What weapon are you?

Blotan Hunka

Master Black Belt
Dec 15, 2005
Reaction score
What Combat Weaponry Are You?

My Results:

Ak-47 Assault Rifle

A well seasoned fighter and capable in any situation. Extremely dependable you got your buddies back regardless of circumstance. You can take a beating and give it back just as easily. Though it may not be what you want, you stand out as a well rounded fighter.
Mossberg-590 Shotgun
Your appearance works toward your advantage, as under estimators leave themselves up close and vulnerable. An excellent close range fighter you prefer upper-cuts and cheap shots.
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]M-134 "Mini-Gun" [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]A true brute, you have a "presence" every where you go. You can take on any opponent with little effort, your dependable and your reputation does the talking. [/FONT]
I got the good 'ol Mk-19 Mod. 3 Grenade Launcher.


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L-96 Sniper Rifle

What Combat Weaponry Are You?

Ak-47 Assault Rifle A well seasoned fighter and capable in any situation. Extremely dependable you got your buddies back regardless of circumstance. You can take a beating and give it back just as easily. Though it may not be what you want, you stand out as a well rounded fighter.
I'll take it..
Stg-77 Aug
Light weight and agile you fight as though you have something to prove. Speed and agility are your strong points. You can scrap with the big dogs though they tire you out quicker.

The description's completely off, but hey, cool looking gun.
G-36 Assault Rifle
Your stylish and laid back. Nonetheless, others can count on you for support. You can hold your own in a variety of situations, despite lacking formal fighting skills. You have your limitations but are clever in exposing them in others.
Mossberg-590 Shotgun

Your appearance works toward your advantage, as under estimators leave themselves up close and vulnerable. An excellent close range fighter you prefer upper-cuts and cheap shots.


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M-134 "Mini-Gun"

A true brute, you have a "presence" every where you go. You can take on any opponent with little effort, your dependable and your reputation does the talking.

okie dokie
That would be the:

M-240 Machinegun
You won't back down from any situation and are extremely reliable. You are very versatile and can scrap with the best.