What does MARTIAL ARTS mean to you!


Purple Belt
Is it your hobby, your life, self defence, a sport, a religion maybe it means more to you! or maybe it means less?

Simply express your opinion on what it means to you!

I have been in martial arts since I was 7 years old, over the years alot of things in my life has changed: friends, family, jobs, myself I 've been married now eight years, I have a 4 year old son, my parents got divorced and through all of this one thing has remained the same, my training in the martial arts. After my family and their well being martial arts find its place in my life and will remain in that place no-matter what obsticles should apear.
I guess you could say that for 21 years my training has been the only thing in my life that has remained unchanged.
It's become a very big part of my life over the past years. TKD also plays a big role in my family. I'm a practitioner, as well as my daughter, brother-in-law, and nephew. We've all been training for some time now and enjoy it tremendiously. We've all been fortunate enough to have been promoted to the Kukkiwon dan ranks.

Initially I began training for the self-defense aspect and to compete in tournaments. I continue to train for the physical fitness aspects of TKD. The MAs, it's such great stuff... :asian:
Been a way of life for me since I was 10 years old. Sometimes I'm more involved, sometimes less, but its always there as a part of me, influencing my actions.

For me, its a stress relief, exercise, and self defense training all in one. Its taught me to look, listen, feel, and be aware of what's around me. Kenpo has become ingrained in the way I move, and I find myself using it by instinct (accidentally "kenpoed" a six pack box of water bottles last week at walmart... the person on the other side of the shelves had shoved too hard and the dratted thing almost fell on my head....heard it, looked up, blocked it since I didn't have time to move...and got my purchases at 20% off because the manager happened to see it...lol)
well, since I had a couple hundred bucks in stuff, it saved me quite a bit of cash... was buying stuff for myself (redecorating), stuff for a friend who lives down the street who didn't have time to come with me, and stuff for my mom, who's a science teacher and was teaching 300 seventh graders what happens when you mix baking soda and vinegar together and why (try this at home if you've never done it...I dare ya...).
As a licensed cerial killer, the martial arts has helped me hone in my ability to stalk and kill others. Today I am happy to be able to give something back for all my years of training by running my own school, where you can become a licensed cereal killer.

In our system we have only 5 ranks......Cherrios, Lucky Charms, Captain Crunch, special "K," and the master level: Fiber 1.

At the highest level, you learn how the N.T.K (No Touch Kill), with cereal. It requires eating an entire box of Fiber 1, and toilet meditation for 5 hours in preperation, however.

For special Cerification, please write me. I have an online Kellogs mastership program which you can enroll in for only $500,000, cereal not included. Spaces are limited, and we only except certified checks or bank account #'s.

Thank you.
Martial arts is this wall I keep throwing myself at. Sooner or later, I climb one wall, wipe the blood from my nose, and look at the next one.

It's always higher. It's always more forbidding. It always make me want to turn around, and go back. Stay at home, watch television, maybe drink more beer. But I don't. Instead, I sigh, and begin throwing myself at it. Again.

Is it a religion? Not for me, but I know it is for others.

Is it a hobby? No, because I always enjoy my hobbies. I don't always enjoy martial arts.

Is it a calling? I think so. I feel a need to do this, but it doesn't come easy, it doesn't come naturally.

I've been at it for three years now. I came to martial arts in my mid thirties, so I lack the experience of having grown with it. She's a cruel mistress who only rarely blesses me with a smile.
I guess it depends on the the location of the Walmart. I went to the one in Bellingham MA, and had some stranger agree to run over me with a riding lawnmower. The manger walkes by saw the mower parked on my chest, all he did was hand me a bill for the damage the under carrige of the mower.Then tell me their having a rollback sale on bandaids and advil :eek:

Custermer service ,yea right:soapbox:
Originally posted by PAUL
At the highest level, you learn how the N.T.K (No Touch Kill), with cereal. It requires eating an entire box of Fiber 1, and toilet meditation for 5 hours in preperation, however.

Thank you.

Paul- you are beautiful! Never change :D
Martial Arts to me is a lot of things.

It is a stress reliever.

It is a way of life for me, it is just the way I am.

I started Martial Arts to help with technique of a street fighter. I already knew how to hurt people, I wanted to learn how to control and manipulate people with out having them end up in the hospital all the time.

Once I started I have always been in. I have driven hours to make my classes weekly and to make sure I get my fix. :)

I have been doing martial arts through college and through my marriage and throughmy divorce and still today.

Paul, Can I get in on this, I personally would like to train n Honey Nut Cheerios. Just something about the name. ;)

Originally posted by PAUL
As a licensed cerial killer, the martial arts has helped me hone in my ability to stalk and kill others. Today I am happy to be able to give something back for all my years of training by running my own school, where you can become a licensed cereal killer.

In our system we have only 5 ranks......Cherrios, Lucky Charms, Captain Crunch, special "K," and the master level: Fiber 1.

At the highest level, you learn how the N.T.K (No Touch Kill), with cereal. It requires eating an entire box of Fiber 1, and toilet meditation for 5 hours in preperation, however.

For special Cerification, please write me. I have an online Kellogs mastership program which you can enroll in for only $500,000, cereal not included. Spaces are limited, and we only except certified checks or bank account #'s.

Thank you.
Are you the one that 'offed' the california rasins?
Originally posted by GaryM
Are you the one that 'offed' the california rasins?

Those damn raisins have been alluding me! But Alas! I've found where they've been hiding:


I'm going over that kids house, and bringing the artilery! Tiny Goodbite, Justin X, Grape (those are there names apparently)......No one can save you NOW! Not Grandma, Grandpa, or Aunt Gerry! Mu ho ha ha ha ha........HA (cough)! :EG: :armed:
Wow Paul, I thought it was just bad spelling until I continued reading. Very fun, hope you catch up with those raisins.

I continue because it seems to be something that akes me away from the real world and then lets me come back on my own terms. I really am a terrible Martial Artist, I threw my brush at the canvas too many times.

Last night I judged a testing for a 10 year old moving to Yellow Belt in TKD. I remember my testing. I really enjoy helping others move forward, whther they are wanting to kick *** lr devleop confidence or learn self-defense. I think I learn as much from teaching in the DoJang as from training, and it is easier on my 51 year old body with the multiple surgical scars.

When I come home with bruises I go to bed early so my wife won't see them.