Your most memorable knockout...where YOU got clocked.


Senior Master
Aug 25, 2003
Reaction score
Bloomington, Indiana
Most of us can recall the time we poleaxed so and so with that hook punch/kick.

How many of you are willing to share your experiences with GETTING whacked? Any stories on the time you got slammed to the floor, hit with a stick, punched loopy, or kicked in the melon...and got short circuited?

What did it feel like? How did it happen?


Steve Scott
I was chasing down a QB in the back field. You know those touch football games played where it is combat except for the guys with the ball? Well the opposing tema was tired of my intrusion into their backfield and so they had a TE come across my blind side as I was going for the tackle. I got hit not only by the TE but also by a lineman. One high and another low. I woke up looking into the air, I only remember a flash of light and then looking up. I was only out for a few seconds. Yet it is unique experience that you do not forget.

Does that count?
I never got knocked out but I did get an elbow strike to the mouth and by my instructor no less when we were ground grappling. It bled and it didn't feel so good. It was funny though cuz as soon as he did it, we both just stopped and looked at each other like, "Oh, *****". Sort of sitcomish.

Does this count?

Was sparring the other day and blocked a left hook with my nose. Didn't get knocked out or down but my nose blew up like a pepper. You would think there was a murder in the bathroom before I cleaned up. :) All part of the game.
As far as I can tell...there are two general types of knockout.

There's the one where you stay aware of the world, can see everything, but your body just shuts down. For me that is the most common.

The only time I ever literally lost consciousness is when I was training at Roger Tung's Seattle academy in 1976. He had this big black belt spar me, and the guy popped me hard with a round housekick on the mouth.. Everthing immediately disappeared, I couldn't hear anything. Complete blackout.

But I didn't fall down...I could still "feel" my body. I kept standing. My head cleared in about five seconds. Sort of. My mouth had a huge cut on the inside...almost took the teeth through my lip.

In the other cases where I got knocked out, my body would go rubber but my mind was still there.


Steve Scott
I suppose a shot to the gut counts as a knockout, too...but I'm thinking the concussive types.

YES! I got my orange belt...I think. 60 posts, right?

Go me.


Steve Scott
Been choked out but not knocked out, at least relating to fighting or the arts.

Usually got choked out when I tried to show my instructor I could get out of a choke that I couldn't actually get out of. I'd struggle for a bit, then take a little nap :)

Got knocked out doing a wheelie on my bike off a curb. Bike kept going, but I didn't. Smacked the back of my head on the pavement and was out for a few seconds. Interesting experience.

I was practicing for a demo with my wife (a Kenpo Black Belt and a damn good fighter). I was doing the attack, a rear hammer lock. We modified the ending for visual purposes and as she was going to throw an axe kick to the mastoids as she had me bent over with a wrist lock. Since I couldn't see the kick and wanted to react correctly, I told her to slap my head with her toes so I knew when to drop. She missed the slap the first two times as she was hesitant to contact my head, the third time was perfect. We then practiced it at full speed....and yes you guessed it...a axe kick to the mastoids. I was out before I hit the floor. Woke up 5 seconds or so later and the first thing I heard was my instructor laughing followed with my wife asking me if I was ok. What I remember is a flash, followed by blackness. I awoke disoriented but the fog cleared quickly. Still wonder if the kick was a slip or if it was something that I might of said...women have such long memories:argue: :hammer:
my best friend, at the time, and I had just finished a good workout where we had tried to knock each other out more than a few times. Laughing and friendly pushing at each other as we walked into the dessing area he faked a punch at me which I promptly jumped away from, right into the door jam. Went down like a "load of bricks" with a knot on the side of my forhead. Didn"t even dent the door
I ran into a lamp post chasing down a foul ball, dont remember much after that.:sadsong:
I haven't been knocked out sparring (yet anyway) but I thought I had a guy set up with a back knuckle to the head and the drop down into an uppercut to the body. As I started in with the front hand back knuckle my opponenent fired a front kick underneath. I leaped right into it and had sore ribs and a nice bruise for about a week and a half. ouch.
Oh yea forgot to mention that I was choked out......but under my own accord. I told my training partner that if I ever have to choke someone out I want to see what it's like first. Took about 7 seconds. I think I kinda tapped when things turned white and he let go. Then I just fell to my knees and took a few to regain myself. :)
I havent been knocked out, although back in '93 I took a spinning hook kick to the back of the head that stumbled me and resulted in a standing 8 count.
Last year I took a well placed axe kick to the side of the head that rattled my head a little and made me woozy for a few seconds...
I haven't been completely knocked out. But I've got pretty close during a camp. We were working choke holds and my partner and I were getting some pretty good locks on each others necks. Needless to say the instructor wanted to show a choke and sure enough, as pressure way applied, my lights started to go out just like an old t.v screen. It was a very strange feeling.
Getting choked out isn't all that bad, is it?

The first time I got taken out like that was during a Boy Scout knot tying of the scouts (a whacko...his whole family was nuts) grabbed one of the ropes and strangled me a la garrote from behind. I blacked out and found myself on the floor. I don't know if he got in trouble or not.

Years later it was demonstrated on me in a judo class. Again, not all that bad. Don't think I've gone out since then...I usually tap before it gets that bad.

In 1981, Our instructors class was doing a spontaneous technique drill called "the alley" Defender walks from one end of the mat to the other between two lines of students who take turns attacking....

I attacked with a punch. Defender did a bunch of strikes which bent me over. He finished with a kick to my head which caught my nose. It didn't knock me out, but blood was gushing everywhere. I stood up clutching my nose with blood streaming out my fingers.

There were gasps from everyone when I removed my hand and they saw that the blood was gushing from the TOP of my nose.

His toenail had sliced the bridge of my nose. I think my nose was broken, but the cut was the source of most of the drama. I didn't get any stitches and have a nifty scar today.
You sure the septum didn't rip out through your nose? We had that happen. A student's nasal bone poked a hole through his nose, and into the kicker's HEEL. Both were bleeding.

When the student went to blow his nose, blood squirted out of the hole.

That was an unfortunate incident. The instructor kicking him had a chip on his shoulder over this student and was going to take the student down a notch. It ended up costing him the student. The guy never came back.


Steve Scott
I've never been knocked out but I have come very close to blacking out on a few different occasions. Once was in a first aid class. I have a weak stomach for injuries but I'd been doing really well all weekend. Then when the instructor started to talk about head injuries (no pictures or anything, just talking) I noticed a ringing in my ears and then my vision started to go gray. In just a few seconds I couldn't even hear what was being said anymore just a really loud ringing. I got his attention and the other instructor took me to the back and had me lie down on the floor. I guess if it's going to happen that's the place. :shrug:

Then it's also happened a few times when I'm really trying to push myself in a workout. Last thrusday in class we were doing roundhouse - turning back kick combos and I was really going at it hard. Then all of a sudden almost the same thing happened. My ears plug up and my vision starts to go. It wasn't dizzyness or anything. I was totally fine and then it just suddenly rushed up on me. It's happened a couple other times as well. I have to sit down for a few minutes and a drink of water helps a bit. After I relax for a few minutes I'm fine again and it's like nothing happened.

Anyone else ever had this happen? Or heard of it happening? :confused: It's a little disconcerting to tell the truth.