Would you go to the ground in a self-defence situation?



Would you go to the ground in a self-defence situation? Even vs a non martial artist?

The only way I would go to the is if I was force to go. If I tried some kind of throw/sweep and they pull or push me down, I am making sure they come with me. Don't want them standing on top of me.

Bob Thomas :D
I think it depends on the situation. For the most part, I think it could be dangerous to try to go to the ground intentionally, but sometimes one has no choice (e.g. icy ground, getting pulled down). That's one reason I practice my throws and such with my opponent resisting. I find that my throws must be much cleaner and accurate to avoid being taken down when I don't want to. Also, when I do fall down when my partner pull me down, I can practice what to do from there.

To me, the only problem would be the people around. Grappling on the streets, NO problem but people around kicking my head...scary!

-Bushido :samurai:
There was a saying when I signed up for Kenpo lessons. I can paraphrase it by saying that the way we kick people in the head in Kenpo is to take them down so that their head is near your foot.

I would go to the ground only if I had to. If I get thrown or taken down I try to get up as fast as I can.

But we have some good follow-up/following strikes to execute as/when/after we do takedowns in Kenpo. So I would do those but then get off/get away because if the guy is not finished he is probably strong and if he is stronger than me, I don't want to grapple and I especially don't want to grapple on the ground (where I can't do a sweep or takedown). And I especially don't want to "let" someone take me to the ground because if they are trying to do it they might be good/skilled at it and be better there than I am. I have very, very few ground fighting "skills."

So, no. I would not go to the ground if I could help it, or unless I was Certain that I could restrain the non-martial artist and either defeat/demoralize him there, or choke him out and leave him there.
Some of the harimau Silat I have seen is very good at striking from the ground (say, after a throw), then getting back up. I was visiting my friend's school (which is affiliated with Cass Magda, so big into Silat), and I was impressed at how they positioned themselves after being thrown or swept. It was an "awareness" throughout the whole process of being thrown and being able to put oneself in a defensible position to strike from laying and kneeling positions.

Also, in my class we practice takedowns against strikes. We put helmets on, then try to slip or duck a jab and do a tackle or double/single leg takedown. It is hard, as my partner really tries to nail me when I come in, but it can be done. In any case, I see someone in a real fight maybe diving in for a tackle, taking one or two shots, and being able to pull someone down, so I think it is important to be versed in all ranges to some degree.

Originally posted by Bushido

Would you go to the ground in a self-defence situation? Even vs a non martial artist?


That really depends. I wouldn't seek the situation. But if I had no choice then the answer is obvious.

One on one where I was sure no-one was around yes. My ground fighting is good enough. But I'd rather throw them on the ground.

I think I need to practise getting off of someone when I am in the mount - necessary if you've thrown someone a bit messily in a multiple opponent situation.
Originally posted by Bod

One on one where I was sure no-one was around yes.

My BJJ instructor emphasizes this concern--you don't want to go to the groun din a bar where not only is there stuff on the ground and stuff that could be used to hit you (e.g. a chair) but where your opponent's friends can kick you in the head.

Definitely, it's a last resort against a truly superior stand-up fighter or a person who tries a take-down and succeeds. You need to know something about it, but it shouldn't be the first move in a non-competition setting.
Yes, the main problem with grappling in a self-defence situation is the people around. Like you said, one-on-one, no problem, but someone can come out and bang your head.

Dangerous situation!

-Bushido :samurai:
Most of the time actually. Whether I knock them down or take them down, I do want my opponent on the ground. Although it'd probably be knee-on-stomach versus other positions.

Probably never use the guard except if I had a guillotine really locked in.
Originally posted by bscastro

In any case, I see someone in a real fight maybe diving in for a tackle, taking one or two shots, and being able to pull someone down, so I think it is important to be versed in all ranges to some degree.


Absolutely right. I would prefer to err on the side of being better standing up as the perils of being on the ground are well-represented here.

Great thread.
Was watching ESPN the other night, and they had several baseball brawls for the year. Quest what most of these brawls went to the ground before everyone piled on to end the fight. You can say you will never go to the ground. But you better have some concept of what to do if you do go. Wrestling/ Grappling what ever you want to call it is world's oldest sport next to maybe racing. It is a natural human respones.
Bob :asian:
Yes, I fond that too, grappling IS a natural response.

Although grappling may be a natural response, and I am an advocate of being versed on the ground, I think it is important to try to stay standing often because of multiple-attackers, weapons, and environment. There are many factors to consider when going to the ground. however, as mentioned many times before, it may not be a choice whether to go to the ground or not.

When I refer to grappling, the first stage is the stand-up version of it. You have to be able to strike, throw, choke or lock someone up. Yes I would prefer not to go to the ground and you be know how to do stand-up grappling to prevent from doing ground grappling.
Was reading the paper tonight. Some idiot Went in to some wine resturant with 3 guns, samurai sword and bottle of kerosene. He was planing on killing everyone till two women, one was a waitress jump on the guy and tackle him. I believe this took place around New York City.
id wouldnt go down. ofcourse there are methods of ground fighing, but to go down voluntarily is very risky