Why are BJJ and Wrestling the only arts that are in a subforum?


Nov 14, 2013
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I'm planning on starting BJJ next month. It's one of the only arts on this forum that isn't visible on the main page. I can easily see if there's new posts in General, Taekwondo, or Hapkido. But now that I'm starting BJJ, it's just a subforum under grappling. Taekwondo and Hapkido could both be subforums under Korean Martial Arts - General. Why not have Grappling - General, and then regular forums for BJJ and Wrestling?
Hi Skribs,

When the site was created and for the first few years the forums changed quickly.
A lot of it was based upon the number of users and traffic.

After the original owner sold it to the existing corporation owner, it has not changed much.

As to seeing new posts.
Under the Forums Tab / Button under the logo is a second line of buttons and the far left one is New Posts.
If you click on this it will give you all the new posts since your last opened the site.

This will provide a list of all of them. The order will be newest I believe first to the oldest since you last viewed or marked forums read.
I suggest you and others post in the BJJ Sub Forum get the traffic up and ask again.
I will also ask my contacts here at this site.
Hi Skribs,

When the site was created and for the first few years the forums changed quickly.
A lot of it was based upon the number of users and traffic.

After the original owner sold it to the existing corporation owner, it has not changed much.

As to seeing new posts.
Under the Forums Tab / Button under the logo is a second line of buttons and the far left one is New Posts.
If you click on this it will give you all the new posts since your last opened the site.

This will provide a list of all of them. The order will be newest I believe first to the oldest since you last viewed or marked forums read.
I suggest you and others post in the BJJ San Diego Sub Forum get the traffic up and ask again.
I will also ask my contacts here at this site.
Are Wrestlers just superior to BJJ in MMA and fight to the death even if the pure BJJ fighter and the pure Wrestler fighter have the same strength, same body build, same height, and the same speed?
Are Wrestlers just superior to BJJ in MMA and fight to the death even if the pure BJJ fighter and the pure Wrestler fighter have the same strength, same body build, same height, and the same speed?
Wink’s as good as a nudge to a blind man. Know what I mean?