Your best Kung-Fu movie?



I saw last week "Once upon a time in china" 1, 2, 3. The first is greally good, but the second is AWESOME!!!. Jet Li is the king. Boy he's fast. Looking at him is truly poetry in motion. In some fighting scene, I had goosebump!

Rent that film!

What is your favorite kung-fu movie?

My favorite is "Shaolin Temple" w/Jet Li. It was Jet Li's first movie, and all of the people fighting in the movie were Kung Fu champions in China (not actors).

All the action is real (no special effects, wires, sudden camera changes).
As a discussion about movies, shouldn't this be in the Sports Entertainment forum instead? I haven't seen very many MA related movies (not a big movie fan in general), so I can't answer the question.
Shaolin Temple Strikes Back! Great routines! Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
I have 3; Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon; Drunken Master; and Iron Monkey.
i like the following

Crounching tiger, Iron Monkey, kiss of the dragon, romeo must die, shanghigh noon....


right now, snake and crane with jackie chan is my favorite. its got a killer plot and storyline.
Originally posted by theneuhauser

right now, snake and crane with jackie chan is my favorite. its got a killer plot and storyline.

Jackie Chan has a new movie come out soon. I think it calls Tuxedo.
My favorite MA actor is Jet Li, but I like Jackie Chan as well.

I just rented KUNG PAO: ENTER THE FIST, which is now my current favorite Kung fu movie--it really sums up all of them in one goofy slop fest. Great laughs. It was ALMOST as funny as "THE ONE", except the plot in Kung Pao was more believable, and at least was INTENDED to be a comedy.
Sorry to the Jet Li fans for the slag, but Li Lian Jie has too much potential as an acting martial artist for such ridiculous films that he's been in recently. I'd have to say Jet Li's best film is his first, SHAOLIN SSU, followed by WONG FEI HUNG (what most of us know as "Once Upon a Time in China"). I thought he played a great villian in Lethal Weapon 4, and Jet Li, for what my meager opinion's worth, carried that film single handed, even with Mel Gibson starring. Most of the rest of Jet Li's films are mildly amusing, some even annoying; to the point of if you rented one with a friend, you have to offer an emberrased apology to them after watching it. Jet Li has more than enough skill than to have to compensate by sensationalism on goofy wire-stunts. On a positive note, I am looking forward to Jet Li's current project, called HERO, directed by Zhang Ziyi, a truly great film director.
Oh, yeah, I liked Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, too (interestingly, Jet Li was supposed to star in the film, but Chow Yun Fat got the part because Jet took a year off filming after getting married/having a baby). Actually my favorite martial arts films are epics & novel translations; one is all in Chinese, no English translation/subtitles/dubbing yet, a 26 episode epic based on the SHUI HU ZHUAN, a classic Chinese Novel written in the 16th Century, the title of which is often translated as "The Water Margin", or "Outlaws of the Marsh", or (the Pearl S. Buck translation) "All Men are Brothers". I also really like the Star Wars Saga, which I consider both a great modern/futuristic Myth, and a wonderful martial arts epic.
Zhang Ziyi is an actress and Zhang Yimou is the director that you was talking about.
I am big fan of Jet Li's, but I don't know about Shaolin SSU, ( is this a whole name of the movie?)
I am a Netflix member and I put all Jet Li's movie on the watching list. I have to say that some movies that he was in weren't good movies, but it doesn't bother me because I still can enjoy his fighting scenes; fantastic movement.
Still, my all time best Kung-Fu moive is Shaolin Temple. And I am looking forward to see Hero (Ying Xiong).

Min :asian:
Hi, Min,
Thank you for the correction. Duh, sorry for the misprint--it was late when I posted last night--thank you for catching my type-o. Zhang Ziyi is the attractive young starlet in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. The Director I was TRYING to refer to, but tripped over my own fingers, was Zhang YiMou. Thanks for the save.
By the way, "Shaolin Ssu" means "Young Forest Temple". It was Jet Li's first film, from 1982 (I think Li Lian Jie was 18 years old when it was filmed?), and despite the super low budget and confusing editing, was a great film, nevertheless. As I mentioned before, I also am eagerly anticipating Ying Xiong ("Hero"), and hope that Jet Li is able to redeem himself, show us more of the quality he's capable of, and make up for some of his more recent projects that beg to be ridiculed. Which is unfortunate, because I also think Jet Li is cool, seems to be a very nice fellow, and works very hard on the sub-standard projects he's been handed so far. So, the irony is that at the same time I berate some of his films, I want to apologize to him. I thought "Kiss of the Dragon" started out interestingly enough, and had the most promise of his recent films, but somewhere around the 2nd act (the middle of the film), they seemed to have disgarded the plot they were trying to build, and the film just kind of unwound & crumbled.
The subplot that Jet Li inserted in "The One" (the Xingyi vs. Bagua conflict, which I liked, because those are the martial arts I've been studying) was more interesting than the disappointingly ridicoulous 'Time Machine meets Highlander' formula of the original script--despite the interesting special effects, the concept & plot of the film sunk the expensive effects, over-the-top-action, and actors that desperately struggled to keep it afloat.
So, to Jet Li, here's to your redemption--we're hoping you & your next film(s) shine.
Thank you Dennis for the information. Unfortunately, Netflix doesn't have the copy of Young Forest Temple. I guess I have to rent it. :mad:
Funny, I have always thought that Shaolin Temple is Jet Li's first movie; I guess I was wrong about it.
I might wrong about this, the movie Hero (Ying Xiong) is direcor Zhang Yimou's first action movie and it's target is next years' Oscar awards.
I wish them (Zhang Yimou, Jet Li and Zhang Ziyi) the best!

The best one ever, for me, has to be 'The Young Master' with Jackie Chan, the fight at the end it just phenomanal!

'Snake and Crane Arts of Shaolin' with Jackie Chan is also cool, and the 'Legend of Fon Sai Yuk' ones with Jet Li are great too.

Originally posted by PAUL

(Drum Roll)

"Master Killer" (I hope I have the title correct). I thought the plot was cool, as well as the action scenes.:cool:

Shaolin Master Killer?
One of the best early Jack Chans is Snake and the Eagle´s Shadow where he learns oves off a stray cat he adopts.
My son´s current favourite is Yoga and Kung Fu girl. This has the ultmate in contortionist Kung Fu moves!
Originally posted by PAUL
(Drum Roll)

"Master Killer" (I hope I have the title correct). I thought the plot was cool, as well as the action scenes.:cool:

Master Killer is a very good movie!

However it can't compare with my favorite right now, Drunken Master w/ Jackie Chan. Not to be confused with Legend of the Drunken Master which is a pretty recent movie(1994??) not bad itself either, but this is an older one called Drunken Master, I think 1980-ish.

Originally posted by MinnieMin
Thank you Dennis for the information. Unfortunately, Netflix doesn't have the copy of Young Forest Temple. I guess I have to rent it. :mad:
Funny, I have always thought that Shaolin Temple is Jet Li's first movie; I guess I was wrong about it.
You're both right. Shaolin Ssu and Shaolin Temple are the same movie.

Hero is my personal favorite. I just hope that they don't butcher it when they dub it for U.S. release.
anyone seen Shaolin:The Wheel of Life? it basically showcases the skills of shaolin monks as they tour the country... amazing performances and the money goes for the upkeep of their temples, i believe...