Unarmed Florida Teen Shot

this WHOLE situation perpetuates racism. not the sole action between zommerman and martin. the REACTION of the media and the "masses".
Are you sure it didn't have anything to do with the fact that the shooter said, "F**king c**ns" while on the phone with 911 dispatch and the dispatcher didn't say anything or warn him or ... anything at all regarding the racial epithet?

Cuz I think that might be part of the "it's a race issue" problem. When racists get involved, it's pretty hard to NOT call it a race crime. *just sayin'*

why would they its not a dispatchers job to correct people id bet never even herd it a dispatcher is trying to do 20 things at once and im sure they were not listening to every word zimmerman whispered to himself.
Besides if sanford is anything like here they have heard way way worse.

No, it's not a dispatcher's job to correct people and I do realize they are multi-tasking during the calls ... I wonder, however, if people think that the slur was ignored on purpose? Again, just suggesting here.

That is correct...its not our job to correct the public, despite something stupid that comes out of their mouth..lol. Could the racial comments have been missed by the dispatcher? Yes, its very possible. However, they would most likely be caught on the tapes...as we heard with a clip that Elder posted. Could it have been ignored? Sure, anythings possible. However, once the tapes are pulled for the investigation, anything racial would come out.
So far in the 15 pages of coments I would put it at over 75% of conservative over defensive to offensive making it a race issue and not able to come to grips that in America it is not fun or safe to be black with good reason Gees how about the professor not that long ago or the guy that just got married and was shot for trying to show his wallet? I have said all along that the PD was wrong on how they handled the case including public relations and now after reviewing video of Zimmerman in hand cuffs in the station and how they botched evidense collection and he did not apear to have any of the damage to his face or other parts that would suport deadly force including no wet spots on his butt or back even the police statement thought he should be charged with unlawful manslaughter and all we get on this site is slander, offensive inuendo, trying to take any side or position that would make it out that the kid was a low life, drug addict, thug what ever and last white people can't get no justice???????

Like I said before it ok to be a bigot or racist it is normal most ethic groups have issues with all other groups even some with in thier own ethnic like a cast system but I wish people could just be honest I don't care about the facts I hate this or that group and I ain't gona change kiss my grits. I will complain about one issue why is it ok for every ethinic group to organize and identify themselves but get a group of white people that want to just gather for that reason and all of sudden they are in trouble?

Here is another link:


And the latest now, is that there was no blood or bruising on Zimmerman, when he was brought to the PD.

"SANFORD, Florida (Reuters) - The neighborhood watch volunteer who shot dead an unarmed black teenager in Florida appeared uninjured when he was brought into the police station on the night of the shooting, according to a video released by ABC News on Wednesday.

George Zimmerman told police he shot Trayvon Martin inside a gated community on February 26 in self-defense after Martin attacked him and repeatedly bashed his head into a concrete walkway.

Police have declined to arrest Zimmerman, triggering nationwide protests from citizens, politicians and entertainers who argue that Zimmerman, who is half white and half Hispanic, found the 17-year-old Martin suspicious and followed him because he was black.

Police at the scene said the 28-year-old shooter was bleeding from the nose and the back of the head, and Zimmerman's lawyer said his client suffered a broken nose from Martin's punch.

But no blood or bruising is visible in the video taken by a police surveillance camera that shows uniformed officers leading a handcuffed Zimmerman into the police station, nor are there blood stains visible on his clothes."
And while not directly related to this topic, it is, IMO, very relevant.


