Weird questions


Senior Master
Feb 28, 2019
Reaction score
Has anyone else noticed a spate of weird questions from new posters on this site lately? So vague as to be useless, a statement or video with no context, provocative with no point being made, non-relevant topic, etc. I don't know, just seems odd.
It happens randomly. I've suspected in the past that there was some mention of our site on another forum/chat group that brought new people in with their questions, but then it stops as suddenly as it starts. Definitely weird, they disappear pretty quickly themselves, and life goes on.
One of these has led to a long and interesting thread, though so not a bad thing.
I don't mind. First, these guys are new to martial arts. What may seem like common sense to us may not be to them. Secondly, being new to martial arts, they're seeking to interact with an online community of people with similar interests, and merely need something to say or ask in order to kick off the interaction. If someone asks weird questions or makes weird statements to that end, I tend to be very forgiving. Unless the question actually is something I feel they should know the answer to.
I don't mind. First, these guys are new to martial arts. What may seem like common sense to us may not be to them. Secondly, being new to martial arts, they're seeking to interact with an online community of people with similar interests, and merely need something to say or ask in order to kick off the interaction. If someone asks weird questions or makes weird statements to that end, I tend to be very forgiving. Unless the question actually is something I feel they should know the answer to.
I think if a poster has >5 posts under their belt then we experienced posters should be particularly harsh on them. 😐
Also, "Who would win in a fight between a Super Sayan and a movie martial arts hero, if one was carrying a load of melons and the other was armed with a Klingon Battleth?"
As some of you can tell, I read Quora a lot. It's an amazingly stupid place.
Also, "Who would win in a fight between a Super Sayan and a movie martial arts hero, if one was carrying a load of melons and the other was armed with a Klingon Battleth?"
Silly question, a Battleth always wins
As some of you can tell, I read Quora a lot. It's an amazingly stupid place.
I fear that stupidity might be rubbing off on you, Bill, so stop it and instead, read and absorb the genius of my wonderful posts 😑
One of these has led to a long and interesting thread, though so not a bad thing.
Yes, this can happen, having the post artfully redirected by us Masters to suit our sensibilities, so not necessarily a bad thing, if only for the humor potential.
Yes, this can happen, having the post artfully redirected by us Masters to suit our sensibilities, so not necessarily a bad thing, if only for the humor potential.
This forum is not the place for humour…as you well know, isshinryuronin. 😑😉😀