Wood Working Forums


Kenpo Wolf

Hello people. Being wood working is one of my hobbies, is there a forum out in cyberland that covers it? Any help as well as links would be greatly appreciated
So I take it that no one here is into woodworking or they don't know of any forums? Thanks anyways
Thank you for the links, KR. They are very much appreciated:)
Seig has always been interested in woodworking.. and since our move he has his own shop and acquiring tools for the trade.. anyone else do woodworking of any kind? Tips. hints.. patterns to share.. :)
Well, I built an entertainment center, some cabinets, picture frames, etc. I try to stick with smaller project lately, (I think it's laziness mostly)
Looks like wood put together at different angles...(wink)

Most of my stuff was for others, didn't photograph...(slapping forhead)

If either of you have questions, would be happy to help.
Originally posted by oldnewbie
Looks like wood put together at different angles...(wink)

Most of my stuff was for others, didn't photograph...(slapping forhead)

If either of you have questions, would be happy to help.

I bet it's gorgeous work ~!!! *can hear the humbleness in your words *G*

Thanks~!! :)