
Do you videotape yourself in martial arts?

  • Yes, I videotape myself whenever I can.

  • Yes, but only at promotion time.

  • No, I haven't taped myself, but I might later.

  • No, there is absolutely no reason for this.

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MT Mentor
Apr 23, 2003
Reaction score
How many of you feel that videotaping yourself from time to time is beneficial for your progress?

Some videotape to see how they do things (past and present) as a visual record of progress, others videotape as a way of analyzing their strengths and weaknesses.

- Ceicei
Yes, I had my sister video tape both of the times that I've tested. :) I really like having my tests on tape and it really does help to be able to actually see what you're doing right and wrong. It's also encouraging to go back to the tapes a year later and see how much you've improved! :cool:

Robyn :asian:
I find it somewhat helpful, but I feel I might do better, if I had an Instructor watching over me most of the time.:asian:
I try to tape promotions and tournaments whenever possible. I would tape more classes too if I could, just need to find a camera man. LOL!
I find that taping classes as often as possible really helps out. Sensei will tell me that I need to get closer, take uke's balance more and I will feel that I'm as close as I can get until I look at the tape and realize you could drive a truck between us.
I have done this and IMO, I think that it is an excellent thing to do! If you tape yourself while sparring, grappling, etc. you can look back to see what mistakes you might have made, as well as find ways to improve in those areas that you're lacking in. It is also a great way to remember things. I recently attended a week long Modern Arnis camp. The camp was broken down into 3 sessions each day. After each session, I'd go back to my room and with a partner, tape ourselves going over the material that was covered. Considering that so much material is covered, by taking advantage of video, it'll be a huge help when trying to go back and practice everything that was covered.

Video tapyeing yourslef an point out some vry interesting things you may not knoew you do. It ois an excellent way to se your weak point (unles you can never see them because your always perfect).
I tape all my training sessions whenever I can. That way it serves as a reminder if I forget, let's me know all the things I need to improve upon:)
I video tape, but I guess kind of differently from you guys, I tape my forms so I can see how low I'm getting in my stances and such, but I also tape them to remember them. Especially forms I pick up outside of our school curriculum.
I don't think my Sifu would like me trying to tape class.

I don't think my Sifu would like me trying to tape class
I may be very lucky in this respect. My Sensei encourages us to tape and has even taped some classes on his own and reviewed with the students after class or before the next one. The flow of aikido (especially for a newer student) is often enough to make you overlook small details that will make a technique work nearly effortlessly. Video helps find these small details.
I plan on recording myself training. I recently bought a camcorder and will do some taping I think it will be good to get the perspective of the bystander and also self evaluate what I'm doing. (scared to see myself on camera though)
Originally posted by gman
(scared to see myself on camera though)

I hear that!! Its alot different from what you think you look like, I can tell you that much!!!

I like to video tape my daughter and myself whenever we get an opportunity when we're training at the dojang. I find it really helpful because afterwards we can sit around and watch the tape and critique our moves and techniques. In my mind I'm doing a maneuver really well, but, when I see it on tape it sucks and I realize that I need to work harder to improve it... :shrug: