execution of a "friendly kick" or "hand strike" as a reminder that the new rank you have received did not come easy. Accordingly rank should not come easy for those you teach. Make every effort to make them work for their rank as you have. The birth of pain is a reminder that your students should earn and not be given new rank.

There .......... now you have it...........



Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Keep in mind this original process may have been changed by different organizations today.. here is the original format tho.....

FORMAL PROCEDURES TO BE OBSERVED DURING EXAMINATION FOR PROMOTION (Observers are not permitted to witness the Formal Test)

During the testing period for promotion, the following formalities should be adhered to:

LINE UP The students (or student) being tested will be
commanded to line up at the designated area.

They will then be commanded to execute a Training Horse Stance (with their fists clenched and cocked on their hips).

They are to remain in this stance until the Board of Examiners
(Testing Committee) give them further instructions.

MEDITATE Meditation will be the next command.

ATTENTION Attention will be the next command.

SALUTATION The group will then be commanded to execute the Full Salutation.

BOW The command to bow will then be given.

SIT DOWN Students being tested will then be commanded to sit down on the mat, cross their legs, sit erect, and keep their
hands on their laps. (The Board of Examiners has the option to
request that students stand, reposition themselves, or make any
other adjustments dictated by environment, or by the nature of
the Test.)

FRONT & CENTER When student names are called, they are to
come to the front, center themselves before the Board, stand at
Attention (with their hands alongside their legs), and focus their
attention on the Chief Examiner conducting the test.

RESPONSE Students will then listen to what is asked of them and
respond, "Yes Sir", in acknowledgement of each and every

COMMENCE Depending upon the request, the student will
commence by demonstrating his skill and knowledge according to
the best of his ability.

SALUTE After completing everything that is requested, the
student will then salute the Board of Examiners and await the
command to return.

RETURN The student will then be commanded to return to his/her
position and await further instructions. (Encourage students to
take prompt action when returning to their former position.)

LINE UP At the conclusion of the testing period, all students will
be commanded to line up in a straight line in front of the Board
of Examiners. They will then be commanded to remain in a
Training Horse Stance (with their fists clenched and cocked on
their hips.) They are to remain fast and await further

DECISION - At this point the Board of Examiners must make whatever decisions are necessary to establish who passed or
failed their test. It is suggested that the Board of Examiners seek
an isolated area, or room, where no one (other than the
Examiners) can hear the discussions and decisions that are being
made. Once the decisions are made, with the majority rule taking
precedent, return to the testing area to inform the students as to
who passed or failed.

NOTE: Students being tested are to be warned that any talking,
slouching, or unapproved adjournment during the testing period
could result in disqualification.

FURTHER NOTE: Realizing that testing procedures often require
tailoring, permission is hereby granted if such action is
necessary to improve the situation.

REMINDER: The above procedures are for FORMAL TESTS and
observers are not permitted to witness such tests. Instructors,
however, may wish to conduct INFORMAL TESTS of their own. In
this case observers may be permitted if so elected.


RETURN - The Board of Examiners, upon their return, will now
become the Presentation Committee.

ATTENTION At this point it is the duty of the Chief Examiner to
call the students to Attention. Upon his command, the students
will snap to Attention and face the Presentation Committee as
they re- enter the room.

COMMENTS General and specific comments will then be
addressed to individuals or the group as a whole. Students will
then be told whether they passed or failed.

FRONT & CENTER Those individuals who did not pass the test
will be asked to reassemble to the rear. Those who passed will
be asked to move to the front and center themselves before the
Presentation Committee. If the number of students who passed
are of concern, it is recommended that two or more lines be
formed to accommodate the group. If there is only enough to
form one line, have the students remain where they are
presently standing.

KNEEL The students will receive the command to kneel before
the Presentation Committee.

NEW BELT The new belt will then be placed on the floor in front
of, and parallel to the student.

OLD BELT The students will then be commanded to take off their
old belt. They are to neatly fold their old belt and place it
vertically and to the left of their new belt so that when the left
end of the new belt touches the bottom end of the old belt, they
form the letter "L". They will then be instructed as to the
significance of this belt formation.

