You Know You're Hooked on Karate When...

Oh man i wanna run down a beach just like appollo creed did with rocky right now!

Yes my pants are all kickable in and yes i do choose my clothes on how martal arty they are esp. the pants.

I did choose my flat for the space, and i do spend insane amounts of time browsing the bookstores/ videoshops for books or films that i have looked at millions of times before.

I spend far too much of my living existance on this site too!!!!

:mst: :mst: :mst: :mst:
You know you've been in the martial arts too long when you start coming up with defenses against everyday objects.

No lie, once an instructor of mine had someone pretending to threaten him with a plastic coat hanger. My instructor took the joke in stride and promptly made up a technique that not only disarmed the student and then retaliated with it.

I was laughing so hard I nearly passed out.

From then on, some of my classroom friends and I have had more laughs than we can count by coming up with such defenses.

"Okay, so say someone comes after you with a tape dispenser...."

"Defense against.....a COFFEE MUG!!!"


I can one-up testing out pants with side kicks...

I made sure I could do a side kick in my PROM DRESS.

LOL Nightingale. I buy jeans only if I can "kick" in them, and I buy shoes that I can kick quickly with (light shoes). And My clothes are baggy hehehehehe (easier to move).
my clothes are almost never baggy. I don't want my clothing getting in the way of moving quickly if I need to, and it gives an attacker less to grab on to. I usually buy the stretch denim jeans because I can do anything in those that I can do in my uniform. I live in jeans and tank tops, and usually boots. Summer wardrobe is usually board shorts, tanktops and sandals...(yes, I live in California).

yesterday I totally freaked a friend of mine...I was wearing a dress. he said "oh my god... I didn't know you even OWNED a dress...lemme can kick in that." hehe...I do own a more than a few dresses...I just don't wear them very often, only when its really warm outside or I feel like looking pretty or dressing up for some reason, and even then, its ALWAYS something I can move quickly in if need be.
My clothes aren't baggy, but they are "relaxed fit".....:D

I have plenty of motion allowance in my clothes, both formal and informal. I need to be able to move unhindered, "just in case".

To extend this thread just a bit......

Do you find yourself wanting to bow before or leaving rooms? Frequently? Been in the arts too long...;)

How about checking out the area wherever you go? Things like.....not sitting with your back to the crowd when possible....being sure that you have more than one available "avenue" of movement.....

Even know you've been in the arts too long when you start seeing people as large targets with little crosshairs on specific vital points.....:rofl:


yesterday, this same friend, in the middle of a restaurant, looked at me and said "close your eyes." I did. he then asked me "how many exits are there, and where are they?"

I said "five. one about ten feet behind you, one to my left, one across the room near the restrooms, and the delivery door in the kitchen. and for five, if we really need out, there's always the window right next to us."

"how many people are in the booth behind us?"

"four. a man, a woman, a little girl, and a baby in a high chair."

he let me open my eyes, and sure enough, I was right. he asked me "how do you do that?" and I answered "I have no idea. I just do." its just part of being aware of your surroundings, and I do it automatically without even thinking about it...didn't realize how extensively until he called me on it, but its something I always do.

a favorite quote....

just because you think there's someone lurking in every shadow, it doesn't always follow that you're wrong.
You missed out on a great opportunity, should have told your friend that the reason you can do all those things is due to your "ninja training".....

.....and then tell him that you could tell him more, but you'd have to kill him.....:D

The situation I thought was funny was when I was out with a friend years ago...we were in a bar, sitting in a quiet little corner, and he asked me, "Out of all the things on the table, here, how many could be used as weapons?" I looked at him, laughed, and replied, "ALL of them". He thought I was kidding, until I showed him how even change could be used offensively.....

Then he laughed and bought me a drink. :rofl:


yep. anything can be used as a weapon, even if it is to just throw a handful of change at someone to either distract them or hit them full on in the face and make them stop for just long enough...

best weapon ever in a bar fight is a pool cue, though, if you know how to use a bo.


martial artists don't duck...they take cover.
Originally posted by tonbo

"My clothes aren't baggy, but they are "relaxed fit".....:D "

That's what I ment to say. Mine are the "relaxed" fit kind.

"To extend this thread just a bit......

Do you find yourself wanting to bow before or leaving rooms? Frequently? Been in the arts too long...;)"

Yes LOL. Even when I say thank you to a stranger for hold open a door, I get the urge (or do) bow ..... gggrrrrrr LOL It's automatic.

