What was your original reason for taking up MA?

Why did you first take up MA?

  • Fitness

  • Self Defense

  • Social/To meet others

  • More than one of the above

  • Other

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Hahaha it's ok, man. We've all seen it too :D

"Who's the master?"......
Originally posted by kilo
I feel like a fool for saying this but it was thr movie "The Last Dragon." That got me started.

Heh me too sorta.
My dad opened a school and I started taking, but I wasnt very good. That movie kinda inspired me to keep at it.

oh wait... That was the reason for joining the MARINE....sorrrry.... ;)
i started martial arts for all the wrong reasons, i was an angry angry child and just wanted a more "efficient" way to beat the ***** out of people. As ashamed as i am to admit it that was why, but through martial arts my reasoning changed for the better as well as my life.
Originally posted by andurilking2
i started martial arts for all the wrong reasons, i was an angry angry child and just wanted a more "efficient" way to beat the ***** out of people. As ashamed as i am to admit it that was why, but through martial arts my reasoning changed for the better as well as my life.

Don't be ashamed about it. Plenty of people come to the arts to learn how to kick butt better - and not just children either. Usually if that is all they are getting out of it they leave, because they don't seem to learn fast enough. Three weeks of boxing lessons would probably help you in that regard more than three weeks of karate. In many cases, people find other reasons to stay, much like yourself - and they're the ones who stick it out.
Well I studied a bit ok Shotokhan when I was a kid, but never went too far with it. Then my son was born years later, he got hooked on Power Rangers and Ninja Turtles when he was 7 years old. So we looked around and tried a few styles until we found Kenpo. I joined cuz I fugured if he got good, he might try to kick my *** when he got older...hehehe
My first Bruce Lee movie... Chinese Connection aka Fist of Fury...that and finally found a way to keep those idjits off of me at grade skool

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