Originally posted by Cthulhu
I just find it funny...revolver for a .45 Automatic Colt Pistol round
Well, there are a couple of reasons...
My pistols, are not really for sport. I had a sport pistol, a Les Baer, but I sold it in order to fund my Colt.
Reason for a .45 ACP revolver instead of say, a magnum caliber is first of all, muzzle flash. In the dark, or even in the light, the muzzle flash is enough to cause temporary blindness. Even loads that don't cause so much muzzle flash...
Overpenetration. The biggest reason. Magnums go through walls, and hits the granny next door. Even with hollow points, it just goes through the man. So a magnum caliber would be most effective... If the guy has a vest on. Otherwise, magnum calibers are still the ideal choice for hunting (I don't hunt).
Sound. A .357 magnum is a loud snapping noise in a small room like your living room compared to the outdoors, or even a small indoor range. A .44 magnum is something else also. I just find it extremely disturbing. The recoil on a .44 mag is controllable, but not a self-defense pistol. Neither is the .357.
I stick with my .45. My 9mm's when I go a bit lighter. I keep the revolvers in my house as my self-defense pistols indoors, for reasons of reliability. I would trust my life with any one of these pistols, but hell, I can drive a semi-truck over my revolvers and they will still work without a problem.