Why We Train


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Jun 21, 2003
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Why do we train? I find it interesting, the many different answers that you will get to this question. People train for many different reasons, and have different ways that they go about doing their training.

I know it is hard to put an exact number on this, and I AM ONLY SPEAKING ON WHAT I HAVE SEEN IN MY EXPERIENCES. I AM NOT SPEAKING FOR EVERYBODY!!

80% of the people that I have talked to say they train to learn to defend themselves.

5% of the people say they train for weight loss.

15% of the people are the assorted reasons. Some train for the sake of just having something fun to do. They have the chance to meet new people and make new friends. Some of them train because of the current trend. I mostly see this with kids. They see the Mutant Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers, etc. and they want to be just like them. Some people, and i personally think this is a very bad reason, but they just want something for their child to do, so that they (the parents) can have 30 min of quiet time away from their kids. How sad. These are the people that drop the kid off at the door, drive away, come back in 30 min, pick up the kid and go home. The only time you see the parent is on a belt promotion. But these are the first people that will complain when their kid isnt progressing fast enough. Well, maybe if they spent some time watching their kid in class, they would see the hard time he/she is having.

I started training for the self confidence and the SD. I was fortunate to be able to train with a good group of people, make new friends, and have the chance to train with others, to be able to experience the other things that are out there.

I wrote my Black Belt thesis on this 18 years ago. Wish I had kept a copy...Original lost in a fire at the Dojo 8 years ago...

There are several reasons why people train.
Making friends and belonging to a group
Self-improvement and self-confidence
Self-actualization and maximizing personal achievement

People's training motivation changes over time. How many Black Belts continue to train for the exact same reasons as when they started? For instance, teaching is very rewarding in so many ways. Motivationally, teaching is a real ego booster putting the teacher at the top of a group and pushing self-actualization.
Originally posted by Old Fat Kenpoka
I wrote my Black Belt thesis on this 18 years ago. Wish I had kept a copy...Original lost in a fire at the Dojo 8 years ago...

There are several reasons why people train.
Making friends and belonging to a group
Self-improvement and self-confidence
Self-actualization and maximizing personal achievement

People's training motivation changes over time. How many Black Belts continue to train for the exact same reasons as when they started? For instance, teaching is very rewarding in so many ways. Motivationally, teaching is a real ego booster putting the teacher at the top of a group and pushing self-actualization.

Just when I was about to check up on you, and you say your thesis was lost in a fire? How coincidental! (Just teasing):)
Alot of it has to do with where you live too. Mr. Parker grew up in Hawaii where he states that street fighting was very common. Self defense is then a number 1 priority. I live in a nice part of laid back Austin TX. Not that self defense isn't still part of the reason to train, but excercise and social reasons are more common motivations for people I would think.
Wow, that's like a Lifetime network Movie of the Week :eek:
Originally posted by RCastillo
For my sanity!:)

I am with ya there....If i wasn't at work right now, I would be training my butt of right now...just to be sane and calm....
Worse than you could ever imagine...More like a Lifetime mini-series...

Most of the Black Belts leaving to open a competing school with the first day of business scheduled for the week after the fire. A child dying because of a fall from the arsonists horse. The arsonist stalking his beautiful ex-wife. Death threats to a neighbor. A 6'4" Black Belt and key witness who got a sex-change operation between the 1st fire and the trial (6 years in between). 50 witnesses at the trial with nothing nice to say.
Started in Kenpo for self defense, started T'ai Chi Ch'uan so I could do something "martial" to rehab my shoulder and return to Kenpo.

Trying to avoid life's potholes,
Randy Strausbaugh
I definitely don't train now for the same reasons I started.

I started for self-defense. I keep training because I can't stop. It's now part of my life, and I have too much fun doing it, darn it!

I guess one way to look at it for me now is that I continue training because there is still more to learn. Once I learn everything, I will stop training....;)

Self defense is not really a priority for me although I'm sure that if it ever comes up that I need to defend myself, I will be glad I know it. I began because I had always been intrigued with Martial Arts and I was looking for something neat and at the same time useful that I could do WITH my kids, an activity that could at the same time involve both kids AND adults. I have to say that I have gotten all that I was looking for for both myself and my kids. I am getting the physical conditioning that I so desperately needed, along with so many other things and my kids are getting a great physical activity, self-confidence, discipline and on and on and on.
Well, I started because of Bruce Lee and the Ninja Turtles, but it's not why I stayed .......

I train because it's fun, and I enjoy it.

I train because I enjoy teaching and sharing with others.

I train because it gives me something new to think about everyday.

I train because it provides me something beneficial to pass on to others.

I train because I get to share myself and my experiences through it, and I get to share in other people's experiences too.

I train because it makes me safer.

I train because it keeps me fit and healthy.

I train because it could come in handy someday.

I train because one of my students might need to know it someday.

I train because there's always someone better on the mat, and somehow I always meet up with him, so it keeps me humble.

I train because developing a skill makes me feel good about myself.

I train because I like to be around people when they are having fun, especially while working out or doing other positive activities.

I train because it helped me as a kid, and now I can help other kids.

I train because I have seen people overcome everything imaginable as a result of training.

I train because I learn something every time.
1. Stay in shape.
2. Keep the mind sharp.
3. It is the only thing I can do on my own for me.
4. I love to learn new things.
5. I love the contact.
6. I love the testing my knowledge & skill with other kenpoists everywhere.
When I was a kid I began for the self-defense thing.
When I returned to kenpo it was because I've always liked it, and I needed to be in shape to feel alright. Four years later, I have more reasons, but I guess actually self-defense is not one of them!
I train because I can't stop, I originally stated in SHotokan however found Kenpo by accident I wasn't looking just took my girlfriend and her siter and friend to start a self defence class. It was Kenpo I started training and 9 years later haven't looked back.

I teach and therefore train to keep my skills up to date and sharp and also to gain the knowledge to pass onto my students.

I love Kenpo and it certainly keeps my mind and body active.

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