What positive contribution have YOU made to Modern Arnis?


Green Belt
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
During an exchange of posts on the thread, Modern Arnis Basic Striking Patterns Discussion, Tim Hartman, made the following comment: "It is very evident that the members of camp Barber would rather cause trouble than contribute to the growth of our late Teacher’s legacy." (Tim Hartman - 9-26-2005)

On 9-27-2005, I replied in part: This is what "...I have done in the past to positively contribute the legacy of Professor, I have taught Modern Arnis at Erie Community College in both Orchard Park and Buffalo, NY since 1987 to the present. My four course sequence is taught for academic credit through the PE Department. Professor himself approved the entire program in writing in 1989. I also hosted Professor for at least one seminar and camp every year from 1986 to 1994."

Over the course of the next week, I have noticed that no one else has stepped up to inform this forum of any contributions that they have made to "...contribute to the growth of our late Teacher’s legacy." Therefore I am posing this question to ALL of the MTC subscribers who are students and /or instructors in Modern Arnis: What have you done to make a positive contribution "...to the growth of our late Teacher’s legacy."

Mr. Hartman's statement is actually contains the basis for a very good question and discussion.

Please note and understand that a contribution to the art has nothing to do with what rank and/or title one might have. This question is not directed toward others. It is specificly being asked of each individual person - YOU. I am asking each of you to answer the question for and about yourself. What someone else has done is not important relative to this question. I am looking forward to your replies and particularly that of Mr. Hartman.


Jerome Barber, Ed.D.


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Terre Haute, IN
Mr. Hartman is out of town, doing a seminar in Colorado, and may not be able to reply immediately.

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
My contributions:
- Founded MartialTalk under the idea of offering a common area of communication and news sharing to help the community stay in touch, and informed on what everyone is doing. As part of that, the policy of minimal topic removal was instituted to allow MT to serve as a living, growing archive of history.

- Setup one of the first memorials to the late GM Presas online where his students and friends have contributed memories of who he was so that we can all remember him.

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
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Oct 13, 2001
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I tried to work here at MT to have aplace for Modern Arnis.

I have have been training for about 20 years and enjoy dharing the art with other people

I have worked with those who are Blind and with other physical disabilities, each case is unique for how one address self defense to compensate for a disability.

I have taught at churches andother womens clubs about self defense and awareness.

I have also taught and assisted at the Intermural classes for U of M - Flint. Nothing recently but while I was there in the 80's.

I recently have with the help of those here on this board and with those I have met by going to functions / events, increased my seminar schedule to teach more people. As of date I have done 3 100% benefit seminars to help individuals or tragic events. As I enjoy the teaching I also enjoy helping others when ever I can.

I have travelled to see as many of those who also teach as I can in the last four years. This has helped me to make friends and connections as well to see where I stand myself. One can never be too good at teaching and there is almost always something you can learn to help you improve and to reach more people.

Personally my 6 events this year, and those previously, as well as the club I teach, is not what I would call a major contribution. I am just doing what little I can.



White Belt
Jun 9, 2005
Reaction score
What is the point of this question? I've been training for little over a year, never met Professor Presas, and can't kill anyone with the super secret death punch. So what? I contribute by simply learning about Modern Arnis and Professor. I tell others about Filipino Martial Arts and how much I enjoy them. Why does every forum here turn into a contest? Dr. Barber, Datu's Worden and Hartman, Dan Anderson, Bram Frank, Jeff Delaney, and Dippo the Wondermutt can all kick my butt, so why does it matter to a begining student like me who has contributed the most. I say this with much respect for everyone, but I DON'T CARE! You are all important to Modern Arnis and I think it cheapens the very thing you all love so much to continually revisit the "who's best", "who's the true successor", "who's teacher can beat up who's teacher", etc., contest

I've been intimidated to participate too much in the forum because I lack experience and by the hostility that erupts around here and I wonder how many students or interested parties see the posts here and decide that Hapkido or Tae Kwon Do better suits them because these Modern Arnis guys seem like such jerks. The point is that you all may be doing more damage than you think every time you type before you think. I've been fortunate to have met some really great and interesting people in the short time I've been training, but if I had read the forum before meeting them I probably would have chosen not to associate with them.

My dream would be to travel around the country and train with as many of you as I could. You all have a unique interpretation that makes you valuable contributors. In my opinion, one of the beauties of Arnis is that there is such a variety of techniques, skills, and interpretations, and personalities to learn and learn from. Market that instead of yourselves and and I think Modern Arnis will grow.

