Warriors Two Movie


Blue Belt
Sep 9, 2006
Reaction score
Just finished watching Warriors Two. How much of the movie demonstrates real Wing Chun? I loved the fight scenes.
Just finished watching Warriors Two. How much of the movie demonstrates real Wing Chun? I loved the fight scenes.
Where'd you find it? I've been looking everywhere for that movie. I've heard that the fight scenes are very accurate WC that's why I've been hunting it forevah!!! Can you copy and mail it out? Ill pay
hey brocklee
juat found it on uk amazon 2nd hand for £2.79.
some of them from the states so should be easy for ya to order????

gonna get meself a copy lol
and don't forget "the Prodigal Son" cheesy, but cool.The first thing that I noticed was the long legged stances and sweeps,for all anybody knows that may have been how it was in the beginning.I have made an effort to carefully take a look at other styles to find any similarities.Choy Lay,Mantis for instance....it's probably not a bad Idea,if you can to find a review or maybe even a preview of certain movies,probably impossible considering that I only spend $5.00 for a couple of flicks (what do you really expect) -D rated? so I end up with a couple of movies that have no dialog,terrible acting.....etc.etc......
What about that movie with Michelle Yeoh in i think it was actually called Wing Chun what did you all think about that one ?
Wow Warriors Two and Wing Chun movies are great movies. The Prodigal son is a movie that is closely related to my lineage. An the Movie Wing Chun with Michelle Yeoh is closely related to way my sifu taught me.

Movies Links From Blockbuster

Descendants of Wing Chun:

The Prodigal Son:

Warriors Two

Wing Chun: (Michelle Yeoh)

There is wing chun series in China I have not saw yet...but saw the fight scenes on Youtube.com

WingChun the Series (Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao)

Also Invisible Shaolin has a Wing Chun Fighter against Northern Shaolin Kicker.

An a Praying Mantis fighter against a Iron Palm Specialist.

Do you guys know of any other Wing Chun Movies?
Ok I watch A LOT of asian MA movies.

Warriors Two is a great movie. It does portray WC in a good light but lets not forget that the main character played by Casanova Wong uses A LOT of high chicks due to his bkgrd in TKD (i believe) The training part is probably one of the best WC scenes you will see in a movie.
(I have the movie and if anyone wants it, I can mail them a copy)

The Prodigal Son - Probably my all time favorite movie. Great WC action and again the training sequences are the best at showing WC and explaining. I think the explanations of WC theories in the movie are great and is what makes the movie stand out. Just go on youtube to watch the scene when Yuen Biao is training on top of the table. I say for more accurate looking of WC in a movie this would be your best work.
(I have the special edition of this should anyone want it)

Wing Chun - This movie starring Michelle Yeoh and Donnie Yen is a joke! LOL. Take it for what it is, comedy and that is it.

The footwork that is shown (in prodigal son) is reportedly from WC's early beginnings and come from the Shaolin Temple. (someone please correct me if I am wrong) It has over time been faded out. I do think thought that with so many different branches of WC you are sure to find someone that still teaches the leg trappping and sweeps and other footwork that WC displayed in the beginning. I honestly wish it was showed more and taught as opposed to the chain punches that you see all the time.

If you want to see some REALLY GREAT Wing Chun I suggest forking out the money and buying the tv show (40 episodes long) Yong Chun. It has Sammo & Yuen Biao (from Prodigal Son) The WC showed there is better than both seen in the prodigal son and Warriors Two. I highly suggest it. I have it at home and it was worth every penny. Oh yeah it also stars Sammo Hung's son as well in which he shows his MA skills which I must say seem very nice. Here is a description Oh yea there is a fight scene where Gordon Liu uses Dragon Style and takes on Yuen Biao (WC) a la Frankie Chan taking on Leung Yee Tai on the docks in the Peodigal Son.

Yuen Biao is martial arts master Liang Zan, the same role he played in the The Prodigal Son, but he who was once young and rash is now a respected master and physician, not to mention the father of two sons. Liang Zan must pass on his kung fu to the next generation, but his son Liang Bi (Nicholas Tse) is reckless, aimless, and irresponsible, much like him in his youth. Growing up in the chaos of early 1900s China, Liang Bi encounters countless troubles and trials, romance (with Hong Kong actress Rain Li), and a certain playful white-haired kung fu master (Sammo Hung), who teaches him the art of Wing Chun.