"How about checking out the area wherever you go? Things like.....not sitting with your back to the crowd when possible....being sure that you have more than one available "avenue" of movement....."

Yes. I always sit with my back to the wall or sit facing the door. That's so I can watch everything and everyone around me.

"Even know you've been in the arts too long when you start seeing people as large targets with little crosshairs on specific vital points.....:rofl: "

hehehehehehe yep, and I'm not anywhere near BB hehehehe
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

You Know You're Hooked on Karate When...
you teach your cat how to free spar.
. . .
You know you're hooked when you look for a place to live based on the amount of practice space it provides.
. . .

My Cat knows 'Kit-Kat-Do' :rofl:

In My House, I use the Front Living room for
private lessons. Otherwise the walls have
pictures of Ansel Adams. Yes except for the
pictures there is no furniture in my Front Room.
18'x21' are the room dimensions. I Love it :D

And as for the clothes, I only buy loose fit
or relaxed or pleated pants. I can kick as high
in them as I can in a GI.

I guess I am hooked.

Thanks everyone

Kit-Kat-do!!! ROTFLMAO :rofl:

my cat is a master of self defense...when he lies on his back, he looks so sweet and innocent, but reach for his stomach and you find out right quick that five of his six ends are pointy when he lays like that.
My Cat is from the Pound, and she was de-clawed
on her front claws. She has been known to scare
many a people with her Kiaa! Yell. She is very
viscious to other people. :D

And when she does hit you, she hits hard.

She knows the many levels of self-defense

Run - Yell for help - Yell to distract
Hit before being hit
Claw before being touched or grabbed
Bite before being grabbed and after being touched
Bite and Claw if you have been Grabbed

She is a Black Kitty, so does this make her
a Black Belt in Kit-Kat-Do'????

Have a great Day

I'd say she definitely has enough grasp not only of technique but of theory to award her her black belt in Kit-Kat-Do.
One time i caught myself in the middle of a bow before crossing

the road......i bent down and undid my shoe laces and then retied

them again. i don't think anyone noticed too much.
Originally posted by WaterCircleHarmony

One time i caught myself in the middle of a bow before crossing

the road......i bent down and undid my shoe laces and then retied

them again. i don't think anyone noticed too much.

When I did this, I took my shoe off to shake out
that imaginary little rock that was in the
shoe. :rofl:

All my friends with me, just yelled at me to
catch up.

I admit it...I'm guilty of closing every single door I come through or just open with some sort of kick, usually a back or side thrust. *sob* I'm so worthless! I thought I could stop any time I wanted, but the basics turned into techniques...and the techniques turned into sets...and the sets turned into forms...and I just don't know what to do anymore!
I'm very guilty of almost all of those there some sort of medication I can take? I need some serious help...all three of my cats know how to defend themselves, by the way. Don't come near me, or Jenna will thrash you!

Oos - :asian:
Originally posted by Quinn-child

I admit it...I'm guilty of closing every single door I come through or just open with some sort of kick, usually a back or side thrust. *sob* I'm so worthless! I thought I could stop any time I wanted, but the basics turned into techniques...and the techniques turned into sets...and the sets turned into forms...and I just don't know what to do anymore!
I'm very guilty of almost all of those there some sort of medication I can take? I need some serious help...all three of my cats know how to defend themselves, by the way. Don't come near me, or Jenna will thrash you!

Oos - :asian:

Erin, I can help you.
Come to my house and let me make you some your favorit Cranberry-Pecan Rugelach and Pavlova with lots of fresh strawberries. I bet you'll be paralysis in my sofa. :boing2:

Few nights ago, my husband saw me holding my labtop and ignoring everything then he said," oh, let me guess, MarticalTalk, right?" "You are hooked!"
Well, I guess I am a little. :) Reading your guys/girls' posts, I realized that I was there sometimes; such as kick the doors (I do back kicks). Here is one thing I guess no body has ever done that yet: I like dance at home sometimes, but since I start MA, I put some new movements (punches, heel palms, and kicks) into my free style dancing.
So, I guess I am hooked, too :sadsong:

Originally posted by MinnieMin

Erin, I can help you.
Come to my house and let me make you some your favorit Cranberry-Pecan Rugelach and Pavlova with lots of fresh strawberries. I bet you'll be paralysis in my sofa. :boing2:


new friday night game to play? sparring for Rugelach? :D


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