I've attended a seminar with Datu Hartman that I fully enjoyed. He was a very good instructor and broke down the techniques for those of us with limited skills and shared some of his moments with Professor with us. I've looked at Dan Anderson's website and I'm asking my wife for his books for Christmas because they seem like they will be an excellent resource. This doesn't mean that Datu Worden isn't as good an instructor as Datu Hartman or that someone else can't write an excellent training guide. Perhaps I am hammering the point too much, but I LIKE the fact that I have all these options and resources at my fingertips and I could care less that Datu A doesn't like Datu B. In all honesty, its not about YOU. Its about your students and the art. That will be the true legacy and I can't help wondering if Professor might not be just a bit disappointed with some of you.

I truly hope that I have not offended because that was not the intent. This is one frustrated individuals attempt to express himself. If anyone wishes to continue this discussion I promise to respond with civility and as much eloquence as I posses.


Ryan J. Kelsey


<font color=blue><B>Grand UberSoke, Sith-jutsu Ryu
Jan 11, 2004
Reaction score
Well said Ryan.
Reading things in the MA forum often seems like a soap opera. I've said it before that the egos, nitpicking and need to be "top dog" hurt the art's progression. All the BS just turns potential students or partners away.

Here's the opposite question, directed to the so called "Leaders" in MA: What have you done to damage Arnis and tarnish the dreams of GM. Presas? All the backbiting, politics, sending your students to argue while you sit back and act innocent, game playing on forums, spreading lies and rumor, constantly cutting each other down? Theres an almost 600 post thread on another forum which features a few clueless crap-slingers, banned losers from this site, and the students of at least 2 of the so-called "Leaders" locked in a war of words. All arguing over who's good and who's crap, and a ton of other pointless drivel. All it really means is that I'd never personally train with any of those involved, or their instructors. Why? Because I prefer my training partners and instructors to have reached a certain level of maturity, little of which is on display there, and is often in short supply here. If you've engaged in politicking, scheming, game playing, sniping, sending your drones to battle, or screwing around with other instructors students, then shame on you.

If you want to learn Modern Arnis, there are many excellent instructors out there. Many don't care if they are in the limelight, seen as the "heir", or on the cover of "Black Belt". They just want to train, share and enjoy the art. Seek them out, they are out there.

Worden, Hartman, Anderson, Barber, etc, all reportedly offer solid training, though each person approaches things a little differently, a combination of personal flavor, experiences, influences, etc. Exp-Anderson's is reportedly flavored a bit with his Karate background, Barbers influenced by Tracy Kenpo, and Dippo's with Scooby Snaks. :) It's all good, just different. It's just a shame theres such a desire to be seen as "The Best" and rather than just show how good they are, that they engage in the crap we've seen.

People have been "run outta dodge" here because others thought they were game playing under false names. Others have used multiple accounts to push their own agendas. I'm not sure I'd want to study under an instructor so insecure of their own ability that they have to resort to such tricks to boost their own visibility.

So, what is a positive contribution?
- How many seminars did you teach?
- How many seminars were you invited to teach?
- How many events did you attend, just for the sake of being there?
- How many of your own students did you bring with you?
- How much do you encourage your students to attend other MA events?
- How many other MA events do you attend outside your own 'circle'?
- How many of your own students have you helped guide to a teaching level?
- How have you helped promote, expand or otherwise get the word out about Modern Arnis and it's benefits?

But, I'll answer the original question:
What have I done? I refer people here to the leading Modern Arnis forum online so that they can find information, training partners, events, seminars and schools to train at. Modern Arnis looks to be a wonderfully adaptable and flexible art, and there are many excellent instructors out there. Once you get them out of primadona mode that is. :)

Mark Lynn

Master Black Belt
Apr 21, 2003
Reaction score
Roanoke TX USA
Gryphon said:
1) What is the point of this question? I've been training for little over a year, never met Professor Presas, and can't kill anyone with the super secret death punch. So what? I contribute by simply learning about Modern Arnis and Professor. I tell others about Filipino Martial Arts and how much I enjoy them. Why does every forum here turn into a contest? Dr. Barber, Datu's Worden and Hartman, Dan Anderson, Bram Frank, Jeff Delaney, and Dippo the Wondermutt can all kick my butt, so why does it matter to a begining student like me who has contributed the most. I say this with much respect for everyone, but I DON'T CARE! You are all important to Modern Arnis and I think it cheapens the very thing you all love so much to continually revisit the "who's best", "who's the true successor", "who's teacher can beat up who's teacher", etc., contest