A Miami man who chased a thief and stabbed him to death cannot be prosecuted because of Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law, a judge said in a written opinion released Wednesday.
Greyston Garcia, 25, "was well within his rights" when he chased a man accused of stealing his car radio and stabbed the man to death, the judge ruled. The Miami policeman who supervised the case was stunned.
"How can it be Stand Your Ground?" the officer said to The Miami Herald. "It's on [surveillance] video! You can see him stabbing the victim."
Greyston Garcia's Stand Your Ground stabbing is getting national attention in the wake of Trayvon Martin's shooting death. Martin's killer, neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman, is also claiming self-defense under Florida's Stand Your Ground law -- though Martin was unarmed, and Zimmerman was apparently chasing him at one point.
Florida's law allows the use of deadly force if a person reasonably feels it's necessary to prevent death, serious bodily injury, or the commission of a forcible felony. However, ex-Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who signed the law, has said it shouldn't apply when a person chases a victim.
But in Greyston Garcia's case, a judge disagreed. Garcia chased the alleged car-radio thief -- Pedro Roteta, 26 -- for more than a block, the Herald reports. Roteta, carrying a four-pound bag of car radios, swung the bag at Garcia's head; Garcia blocked the bag with one hand and stabbed Roteta in the chest.
Roteta's swinging of the bag could have caused serious bodily injury or death, and placed Garcia in fear for his life, the judge wrote.
Still, after the fatal stabbing, Garcia did not call 911. Instead, he hid the knife and sold two of Roteta's car radios, then initially denied the killing when interviewed by police. None of those facts played into the judge's decision.
It's not clear how Greyston Garcia's Stand Your Ground stabbing may affect how the law is applied in other Florida cases. A grand jury is set to convene April 10 to consider charges in George Zimmerman's killing of Trayvon Martin.
The latest version of the story ive seen so far was martin was beating zimmermams head against the sidewalk. If thats true i think deadly force is ok. If im attacked knocked down and having my head bashed on the side walk im going to shoot too. Another version ive seen was Martin was trying to take the gun away from zimmerman which to me again would make deadly force justified. But again i say that in the same light as above these are just reports from the news so who knows of they are real or not

Ok, makes sense. :) So, in this case, I'd say a punch to the nose, would at the most, warrant the same, whereas being knocked to the ground, and having your head slammed, shooting the guy, picking up an object and using it as an improvised weapon, etc, would be.
Ok, makes sense. :) So, in this case, I'd say a punch to the nose, would at the most, warrant the same, whereas being knocked to the ground, and having your head slammed, shooting the guy, picking up an object and using it as an improvised weapon, etc, would be.

Police Surveillance Video Shows No Blood or Bruises on George Zimmerman

A police surveillance video taken the night that Trayvon Martin was shot dead shows no blood or bruises on George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch captain who says he shot Martin after he was punched in the nose, knocked down and had his head slammed into the ground.

Of course, with paramedics on site, he could have gotten some medical attention and clean up before he was brought in, and those police officers seem pretty sympathetic, but it's still a little suspicious.
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Of course, with paramedics on site, he could have gotten some medical attention and clean up before he was brought in, and those police officers seem pretty sympathetic, but it's still a little suspicious.

Maybe so, but not seeking medical attention that night (the police said his injuries were not serious) is hardly consistent with a broken nose and a head being "slammed over and over" into the concrete.

His story has changed 3-4 times now. It's, uh, odd that so many are willing to accept the latest version uncritically.
Maybe so, but not seeking medical attention that night (the police said his injuries were not serious) is hardly consistent with a broken nose and a head being "slammed over and over" into the concrete.

His story has changed 3-4 times now. It's, uh, odd that so many are willing to accept the latest version uncritically.

And then there's this:

The funeral director who handled Martin's funeral said there were no cuts or bruises on the teen's hands that would suggest a violent struggle or fight.
“I didn’t see any evidence he had been fighting anybody,” Richard Kurtz of Roy Mizell and Kurtz Funeral Home in Fort Lauderdale, told television talk show host Nancy Grace.

Also, if Zimmerman shot Martin as he claimed in the heat of a struggle from point blank range while Martin was on top of him...Zimmerman should be covered in blood. Martin's blood.

None of this means that Zimmerman must be definitively guilty. But for anyone to claim with a straight face that "the evidence" mostly supports Zimmerman's account (which one?) is laughable. There are many holes in Zimmerman's story and many pieces of countervailing evidence. Yet all we hear are desperate attempts to change the subject (Trayvon was a thug! Race war! Sharpton!) or uncritical acceptance of the shooter's story. Laughable.
Here in Alaska you don't need a concealed carry permit in fact you can carry anything anywhere except a bar, school, day care or womens shelter ect. However people here do far more time for killing wildlife than a human. Manslaughter could be out 2-3 years kill a moose or bear ilegally and you could face 10 or more years.

Monday our legislature is looking at approving an even more liberal version of the stand your ground law. NRA pretty strong here will be interesting to see if shootings go up with new law.

When Obama won election people here went nuts buying shells and guns. A box of shells for some guns are over $80 dollars here. One person working at the post office said yep we gotta buy all the guns and amo we can gett because Obama's gonna take all our guns away? I don't know about you but theres just something wrong with seeing a post office worker foaming at the mouth about needing more guns and amo?????????

