What part of your martial art training you like the best?

still learning

Senior Master
Nov 8, 2004
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Hello, For myself....At one time sparring was fun...as you get older...NO like anymore. ....too many bruise ribs and so on...plus age changes you abit!

Teaching today is the fun part. (assistant)

Wrsit locks,arm locks, and so on is fun to learn and play with!

What do you like in your training?

Aloha ( Kata's- Today...not fun to do)
Hello, For myself....At one time sparring was fun...as you get older...NO like anymore. ....too many bruise ribs and so on...plus age changes you abit!

Teaching today is the fun part. (assistant)

Wrsit locks,arm locks, and so on is fun to learn and play with!

What do you like in your training?

Aloha ( Kata's- Today...not fun to do)

I gotta agree with you on everything except kata's..There are no katas in my current discipline...
I enjoy Kata Forms Poomsae the most learning all the different application and how to apply them in a real life stituation is so enjoyable to me. Also all the different techniques within the Ktata form poomsae itself.
Teaching my students

Patterns (tuls)

Step sparring (not free sparring)

Releases, joint locks, throws
I love helping in the kids classes. I find it helps me to smooth out my clunky tendanacies, because I want it to be "right" if the little buggers try to copy it. A tweak here and there in a kids class, and everything just flows better for me in my own training.
The girls in their tight fitting outfits.. Wait that was my excersise class, sorry.

I enjoy learning and working out with those that have or want knowledge and are not afraid of a little sweat, and a few brusies to get that knowledge. I enjoy the friends I have made through training and the true warmth I feel when I go to other schools and train with my friends
Going home all bruised up.


Just one of many from a typical day... Yay!
It's very difficult for me to pick just one aspect becuase there are so many things I love about it, but I will sneak in two! :)
I love a very hard physical workout for myself and as a teacher I love seeing others learn and progress.
The girls in their tight fitting outfits.. Wait that was my excersise class, sorry.
Oh, Darn! I was about to ask what style, too...
For me, Sparring is it. I may not be THE best, but, I'll kick a moderate amount of butt.
How about this one... A new student joins, lets say she's an adult woman. She comes to classes, and does not wish to have contact. She shys away from being hit. You can tell it, and she even closes her eyes sometimes.

Her stances are very bad, the shoulders are not square. The Instructor tells her this, and it still will not correct.

BUT --> and here's the good part... She persists in coming to class, and gets stronger, learns the ways of the school. She tests and gets a higher belt.

One day, you see that she has been endowed with a sort of aggressive mindset --> she now gives and takes in sparring. Her kiya is more mature. You can see that she is learning, and that this school has changed her!

I myself have seen this kind of thing a few times (the student may be a child, or an adult, male or female, doesn't matter --> I just think that in my own personal experience I've seen it most with adult female students).

This, to me, is just simply an amazing thing to witness. Sometimes I think that it takes a whole school full of people to grow a good martial arts student -- I suppose that's why private lessons seem like such a strange way to train to me.
Hello, Newguy12......Yes..to see students progress and grow is a very satisfying.

It reminds of a boy name "Mike" lots of enthusiasm in learning...now earning is master Degree in teaching.....comes back every so often to Hawaii....today a very fine young man, and a great "Kempoist"

The fellowships and friendships...you make will last a life time. To see the kids growing up and knowing you have a small part in given life lessons....is total "pleasure"

In our Kempo training....My Instructor and I share "life lessons" daily....not just kempo training. We share alot of our life experiences..about working, raising a family, about education....WE are trying to be role models ,edcuators or "guides" to our fellow students!

Yes this part is one of the best parts! ....thanks........Aloha

PS: Anytime you can help someone....to be a better person....we will make this a better world to live in!
What part of my martial art training do I like the best?

The pain :EG:

Seriously, the part I like best is when it is done. Not that I am happy it is over it is just the feeling I have both physically and mentally that is so incredible.

Which leads me right back to training.... it’s a vicious circle...but I LIKE IT!! :)

The other part that I find ABSOLUTLY amazing is when I get the chance to work with my Taiji sifu on push hands with applications, generally after everyone in the class has gone home. When I am able to hold my own with him it is amazing and what is more amazing is that when he eventually take me down and or defeats me (and so far he always has) he does it while staying relaxed, fluid and with such incredible power....and yet it seems almost effortless. This is also why I train, I want to get close to that type of skill someday.
Everything about training is the best. Every you learn something new, when you teach something and you see a light come on, working out harder than you thought you could, getting that kick to the head on a tall guy you thought you couldn't do anymore, taking one to the eye and having a shiner the next day to be proud of in a wierd way that only karate people understand. Making friends you never would have met in other areas of your life. Testing and training with people that give you an incredible lasting bond. It's all good.
i enjoy stretching and solo training while listening to music.
also like weapons training and sparing of any kind.

I really like sparring (in spite of me being tired very quickly, the bruises and all that LOL) and the poomses. Nothing like a well performed form ;)

pd: OMG lord of the dead, what MA do you practice?
My teacher smiling. Meaning knowing I grasp what he is teaching. The challange of at first looking at something and seeing how hard it seems but finally being able to do it that satisfication. The talks of his teacher's and teachers before. Ttalks about essence of what we are doing.
The hard work put into becoming your best and the self realization thru the journey of hardship.
The part I like best: learning.

Sometimes it's a big 'WOW!!', and sometimes it's a little 'Now why didn't I notice that before?' Keeps the stalest of drills fresh. :)

More mundane: I like kikihowa (sp?). Two-person drills.
Learning something new, especially if it is about something I think I already know, like a new twist to an "old" technique or a hidden move I never saw before,,,

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