2) I've been intimidated to participate too much in the forum because I lack experience and by the hostility that erupts around here and I wonder how many students or interested parties see the posts here and decide that Hapkido or Tae Kwon Do better suits them because these Modern Arnis guys seem like such jerks. The point is that you all may be doing more damage than you think every time you type before you think. I've been fortunate to have met some really great and interesting people in the short time I've been training, but if I had read the forum before meeting them I probably would have chosen not to associate with them.

3) My dream would be to travel around the country and train with as many of you as I could. You all have a unique interpretation that makes you valuable contributors. In my opinion, one of the beauties of Arnis is that there is such a variety of techniques, skills, and interpretations, and personalities to learn and learn from. Market that instead of yourselves and and I think Modern Arnis will grow.

4) I've attended a seminar with Datu Hartman that I fully enjoyed. He was a very good instructor and broke down the techniques for those of us with limited skills and shared some of his moments with Professor with us. I've looked at Dan Anderson's website and I'm asking my wife for his books for Christmas because they seem like they will be an excellent resource. This doesn't mean that Datu Worden isn't as good an instructor as Datu Hartman or that someone else can't write an excellent training guide. Perhaps I am hammering the point too much, but I LIKE the fact that I have all these options and resources at my fingertips and I could care less that Datu A doesn't like Datu B. In all honesty, its not about YOU. Its about your students and the art. That will be the true legacy and I can't help wondering if Professor might not be just a bit disappointed with some of you.

5) I truly hope that I have not offended because that was not the intent. This is one frustrated individuals attempt to express himself. If anyone wishes to continue this discussion I promise to respond with civility and as much eloquence as I posses.


Ryan J. Kelsey

I added numbers to your post to address them.

1) Relax a little, I think Dr. Barber might be trying to address a point here about what have students and teachers done to benefit the art that the Professor left us. I didn't take this as who's better and who's has done more and who can beat up who. Actually as a beginning student you are doing all that you can, and that's great by just learning and sticking with the system.

2) I'm sorry that you have felt intimidated at times to join in, but all of us here don't get into some of the issues that are expressed on MT. However for the most part this is a great forum. I visit here far more often than some other forums for the wide experience on this forum and the wide view points that are presented. I hope you stick around.

3) I totally agree with you here. It is great to be able to see the different instructors who teach MA, since everyone has a bit different take on the material. Seeing the different instructors helps one to get a broader understanding of the art, to think outside of the box so to speak. This has been my goal as well and one that I'm actively trying to fullfill.

4) Again I agree with you here Dan's books are excellent resource material, Datu Tim is a good instructor as well as Datu Worden (I speak from the experience of having seen them all at one time or another). I hold all of them in pretty high regard and there shouldn't be a problem with going to see anyone of them (or anyone else for that matter). However I don't think the Professor would be dissapointed in any one of his instructors except for individuals like myself who aren't teaching and spreading his art as these other gentleman are.

I believe that GM Remy would be proud of how his art has grown and how his students are now supporting and coming out to see his older students/instructors. This couldn't or wouldn't have happened if the Professor was still alive since he would be the main man and the person that everyone would go see. But now that he has left us, we have some excellent sources of MA that are now coming out that we would never have seen before. Think about it in the past few years Dr. Barber put on the Symposium (let's not get into Symposium bashing OK), SM Dan Anderson put on the Inernational Modern Arnis Summercamp, The MOTTs and the IMAF have put on their arnis seminars, Datu Worden put on some camps as well. And all of these had instructors from abroad (Datu Dieter, Samual Bambit Dulay, Gabbi, Roland Dantes), and I believe these wouldn't have taken place if the Professor were still alive. Not forgetting that Dr. Remy Jr. was traveling with the late Dr. Willy promoting his fathers art, and the other instructors of MARPPIO.

While I'm not in anyway suggesting that we are better off without the Professor, what I am saying is that this art isn't dieing but I believe it is growing and expanding and that GM Remy would be proud of it.

OK group hug time.
Respectively submitted

Mark Lynn

Mark Lynn

Master Black Belt
Apr 21, 2003
Reaction score
Roanoke TX USA
Ok sorry for the double post.

