What do you pay?


Master of Arts
1. What do you pay for your MA training per month (or per class)?

2. For what you pay, is there a limit to the number of classes you may take?

3. Are you in a city, suburb, rural area?

Thank you.
1. $35 an hour

2. No as long as I meet the 1 hour quota and my teacher has the time then I can do as much as Money (energy) as I have.

3. Suburb and train at a park.

Hope that helps.
I train in two different places. The first is $100/month for 4.5 hours a week of semi-private training. The second is $225/month for unlimited classes, which would amount to about 12 hours a week if I had that kind of time or energy. This is all in the Orange County area of Southern California.
1. I pay nothing -- 'cause I'm one of the instructors! Except that really means I've spent several thousand over the last few years on equipment and training gear... And that's not even including costs to go to clinics/camps/seminars! If we're lucky, we're breaking even on rent from our students! (They pay $45 a month, I believe)

2. We have 2+ scheduled classes a week, each is about 2 hours long. One class is aimed at kids, but adults may attend. Kids may not attend the adult class. Beyond that, if a student wants more training, they can always call and we can probably schedule something.

3. Suburban area. We use a community center, as well as parks and my partner's garage.
1) £4 per week

2) There is a 3 hour class on Saturday and a 2 hour class on Sunday

3) I live in a town about twenty-thirty minutes drive away from where the classes are held (which is in the city).
1)$65 (roughly $20 less than other Kenpo schools in the area)
2) 1 Hour of sparring Monday nights, 1 hour Brown Belt class on Wednesday at which 90% of the time we are invited to join in the 1 ½ hour Black Belt Class. Open Mat time Tuesday nights, after the kid's class The Regular Adult class on Thursdays is open. Oh, and I have a key so anytime I want to work out...
3) It's a mile and a half from my house in this little ½rural town
When I was going to my Taiji Sifu $55/10 weeks. 1 Class a week that ranged for 2 to 3 hours long. - Suburb

My last Xingyi sifu was charging $65 (I think) per month for one 55 minute class per week - Small City

My Wing Chun sifu was charging $50 per month for 1 to 3 classes a week depending how often you wanted to go and the classes were about 1 to 1.5 hours - Medium City
1. For my Jujutsu I pay £4.30 a class. My boxing is £6.00 a class.

2. Jujutsu train twice a week (Mon & wed), Boxing trains twice a week (Mon & Fri) but I only go along to the Friday boxing class as the Monday one clashes with my Jujutsu.

3. I live in a city (Bristol, UK)
1) £4 per week

2) There is a 3 hour class on Saturday and a 2 hour class on Sunday

3) I live in a town about twenty-thirty minutes drive away from where the classes are held (which is in the city).

That is such a good bargain!
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1. What do you pay for your MA training per month (or per class)?

17,50 € per month

2. For what you pay, is there a limit to the number of classes you may take?

Class is once a week.

3. Are you in a city, suburb, rural area?

City :)
That is such a good bargain!

Aye and is probably why I'm constantly shocked by how much our American friends are paying :eek: :faints:. Oh and just to make it even worse, that's 400% of what we used to pay before we had to move to another hall ... £1 a week for top-flight tuition :D.
1. What do you pay for your MA training per month (or per class)?
2. For what you pay, is there a limit to the number of classes you may take?
3. Are you in a city, suburb, rural area?
Thank you.

1. I'm not at liberty to say, but I will say that the monthly fee is about average compared to other schools (of all styles) in the area.

2. I can take as many classes as I want for my level any level below mine. There is also a specialized class that I can take whenever I want. There are other specialized classes available, but they cost extra.

3. Suburb.
Pleae have mercey on this old, easily confused and simple American

1 pound £ = $ 1.5772 US dollars

1 Euro € = $ 1.2918 U.S. dollars

17.50 € = $22.6065

£4.30 = $6.78196

£4.00 = $6.3088

£6.00 = $9.4632

And just for the heck of it

1 yuan ¥ = $ 0.146451
$2000.00 is what I paid up front. That let me take as many classes a week as I wanted until I reached black sash. This was back in 1990. Thats what the price was when I was taking classes. What it costs now I have no idea. He pretty much teaches me for free now seeing that I was his oldest student and his first black sash that he ever produced. If it took me 3 years to get black then that averages out to $55/month. Thats not a bad price.
1. What do you pay for your MA training per month (or per class)?

2. For what you pay, is there a limit to the number of classes you may take?

3. Are you in a city, suburb, rural area?

Thank you.

1. $200/month, although if I had payed up front, it would have been less. Actually, I've just come to the end of my contract, so the pricing may change.

2. In reality, 3 classes a week, because that's what I can make it to. Our school allows anyone to attend classes for their belt or lower (beginner, intermediate, advanced, black belt candidate/black belt), so theoretically, it could be about 3 hrs per day, except Friday (no classes) and Sunday (1 hour) for a black belt.

3. Suburb, I guess. The sprawl of Southern California makes that classification a little less valid, but definitely developed, but not inner city.
1. $10 per class for Chow Gar. Escrima is free.

2. 2 formal classes per week with regular informal training on weekend and occasional private classes for Chow Gar. 2 or 3 classes per week for Escrima.

3. live rural, train in small/medium towns nearby
1. I pay nothing -- 'cause I'm one of the instructors! Except that really means I've spent several thousand over the last few years on equipment and training gear... And that's not even including costs to go to clinics/camps/seminars! If we're lucky, we're breaking even on rent from our students! (They pay $45 a month, I believe)

2. We have 2+ scheduled classes a week, each is about 2 hours long. One class is aimed at kids, but adults may attend. Kids may not attend the adult class. Beyond that, if a student wants more training, they can always call and we can probably schedule something.

3. Suburban area. We use a community center, as well as parks and my partner's garage.

Oh I know that one!! It's me too, I also spend money on repairs, cleaning materials, printing etc. Student fees don't cover everything. Children pay £4.50 per hourly session x twice a week. Adults pay £6.00 per session twice a week. I have a TSD class once a week for an hour and a half £5.00

We are rural in the North Yorks Moors but on an Army Garrison (largest in Europe and getting bigger)
In both clubs I am on contracts and pay for six months or a year at a time. Counting 12 months a year they charge about 45$ each.

In Wado I attend two 1.5 hour classes a week. The membership also alow us to train at another Dojo in the same organization, a 50 km drive outsisde town. I go there two days a week, each day instructing for 1 hr and training for another 2 hrs.

At the Ju Jutsu Dojo you can attend two 1.5 hour classes plus one 75 minute class every week. There also used to be extra "special" classes for grappling, throws etc two times a week. At the moment they are occationally put up if there seems to be interest.
1. What do you pay for your MA training per month (or per class)? Zero.

2. For what you pay, is there a limit to the number of classes you may take? Yes; Two, 2 hour training sessions, per week. One Goju, one kobudo.

3. Are you in a city, suburb, rural area? Suburb/rural
1. What do you pay for your MA training per month (or per class)?

2. For what you pay, is there a limit to the number of classes you may take?

3. Are you in a city, suburb, rural area?

Thank you.
1) For Aikido it is now 100€/half year (129,18$)
For German Jujutsu 85€/half year (109,80$)
For Kombatan 44€/month (56,84$)

2) Aikido:we have 9 practice per week (well I usually teach one of them) ( I can attend 1-3 practice per week)
German Jujutsu : We have 6 practice per week (I can attend 1 practice per week)
Kombatan: we have 1 practice/week, but I can attend all other arts in club too with same payment. (there are about 8 arts if I remember correctly)

3) city/suburb