What was your original reason for taking up MA?

Why did you first take up MA?

  • Fitness

  • Self Defense

  • Social/To meet others

  • More than one of the above

  • Other

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This is a wierd question for me. I'm not sure why I started. I have been doing martial arts in some form as far back as I can remember. For me it's a part of who I am. It's something I've always had an urge to do. The only reason I started formal lessons when I did was because it was the first oppritunity I had where I could afford to send myself.

My father told me that when I was a little boy, I used to be very aggressive with other children. He told me I'd be too physical and that it got me into trouble. I used to hit kids left and right. I was basicly a little jerk.

He told me that I would always bug him to send me to "karate school", but he was afraid that would make me worse. To this day I'm not sure if it would have helped or hurt but I'm just happy I'm not like that now. ;)
We've had something lengthy threads on this in this forum--you might look back through old posts as well!
Its been a sort of family thing to Study Kali/Hapkido for a while so just carrying on Tradition.......same as my kids will :D

teenage mutant ninja turtles!

I gotta agree with twinkletoes Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. (Seriously, I was 7.)
An old girlfriend asked me if i wanted to try it out.
(10 years ago)
Initially an old Bruce Tegner book, bought at a garage sale, got me interested. I was only a kid and well...it just looked downright awesome!

Plus my little brother was always getting me into fights with people :D
When Iwas a kid I wanted to take Karate and I thought that Kenpo had a much cooler name than Tai Kwon Do so it had to be better. I did not actually take any forms of martial arts until I was around nineteen and that was because I worked with a gal that happened to be taking Kenpo and she was really hot. In hopes of impressing her :ladysman: I took some lessons from her. I have been a lifer and a serious practioner ever since. I am just lucky I guess!!! I found a life long love (meening Kenpo) and several true to the core friends including the gal I tried to impress.

Mike Miller UKF
I lived in Korea. It was cheap and a good work out. That plus the self-defense aspects. After I received my BB, I stayed with it because I would like to teach my son. A father son activity.
Because I enjoy challenges. I've always been in sports. I just wanted to do something different and karate seemed like fun!

It is still fun and I'm loving every minute of it!

_ Ceicei
Originally posted by Richard S.
"Billy Jack".........

Myself, the bottom line is, I was a pansy through elementary school and junior high. So basically, I got tired of getting my butt kicked or constantly being afraid of getting my butt kicked. A good friend came over one day telling me about a two-for-one special at a local martial arts studio and I was hooked! That was 31 years ago.

Bill Parsons
Originally posted by bdparsons
Myself, the bottom line is, I was a pansy through elementary school and junior high. So basically, I got tired of getting my butt kicked or constantly being afraid of getting my butt kicked.

Kinda the same here. When I started Jr. High I weighed in at a whopping 80lbs. and when I started wrestling I continually got beat on the mat. A couple of fights in school where I didn't land a punch, being scrawning and getting beat on the mat it was time for a change. My dad started lifting weights with me everyday and the martial arts started 3 yrs. later 'cause there really wasn't anything in my area at that time. My confidence was elevated after lifting weights and after my first four losses on the mat I didn't lose any more matches the rest of my Jr. High career. Sorry for rambling but I thought it fit here.:asian:
Mine was for something to do with the wife and kids. It didn't take long for me to become addicted to it. Time has passed and things have changed. My eldest daughter and my wife didn't make the change when we moved to the new style. Three of the girls made the switch and are just as happy as they can be.
I feel like a fool for saying this but it was thr movie "The Last Dragon." That got me started.

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