I forgot to reread my post before I clicked submit, so please forgive my spelling or grammer errors.

In the spirit of how I understood this thread to be here is my contributions to Modern Arnis.

Not much.

About the only thing that I have done except try and get my students and friends to see the Professor and teach them MA etc. etc. is to try and support several different instructors events over the years.

I figure its a win win situation, I try and see as many different instructors of the Professor's in as many different places as I can and I help the promoter's bottom line (one more person at the event) and I get to learn some neat stuff. This ultimately helps me to get a broader understanding of MA and the martial arts as well.

Whenever I go to a seminar I try and learn what the instructor is showing and then help others learn it as well. It isn't about me as it is about them, the student is paying to see the instructor not me, I'm paying to see the instructor and learn his material, I can impress myself and others at home. So if I help someone it is to help them with the instructor who is on the floor material not mine.

That's my only contribution. In my previous post I mentioned that GM Remy might be dissapointed in people like myself, let me explain. The Professor always wanted us to promote MA, and sadly due to things outside of my control, job family, etc. etc. I haven't been able to do that. With all of the experience that I have in the system, all of the instructors I have seen, all of the hundreds of pages of notes taken at the seminars and the hundreds of hours typing them, are all to no avail to anyone unless you get out and teach it. It does no good if it goes with you to the grave. The Datus, MOTTS, the IMAF, MARPPIO, and all of the other instructors that are spreading his art I think are doing what he would have wanted instead of being the eternal student that I am. So I haven't done much.

But I have had a lot of fun. :)



Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
Contribution? Not much here. The only thing I do is try to use what Ive learned at work. Which is advantageous for both me and the people I work for.


Green Belt
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
Gryphon said:
What is the point of this question? I've been training for little over a year, never met Professor Presas, and can't kill anyone with the super secret death punch. So what? I contribute by simply learning about Modern Arnis and Professor. I tell others about Filipino Martial Arts and how much I enjoy them. Why does every forum here turn into a contest? Dr. Barber, Datu's Worden and Hartman, Dan Anderson, Bram Frank, Jeff Delaney, and Dippo the Wondermutt can all kick my butt, so why does it matter to a begining student like me who has contributed the most. I say this with much respect for everyone, but I DON'T CARE! You are all important to Modern Arnis and I think it cheapens the very thing you all love so much to continually revisit the "who's best", "who's the true successor", "who's teacher can beat up who's teacher", etc., contest

I've been intimidated to participate too much in the forum because I lack experience and by the hostility that erupts around here and I wonder how many students or interested parties see the posts here and decide that Hapkido or Tae Kwon Do better suits them because these Modern Arnis guys seem like such jerks. The point is that you all may be doing more damage than you think every time you type before you think. I've been fortunate to have met some really great and interesting people in the short time I've been training, but if I had read the forum before meeting them I probably would have chosen not to associate with them.

My dream would be to travel around the country and train with as many of you as I could. You all have a unique interpretation that makes you valuable contributors. In my opinion, one of the beauties of Arnis is that there is such a variety of techniques, skills, and interpretations, and personalities to learn and learn from. Market that instead of yourselves and and I think Modern Arnis will grow.

I've attended a seminar with Datu Hartman that I fully enjoyed. He was a very good instructor and broke down the techniques for those of us with limited skills and shared some of his moments with Professor with us. I've looked at Dan Anderson's website and I'm asking my wife for his books for Christmas because they seem like they will be an excellent resource. This doesn't mean that Datu Worden isn't as good an instructor as Datu Hartman or that someone else can't write an excellent training guide. Perhaps I am hammering the point too much, but I LIKE the fact that I have all these options and resources at my fingertips and I could care less that Datu A doesn't like Datu B. In all honesty, its not about YOU. Its about your students and the art. That will be the true legacy and I can't help wondering if Professor might not be just a bit disappointed with some of you.

I truly hope that I have not offended because that was not the intent. This is one frustrated individuals attempt to express himself. If anyone wishes to continue this discussion I promise to respond with civility and as much eloquence as I posses.


Ryan J. Kelsey
Dear Ryan J. Kelsey,

IF you had read my post that opened this thread and kept in mind the title, you would have understood that if YOU have not made what you consider to be a positive contribution to Modern Arnis then you need not reply! As a new short term student, I doubt that anyone expects that you have or are ready to make a positive contribution to the art. Not a problem. You need time to learn and grow within the art.

