Wado vs TKD

celtic bhoy

Orange Belt
Sep 14, 2002
Reaction score
Which style is most effective, Wado Ryu or ITF TKD? Which style works best in self defence and against each other?:confused:
This sounds like one of those old Black Belt articles. :D

This debate usually comes down to one thing, the instructor. A good style X instructor will be able to teach you more than a bad style Y instructor. Look at the instructor, look at his/her students, which school has the attitude and technique that you are looking for.

Depends, what works for you?

And what are you looking for?

Sport wado or sport TKD? Depends on you
sport TKD vs. combat wado? wado is better in terms of self-defense
sport wado vs. combat TKD tkd is better in terms of self-defense
combat TKD vs. combat wado? depends on you
Okay, the best art... I dunno if any of you ever heard of it, but the best art in the world is tae bo. It's much better than the style that Richard Simmons teaches. Second comes another art that most of you probably aren't familiar with. It's called women's yoga and stretching.
I don't think a bunch of people doing poor punches in the air is half as lethal as the Sweatn' to the Oldies technique Sifu Simmons developed several years ago.
I don't know, "Amazing Hip Hop Dance" is so complete, you have your cardio, your self defense, and you get to move to the hotest music of the times.
Originally posted by 7starmantis

I don't know, "Amazing Hip Hop Dance" is so complete, you have your cardio, your self defense, and you get to move to the hotest music of the times.
But very difficult to learn. If you master it, I'm still betting that tae bo will destroy it.