THE TOUCH From the students' kneeling position, command
them to bow, and touch their foreheads to the top and flat side
of their new belt. Have them remain in this position for at least
six (6) seconds before returning to their kneeling, upright
position. They will again be instructed as to the significance of
this formality.

NEW BELT The students who have passed will then put on their
new belt and will adjust the knot on their belt so that it is
positioned properly.

RISE Upon the command rise, the students will then snap into an
Attention Stance.

TRAINING HORSE - When commanded, the students will then drop
into a Training Horse with their fists clenched and on their hips.

INITIATION The Chief Examiner and the Instructor(s) will then
initiate the students, as well as explain the reason for the

ATTENTION The passing group will then be commanded to come
to Attention.

LINE UP The entire group (whether they passed or failed) will
then be commanded to again return back to their original
formation when first tested and line up in an orderly manner.

COMMENTS Final comments will be addressed to the students.

COMMITTEE - At this point the Presentation Committee will also stand and form a line facing the students. The highest ranking
belt will stand to the extreme left (Committee's point of view) and
all others (highest to the least) to his right.

SALUTE & HANDSHAKE All students will then be commanded to
execute a Humble Salute and shake the hand of each Committee
member, starting from the highest to the least ranking black belt.
(From the student's point of view, they will start at the right and
work their way to the left.) The first student to start this
procedure will be the student with the highest rank. All others
are to follow in the order of their succeeding rank. Congratulations are in order if committeemen wish to do so.

JOIN - When the Senior Student salutes and shakes the hand of
the last Presentation member, he and the remaining students
are to join the line and in turn salute, and shake the hands of
each of the remaining students. Students may also congratulate
each other if the wish to do so.

MEDITATE The entire group will then be asked to Meditate.

ATTENTION They will then be commanded to come to Attention.

SALUTATION All will then be commanded to execute a Full Salutation.

BOW The final formal command will be to execute the concluding bow.

DISMISS All will then be dismissed.

NOTE: All students will be required to pick up their belt (if they
have not already done so) and clean up the testing area.

REMINDER: Observers are not permitted to witness the FORMAL
TEST. They may, however, be allowed to witness the


When you are commanded to take off your old belt from your kneeling position, you will be required to neatly fold your old belt and place it vertically and to the left of your new belt. When properly positioned the left end of your new belt should touch the bottom end of your old belt so that the letter "L" is formed. (See illustration.) You will then be informed that this "L" shaped belt formation has four significant meanings -- LIE, LONGEVITY, LOYALTY, and LOTS & LOTS. The following will then be read to give you an indepth understanding of the significance of these terms:

1. If the "L" formed before you stands for a LIE, a LIE that you
are not deserving of your new rank, then you are not to
accept it. However, if you feel that you have earned it,
knowing with assurance that it is not being given to you as a
gift, you may then accept it.

2. If receiving your new rank is not a LIE then "L" can take on
its second meaning -- LONGEVITY or your ability to prolong
your life. LONGEVITY can only come about if your knowledge of
Kenpo is internalized to a point of spontaneous and
successful application. If receiving your new rank is a LIE,
then LONGEVITY will be short lived.

3. "L" also refers to LOYALTY. Whether it be to your instructor,
association, or country, LOYALTY cultivates integrity and

4. The statement, "One becomes humble when he comes to the
realization that what he knows is very little.", is an
introduction to the meaning of the fourth "L". In this case
"L" stands for LOTS and LOTS. That is, no matter how good
you become there is still LOTS and LOTS to learn and perfect.

From your kneeling position, you will be commanded to bow and
touch your forehead to the top and flat side of your new belt. You
will remain in this position for approximately five (5) seconds
before being asked to return to your kneeling position. The
significance of this formality is as follows (read):

1. At the moment your forehead touches your new belt you are to
mentally transfer your previous knowledge to your new rank
and to establish room for greater knowledge yet to come. You
are to also ponder on the following:
a. Fully understand your new roll as a senior student.
b Become a competent example among your fellow
c. Create rapport among them.
d. Encourage, and assist them whenever possible.
e. Avoid taking advantage of them.
f. In no way subject them to ridicule and suppression.

While still kneeling the following will then be read to those being

As you are promoted to your next rank, do you solemnly pledge
to use the art of Kenpo solely for purposes of defense and never
for aggression? (Wait for response.) Will you strive to impart an
attitude of respect and appreciation for the art of Kenpo, and an
understanding of what Kenpo truly entails? (Wait for response.)
Will you endeavor to refrain or sanction the use of Kenpo for
destructive or harmful designs? (Wait for response.) Do you make
these promises solemnly and on your honor? (Wait for response.)

As long as you continue to keep this oath inviolate, may it be
granted that you enjoy the life and practice of Kenpo, and forever
be respected by your associates. However, should you trespass
and violate this oath, it is hoped that the reverse will not be your

Let us now recite the Kenpo Creed:

"I come to you with only Karate, empty hands. I have no weapons, but should I be forced to defend myself, my principles, or my honor; should it be a matter of life or death, of right or wrong; then here are my weapons, Karate, my empty hands."

By the authority granted under the constitution of the governing
body of the (Organization Name), we do hereby grant you your
new and respective rank(s).

The student(s) who have passed will then put on his/her (their)
new belt and will adjust the knot on his/her (their) belt so that it
is positioned as required -- left side for males and right side for

The following will then be read:

Any dishonor to this school, the (Organization), or to any of its members can bring immediate and automatic revocation of rank and honor. As symbolized in our association patch, the bottom which forms the shape of an ax represents the executioner. In the event a member is influenced by evil ideas and thoughts contrary to our philosophy, or shames the (Organization), he is to be cut off, never to co-exist with us again.

Those who have been promoted will then be asked to stand in a horse stance with hands clenched and cocked at the waist. At this stage all will be informed of the next part of the ceremony -- the BIRTH OF PAIN. The following will then be read or extemporaneously discussed:

The earning of your new rank can be compared to the birth of a new child. For those of you who have been advanced from one color belt to another, the birth of your new rank is obvious. On the other hand for those of you who have received tips within the rank of Brown or Black, your new rank, although not as obvious, is indeed significant. Therefore, comparable to a female who goes through labor pains during the birth of her new child you too will be symbolically experiencing the birth of pain regarding your new rank. This experience is obtained through the execution of a "friendly kick" or "hand strike" as a reminder that the new rank you have received did not come easy. Accordingly rank should not come easy for those you teach. Make every effort to make them work for their rank as you have. The birth of pain is a reminder that your students should earn and not be given new rank.

There .......... now you have it...........


Ya like I said without the technical breakdown of a grading. But thank you for posting the breakdown of grading for now I have a copy of the offical script.


Feb 15, 2002
Reaction score
Scottsdale, Arizona
a credible insturctor for help with your studio thru an organization..... at least this is one good example of some of the information that is available. **wink**

Use it in good Kenpo Health!! Keep the traditions strong vs watered down.



Originally posted by Goldendragon7

a credible insturctor for help with your studio thru an organization..... at least this is one good example of some of the information that is available. **wink**

Use it in good Kenpo Health!! Keep the traditions strong vs watered down.


Just got to love those subtle hints. Yes I am still considering it, it would be a lot easier if there were some videoson the market that would help me have th einofrmation at my fingertips.


Originally posted by Goldendragon7

I do have private custom ones you know!:asian:

I will definitely have to keep that in mind. I am always looking at expanding my horizons and knowledge base.


Feb 15, 2002
Reaction score
Scottsdale, Arizona
Originally posted by Ronin
Hey Mr.C, tell us if any high ranking guys every got demoted?

Oh man, you are really looking to start trouble aren't you!!

Hmmmm No, I can't think of any high ranking guys ever getting demoted.



Some people want all the dirt. I never heard of anyone being demoted but I have heard of people falling out of favor in the Kenpo community.


Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Ricardo guy from Texas!:rofl:

I heard that. The next time you get a Philly Cheese Sandwich, I hope you find an eye ball in it!:mad:


Feb 15, 2002
Reaction score
Scottsdale, Arizona
Man, I don't wanna make you that mad! I forgot you know all my famous eateries!:rofl:

just teasin with ya you big lovable texas armadillo!

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