The purpose of my question was to ask people to reflect on and then report what they believe was THEIR OWN positive contribution to Modern Arnis. I DID NOT SET any conditions other than each person must discuss what they did. They are to ignore what others have done for the purpose of this thread. Rank and/or titles ARE NOT to be included or discussed because these things are not contributions!

YOU introduced the negative tones within this thread. YOU have reflected back on and given reports about other instructors. IF YOU had read my post carefully you would not have done that!

In summary, so as not to belabor the point any further, the question to be addressed is:

"What positive contribution have YOU made to Modern Arnis?"

Given that the word YOU is in capitals, that should indicate that the proper way to answer this question is to focus solely on your own activities. That is what I have asked, that is what I hope most repondents will focus on and there shouldn't be any comments about who is good, better or best, because nowhere in my post or the question itself was there any reference to that concept.


Jerome Barber, Ed.D.


White Belt
Jun 9, 2005
Reaction score
Dr. Barber,

I had just finished a nice long response to you and of course I accidentally hit the "Back" button on my browser and lost the whole message...sigh. I will try to recreate it to the best of my ability. First, I would like to thank you for taking the time to respond back to me and taking my comments seriously. I would like to attempt to clarify a few items from my previous post and address a couple of items from yours.

First and foremost, I hope that you will not interpret my previous response as an attack directed at you. It was more of a visceral response to the cummulative effect of several hundred posts on this forum seeking to aggrandize an individual or group above others. Many seemingly innoccous posts have turned into several page long "chest thumping" sessions. Though an uniterested 3rd party would probably wonder why I reacted as I did I think you will admit that the historical evidence in this forum has created an environment that causes some of us to read between the lines. In addition, you did throw down the gauntlet to Datu Hartman specifically by name to list his positive contributions. However, if you truly had no such intent and I misinterpreted what you were saying, please come right out and say it and I will humbly beg your pardon on the list, no questions asked. I'm not interested in being "right", I just wanted to express the frustration of a new student that thinks all of you are worth knowing and training with and is tired of seeing the backbiting.

[/QUOTE] YOU introduced the negative tones within this thread. YOU have reflected back on and given reports about other instructors. IF YOU had read my post carefully you would not have done that!
Yes, I did introduce a negative tone, but that was not the intent and I introduced other instructors because they are some of the more common names thrown around in these "chest thumping" sessions that I referred to earlier. The point was that just because I have trained at one seminar with Datu Hartman does not mean that I don't have an open mind in regard to training with you, or Datu Worden, or Dan Anderson. In fact, I wish I had the opportunity to do so. However, it almost seems that you have to join one camp or another and I find that sad. I believe that the strength is the diversity of all the instructors and I don't think of any of you being better, or worse than each other, just different.

This leads me to my last point. The question you asked "What positive contributions have you made..." is a challege and will be taken as such by those who are invested in the concept of "I'm better, no I'm better". I am a devout cynic, and I've been wrong before, but does this not create an environment where we once again will have the top instructors of Modern Arnis trying to outdo each other? I think that we all have made a contribution just by choosing and learning about Modern Arnis and I guess thats enough for me to want to know more of you. I don't need to know how many seminars, schools, organizations, or doodads you have or created.

In conclusion, in my own little way, I'm trying to contribute to Modern Arnis by asking you all to be a little nicer to each other, respect each other a little more, and spend more time teaching your students the super secret death punch so we can all be super ninjas like you. :)

Respectfully Yours,



<font color=blue><B>Grand UberSoke, Sith-jutsu Ryu
Jan 11, 2004
Reaction score
Maybe Ryans positive contribution here is reminding the morons pushing new students away that they are hurting the art more than helping it by all their selfish and selfserving actions? I said it before, would be nice to see more history/content rather than event ads and "I da best" pap.

Cebu West

Blue Belt
Founding Member
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Philadelphia, PA
From the tone of Dr Barber's opening statement this thread had no place to go but down hill. It should have never gotten off the ground.

Sal :feedtroll

Guro Harold

Senior Master
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Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Oct 21, 2001
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Greensboro, North Carolina
Ok Everyone,

Let's go on with adding your personal contributions if you please. It would be a pleasure to read about them.

Some of you have set the bar high in your contribution to your students and community and that's what I care to read about in this thread.

