

Blue Belt
Jan 21, 2002
Reaction score
Is there any way to upload video files to the martial talk server? And if there is what would be the size limit? I would like to be able to share some video of myself and events that would be coming up, to all those that would want to see. I work at a video production agency so I can make any type of format or size that you would need.

Acceptable file extensions: gif jpg png txt zip jpeg pdf
Max attachment size : 100KB
Max image dimentions : 500x500

If its outside of those parameters (which a video prob. is) email me and we can work something out. I've been considering a 'Library' page with techniques, etc on it but don't have enough original or 'free to share' content at this time.

Thanks Kaith. Without getting too technical. Is it not possible to do a .wmv file? or any other .mpg .mov

I could do a gif sequence if I had too, but I can make an extremely small .wmv file. example 2 min. clip at 1.44mb.

Yeah 100kb is definately too small for any length of video clips. If you don't mind I will e-mail you a sample at a few different sizes, so you can get the idea.

I can add the different media formats to the allowed list, however due to the file size limits I dont think it'll help much. The limit on attachment size is generic, so if I up it to allow video, it also would allow someone to upload huge pictures.

I think the best way to do a video/audio link would be to set up a seperate page with all the info. I'll add a "Videos" button at the top so its easy for folks to find em. :)

Shoot me what you have in mind and lets put something together. :) This sounds like fun stuff.