We should get to vote!


Master Black Belt
Jan 7, 2007
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All this election talk has been going on for so long now. All the hype internationally...just something that my cousin said-maybe not completely serious, but this hype has been going on for a considerable time now, and he proposed that the international community(non-UScitizens) should be let to vote considering how much election news is bombarding everyone everywhere. I mean, other countries sometimes also create a fair bit of hype at election time but this is unreal. Furthermore, some other countries go through several governements in the time that it is taking for the election.
On the other hand, it's the people themselves that play into the political escapades...even my sister seemed hypnotized as she proudly displayed multiple pictures of Obama that she took herself as he was giving some speech. I would think it was cooler if i wasn't starting to get tired of waiting to find out what happens. I never experienced pe as being this long. is it always this painstakingly exhillarating?
Perhaps you'd like to let us help select your nation's leadership, as well?
Not up to me-and i wouldn't be surprised if you take the liberty of helping anyway..
Don't you think that was a bit 'spiky' Kaiza? If you meant it lightly, a smiley like :p would help.

Regardless, for now at least, I think your hometown is safe from any invasion other than one lead by tourists ... after all you don't have any oil {legs it to hide behind something flameproof} :lol:.
Hey, sorry if it came off like that...
i'm not one to deny the truth-i'm no expert on matters of politics and international relations but a friend explained to me which governments are most influential and that would be America and the UK. Just the facts. I don't care much for it because i am not under the illusion that it makes all that much difference...the world has been through heaps of empires and reichs...my only hope is that we are lead by freedom and justice as opposed to some kind of tyrany. however, it does seem more complicated than that, and i for one, am a friend of america, but that doesnt mean i think that perfection can be so easily embodied by a nation that is comprised of mere humans with personal interests in a world that is almost thoroughly corrupted by an excessive degree of consumerism and fear..

i try to stay on the spiritual side of things and not concern myself with the mess of politics and economics.

Don't you think that was a bit 'spiky' Kaiza? If you meant it lightly, a smiley like :p would help.

Regardless, for now at least, I think your hometown is safe from any invasion other than one lead by tourists ... after all you don't have any oil {legs it to hide behind something flameproof} :lol:.
You can run, but you can't hide.:flame: ;)

As for non-citizens voting for our leaders... nope. I've invested nothing in being a citizen of your country so wouldn't dream of attempting to impose my views on you and your country. I wouldn't expect anyone who isn't a citizen of this country to have a say in our elections. Of course, the way things are going there will soon be one world government under the control of the UN and none of will get a vote at all. If you're getting bombarded with coverage of the election then tune out. Turn off the tv or radio or find something you enjoy doing (like training) to avoid it. I'm so sick of the coverage here in this country that I've just about tuned out completely just a few days away from the election.
The suspense is killing me!!! The moment of truth be upon us!
whoo hooo! come on in! We'll need all the help we can to pay off the tax increase for those who make 250k, no 200k... no no 150k... I'm sorry I really meant 120k....
Couple more days. I'm personally burned out on it all. Going to cast my votes and not-votes on Tuesday, let the compromised touch screens, hanging chads and last minute 'discoveries' bounce around, and focus on building my business, getting married and moving my fat *** cross country to the great state of Texas ASAP.

Person in the center seat won't change those plans.
I'm curious as to the voting on Tuesday, is the vote just a plain choice between the Presidential candidates or are there other elections going on as well? Here when an election is called either because the present governments time is up or the Prime Minister has called an election before then we vote for a government. The Prime Minister appoints his ministers but they have to be elected Members of Parliament. It does seem that you vote for a President and he appoints his people as 'ministers', is that right?
Kinda, but not quite. The President appoints his cabinet, which run certain parts of the government, but they aren't elected officials. They are sometimes other people who ran against them (ie if Obama wins, he -may- offer Clinton a position)

There are numerous other elections going on at the same time. State Governors, City Mayors, Senators and Representatives at all levels of government, and numerous judges as well. In the US we have 1 day set aside for 95% of the country's elections.
I'm curious as to the voting on Tuesday, is the vote just a plain choice between the Presidential candidates or are there other elections going on as well? Here when an election is called either because the present governments time is up or the Prime Minister has called an election before then we vote for a government. The Prime Minister appoints his ministers but they have to be elected Members of Parliament. It does seem that you vote for a President and he appoints his people as 'ministers', is that right?
Most areas are also electing one or more Congressmembers (Senate and/or House), some local positions, and even ballot issues like bond referandums.

Within the Executive Branch, as Bob said, many positions are appointed. Some are set up with terms that insulate them (hopefully) from political concerns (just like the US Supreme Court).
Kinda, but not quite. The President appoints his cabinet, which run certain parts of the government, but they aren't elected officials. They are sometimes other people who ran against them (ie if Obama wins, he -may- offer Clinton a position)
Which one, Bob? Or, both? The next two Justices of the Supreme Court?
In the US we have 1 day set aside for 95% of the country's elections.
At which point 60+% blow it off...
I used to work for a company that made ballt counting machines, and they also helped design ballots for counties.

In a city like Fort Worth, Texas (actually, the client was Tarrant County), they had over 500 variations of the ballot, caused by the overlapping of the jurisdictions of all the races: President, House of Rep, Senate, school districts, sewer boards, city council, county board, utilities commissions, initiatives, on and on...

Also there are laws about rotation of names, so that the same candidate is not at the top of the list of names on every ballot. So even your neighbor might get a different ballot than you do, because it wouldn't be legal to have McCain listed first on every one - every candidate gets an equal percentage of ballots distributed with their name in the top position.

The shortest ballot I ever saw had aobut 12 races, it was one side of a 8.5 x 14 page. The longest was 4 times that size, something like 60 races covering front and back of 2 sheets. I think that was for a county in Pennsylvania.
I'm not totally against foreign nationals voting, as long as they have to pay income tax, social security tax, etc etc. and pass an issues awareness test and put an American flag in their window at leat 40 weeks a year. We need the money.
Couple more days. I'm personally burned out on it all. Going to cast my votes and not-votes on Tuesday, let the compromised touch screens, hanging chads and last minute 'discoveries' bounce around, and focus on building my business, getting married and moving my fat *** cross country to the great state of Texas ASAP.

Person in the center seat won't change those plans.

Amen peech it Bob