MT Member

James Patrick

Orange Belt
Jan 26, 2005
Reaction score
Rochester Hills, MI
The problem is, this thread is one big loaded question to begin with. If you don't answer (especially if your Hartman because he was specifically called out), then the assumption that certian people will make is that you haven't made any contributions. If you do answer, then you come off as a blowhard egomaniac who is on an internet forum trying to justify himself and brag about all his contributions. Then, as a natural progression of many of the threads on Modern Arnis, it gets reduced to a pissing match of "who has done more," with all participants scrutinizing each other and cutting each other down. Nothing positive comes of it, and everyone walks away from it with ill feelings about Modern Arnis people in general.

So, how is that a good contribution? It isn't. This is a prime example of some of the stupidity that goes on in the martial arts. I can't see anything good coming out of answering the proposed question, as good intentioned as guys like Mr. Parsons and "Boarman" might be when posting.

So, I am actually humbly asking the leadership here to NOT participate in this thread, as I can only see it going south. Time could be better spent actually making the contributions rather then talking about them.


James Patrick


Green Belt
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
Palusut said:
Ok Everyone,

Let's go on with adding your personal contributions if you please. It would be a pleasure to read about them.

Some of you have set the bar high in your contribution to your students and community and that's what I care to read about in this thread.

MT Member
Thank you for this comment. I am very interested in what people believe that they did to contribute to the art and Professor's legacy. By asking everyone to refer only to their own efforts, the likelihood of bashing others while praising ones' self has been greatly diminished, athough certinly not eliminated.

I am only interested in what people see themselves doing on the POSITIVE side of the ledger. If people stay within the strictures of my original post, there will be only positive material presented. Some people may not be able to post, that's OK, because they can read and possibly learn something from what others have contributed.

Please note that I took a negative statement, revised it and asked a positive question, while citing my source. I gave full and positive credit to that same person. If some people "see", "sense" or "read" some negative intent into my question about positive contributions, there is nothing that I can do about that. I will basicly ignore them.


Jerome Barber, Ed.D.


Green Belt
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
Bester said:
Maybe Ryans positive contribution here is reminding the morons pushing new students away that they are hurting the art more than helping it by all their selfish and selfserving actions? I said it before, would be nice to see more history/content rather than event ads and "I da best" pap.
Come on, James... Sith Jitsu...? Why champion and encourage Ryan's theme? Here is an opportunity for people to comment in a positive manner and tell us what they believe is a positive contribution to the art from their perspective. You have beaten this "selfish, self-serving, argumentive" theme beyond death. Let it go! Make a positve statement about what you have contributed to Modern Arnis and Professor's legacy. If you can't do than, then lay out and leave some band width for those who can and are willing to speak up. Thanks.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.


Green Belt
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
James Patrick said:
The problem is, this thread is one big loaded question to begin with. If you don't answer (especially if your Hartman because he was specifically called out), then the assumption that certian people will make is that you haven't made any contributions. If you do answer, then you come off as a blowhard egomaniac who is on an internet forum trying to justify himself and brag about all his contributions. Then, as a natural progression of many of the threads on Modern Arnis, it gets reduced to a pissing match of "who has done more," with all participants scrutinizing each other and cutting each other down. Nothing positive comes of it, and everyone walks away from it with ill feelings about Modern Arnis people in general.

So, how is that a good contribution? It isn't. This is a prime example of some of the stupidity that goes on in the martial arts. I can't see anything good coming out of answering the proposed question, as good intentioned as guys like Mr. Parsons and "Boarman" might be when posting.

So, I am actually humbly asking the leadership here to NOT participate in this thread, as I can only see it going south. Time could be better spent actually making the contributions rather then talking about them.


James Patrick
Dear Sir,

You have assumed quite a bit, based on a simple one sentence question. I happen to like and see nothing wrong with the answers posted by Mr. Hubbard, Mr. Parsons and "Boarman". They answered within the letter and spirit of the question as asked. I have no comments and make no judgements with regard to anything that they posted.

Regarding Mr. Hartman, he hasn't posted as of this moment and that is based on either his choice or availability. I have nothing to say one way or the other if he posts or does not post. I simply took a negative and short-sighted statement, turned it into a question and presented that to everyone on the forum. If you chose not to participate and give us an idea of what you have done in the past to contribute to Modern Arnis and Professor's legacy, that's fine and prefectly acceptable. If you contribute, that will be equally fine and your contribution will be accepted as posted.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.