Woman finds 139-year-old baseball card in box of antiques


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Woman finds 139-year-old baseball card in box of antiques

By 'Duk
The strange story goes like this: Last summer, Bernice Gallego pulled an old baseball card from a box of antiques. She figured it might be worth something to someone, so she listed it on eBay.
The starting bid was $10.
But after getting a flurry of inquiries about whether the card was authentic or not, Gallego started to suspect she was holding something a little more valuable and immediately ended the auction.
Turns out her hunch was correct. She did have something more valuable. The card she found was made in 1869 and featured the "Red Stocking B.B. Club of Cincinnati," the sport's first professional team. It's considered one of the first baseball cards ever produced and its actual value could be worth more than $100,000 when she puts it back on eBay (with a higher starting price, of course).
Of course, the news that she had found a rare piece of early baseball history came as a shock to the 72-year-old Fresno, Calif., resident who said she's never been to a baseball game. Her tale, from unwitting discovery to learning about the card's history, is wonderfully captured by our old pal Mike Osegueda of the Fresno Bee. Click here to read it.
Amazing, and she almost sold it for $10.00! Glad she stopped and decided to check it out. This card should be placed in the Hall of Fame I think since it's so rare and in the hands of a collector it won't be shared with the rest of the world that comes to visit the Hall of Fame.
Unless of course the buyer decides to "loan long-term" to the HOF so that others can see that bit of history.

I'm off to check my parent's basement too... what about you?
This just restores my faith in the idea that the "Goonies" can still find One Eyed Willies Treasure.

Maybe the Goonie is an old lady who finds a rare card in her basement or attic, or maybe its some kid who discovers his dad's Rare Blue Snaggletooth.

Either way, that's awesome and probably quite exciting for her.

I agree that the BBHOF should acquire it.
Amazing, and she almost sold it for $10.00! Glad she stopped and decided to check it out.

I'm sure it was going to sell for more than $10, but not nearly for as much as it will now that it has been authenticated.

It's considered one of the first baseball cards ever produced and its actual value could be worth more than $100,000 when she puts it back on eBay (with a higher starting price, of course).

I thought statment from the article was funny. A starting price of $.01 won't likely drag down the final winning price.

And looking back I thought it would have been cool if I had never opened those Star Wars toys I got when I was young! :jediduel:
I'm sure it was going to sell for more than $10, but not nearly for as much as it will now that it has been authenticated.

I thought statment from the article was funny. A starting price of $.01 won't likely drag down the final winning price.

And looking back I thought it would have been cool if I had never opened those Star Wars toys I got when I was young! :jediduel:
Yeah me too... I had gotten the first authentic set of the action figures from Kenner by ordering it out of a comic book (or a box of cereal) and well... being a kid played with them without really realizing at the time just HOW valuable that would become someday...
I years later met a friend who has a huge card-board box (for a big screen TV -- at the time) filled with various unopened Star Wars toys/action-figures and what-nots. Awfully curious as to how much that collection is worth now... but he plans to hang on to it for HIS kid (he was 19 at the time). This was all PRE-prequel stuff too.

My dad tells me about all the baseball cards and comic books (original first issues of Superman and Batman and just about every other DC character) he "lovingly" took care of... then of course like many a mother... gave them all away to the sweet little boy down the street when her son was grown up and starting his own life.

Enuff to make you cry.