Don't forget, you can see clips from the tv show as well as the movies on youtube. Just type in the name.
Ok I watch A LOT of asian MA movies.

Warriors Two is a great movie. It does portray WC in a good light but lets not forget that the main character played by Casanova Wong uses A LOT of high chicks due to his bkgrd in TKD (i believe) The training part is probably one of the best WC scenes you will see in a movie.
(I have the movie and if anyone wants it, I can mail them a copy)

The Prodigal Son - Probably my all time favorite movie. Great WC action and again the training sequences are the best at showing WC and explaining. I think the explanations of WC theories in the movie are great and is what makes the movie stand out. Just go on youtube to watch the scene when Yuen Biao is training on top of the table. I say for more accurate looking of WC in a movie this would be your best work.
(I have the special edition of this should anyone want it)

Wing Chun - This movie starring Michelle Yeoh and Donnie Yen is a joke! LOL. Take it for what it is, comedy and that is it.

The footwork that is shown (in prodigal son) is reportedly from WC's early beginnings and come from the Shaolin Temple. (someone please correct me if I am wrong) It has over time been faded out. I do think thought that with so many different branches of WC you are sure to find someone that still teaches the leg trappping and sweeps and other footwork that WC displayed in the beginning. I honestly wish it was showed more and taught as opposed to the chain punches that you see all the time.

If you want to see some REALLY GREAT Wing Chun I suggest forking out the money and buying the tv show (40 episodes long) Yong Chun. It has Sammo & Yuen Biao (from Prodigal Son) The WC showed there is better than both seen in the prodigal son and Warriors Two. I highly suggest it. I have it at home and it was worth every penny. Oh yeah it also stars Sammo Hung's son as well in which he shows his MA skills which I must say seem very nice. Here is a description Oh yea there is a fight scene where Gordon Liu uses Dragon Style and takes on Yuen Biao (WC) a la Frankie Chan taking on Leung Yee Tai on the docks in the Peodigal Son.

Yuen Biao is martial arts master Liang Zan, the same role he played in the The Prodigal Son, but he who was once young and rash is now a respected master and physician, not to mention the father of two sons. Liang Zan must pass on his kung fu to the next generation, but his son Liang Bi (Nicholas Tse) is reckless, aimless, and irresponsible, much like him in his youth. Growing up in the chaos of early 1900s China, Liang Bi encounters countless troubles and trials, romance (with Hong Kong actress Rain Li), and a certain playful white-haired kung fu master (Sammo Hung), who teaches him the art of Wing Chun.


Don't forget, you can see clips from the tv show as well as the movies on youtube. Just type in the name.

Our lineage is Sigung Tsui Seung Tin we do leg locking and sweeps . I will try and describe how we do it , first off our stance is square on , pidgeon toed, both feet equal.
If the opponent is side on with a lead leg stance with a boxing type guard we have the option of stepping in with a leg lock and pak sau and punch to smash thru his guard .

If his right leg is forward use your right leg to contact shin to shin and sink down either breaking his leg or forcing him to the ground, keep your foot pidgeon toed to trap his foot , if he resists the leg lock which is highly unlikely since he just got punched at the same time , you pivot your locking leg in toward his body this forces his knee in another direction.

With the sweeps we use an elbow strike and sweep, there is a sweep
where you latch behind the back of their neck and hook kick them at the same time causing them to do like a somersault, there is sweep where they try and side kick you at mid or low level and you move your leg in a circular motion hooking the back of their calf muscle ,theres probably a couple of others that i have forgotten .
what you describe sound slike some stuff i have seen in some you tube clips (which is rare to find). Do you guys spend a lot of time working on it?

Here is a clip of Master Wong Nim Yi as he does a seminar with his daughter.
He shows some nice sweeps and other leg work.

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Headed for the shopping mall in the morning I'll have to stop by the video store there to see if I can find a couple of the flicks mentioned above
what you describe sound slike some stuff i have seen in some you tube clips (which is rare to find). Do you guys spend a lot of time working on it?

Here is a clip of Master Wong Nim Yi as he does a seminar with his daughter.
He shows some nice sweeps and other leg work.

I left the wing chun academy in 2001 after 10 yrs . But no leg locking is not practised a lot we prefer to bridge the gap with a low heel kick to the knee cap or shin then go to work with our hands.

The elbow strike and sweep is practised a lot though because it can finish somebody off very fast.
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