WC history video

like it. I guess by his movements he is a WSL wc guy. I can say our wing chun does have what he calls a Hakka energy influence. We include rib or chest energy usage and we defiantly attack the limbs. I don't think we are alone in this. Limb striking is part of knife training.. Logically it makes sense. Hakka traveled and lived on boats on the same rivers that Red boats traveled and Opera groups lived on. Opera folks we also looked at as outsiders.

Some WC also includes Iron Palm training. I use to teach it to students but who has the time for that training.
like it. I guess by his movements he is a WSL wc guy. I can say our wing chun does have what he calls a Hakka energy influence. We include rib or chest energy usage and we defiantly attack the limbs. I don't think we are alone in this. Limb striking is part of knife training.. Logically it makes sense. Hakka traveled and lived on boats on the same rivers that Red boats traveled and Opera groups lived on. Opera folks we also looked at as outsiders.

Agreed Hunter!
Interesting, I am a karate guy and I wonder if the Hakka technique influenced early Karate. The concept of destroying an arm and the conditioning of the forearms in Karate seem, similar.
Interesting, I am a karate guy and I wonder if the Hakka technique influenced early Karate.
Have you watched any of Jesse Enkamp's videos? He went to China to research the history of Karate's Kung Fu roots, and how it eventually ended up in Okinawa and Tokyo. It's a 5 episode series. Not specifically Hakka influenced, but pretty cool stuff.

Have you watched any of Jesse Enkamp's videos? He went to China to research the history of Karate's Kung Fu roots, and how it eventually ended up in Okinawa and Tokyo. It's a 5 episode series. Not specifically Hakka influenced, but pretty cool stuff.

I did see the one concerning Sanchin, I didn't notice it was a 5 part series. I am aware of the fact that karate is descended from kung fu.

I enjoy Jessie's vids and have had several discussions with him concerning Karate ... informative guy for sure. Being from the Toyama Kanken line myself, led to me and him exchange a few ideas. Toyama lived in china after Itosu's death and trained, researched Karate's roots in China. I will need to look in Toyama's book and see what Kung Fu influenced his Karate.

Thanks for pointing out the 5 part series.