As for our DoJang we are going to do a shooting safety course this summer and alot of recreation target practice my self going to buy the Smith and Wesson 500 revolver with 500 grain loads due to bears its the only gun you can really pull fast to have a chance with a bear at dead run out of bushes 50 feet away and have chance not being injured.
Also, if Zimmerman shot Martin as he claimed in the heat of a struggle from point blank range while Martin was on top of him...Zimmerman should be covered in blood. Martin's blood.

None of this means that Zimmerman must be definitively guilty. But for anyone to claim with a straight face that "the evidence" mostly supports Zimmerman's account (which one?) is laughable. There are many holes in Zimmerman's story and many pieces of countervailing evidence. Yet all we hear are desperate attempts to change the subject (Trayvon was a thug! Race war! Sharpton!) or uncritical acceptance of the shooter's story. Laughable.

Thank you

Gee what could be causing the behavior above ( inset from saturday night live Church Lady) Could it be Satin/racist/ Obama hate/
Of course, with paramedics on site, he could have gotten some medical attention and clean up before he was brought in, and those police officers seem pretty sympathetic, but it's still a little suspicious.

It's not the lack of blood on his face that's suspicious to me. As you said, paramedics could have cleaned him up. But the lack of blood on his clothing is. A broken nose is going to bleed. And at least some of it is going to land on your shirt.
His story has changed 3-4 times now. It's, uh, odd that so many are willing to accept the latest version uncritically.

I think that many people would tend to expect that the most recent information from the authorities and media would tend to be more accurate as the details come together than the immediate media reports that were accepted eagerly and uncritically by so many. Not sure what is so "uh, odd" about such an expectation.
really? maybe in rural america, but its the other way around in the cities.


wheres the Ralley? Where's the Protest? Better yet, lets have the KKK go ralley in this 13 year olds defense and see who's wrong.


Really whats your point and no the cities are even worse because the larger cities are the most likely to have racial profiling and abuse even from non white officers in place? so you want to have the KKK go ralley in to upset the dead kids family? are you white what city you from and your above post I commented on already in detail that its a racist oximoron that makes no case at all but to promote non white hate and two wrongs don't make a right. However I do recomend Oxi Clean to keep your white sheet clean but my personal tast is for the red sating grand Dragon esamble with the high heels to match
I think that many people would tend to expect that the most recent information from the authorities and media would tend to be more accurate as the details come together than the immediate media reports that were accepted eagerly and uncritically by so many. Not sure what is so "uh, odd" about such an expectation.

Because the reports do not build on each other, adding detail to generate a coherent narrative. Each of Zimmerman's stories is flatly contradictory to the others. In other circumstances, that would be considered the mark of a liar.
It's not the lack of blood on his face that's suspicious to me. As you said, paramedics could have cleaned him up. But the lack of blood on his clothing is. A broken nose is going to bleed. And at least some of it is going to land on your shirt.

Adding to that, none of the officers who handled Zimmerman were wearing PPE like gloves. That is generally SOP for handling persons and materials contaminated with human bodily fluids.

Also, Zimmerman showed no difficulty in getting out of the car or moving. Or for breathing with his mouth closed. We all know what happens when your nose is broken and what that means for your breathing. We also know that people who have taken a beating, a "great bodily harm", "afraid for my life" beating, generally show some impairment in their movement.

Again, none of this means that Zimmerman must be guilty. But it exposes holes in his story, yet again. Just like the 911 tapes shot holes in the first story. I wonder what story we'll get next?
are you white what city you from .... However I do recomend Oxi Clean to keep your white sheet clean but my personal tast is for the red sating grand Dragon esamble with the high heels to match

dont know do ya?

your so delusional you might want to leave your polar bears and join civilization and figure out what really goes on. when was the last time you lived in NY, NJ Philly or Baltimore? easy to come to conclusions from the great "WHITE" north.

the point was, all the Black Rights Activists ran and jumped on the Defensive Racism Bandwagon but you didnt see Any ACTIVISTS or GROUPS rush to the defense of this boy when it was CLEARLY A RASCIST HATE CRIME. And I guarantee if The KKK or any other white group did show up, the whole world would try and crucify them.

Tell you what, since you are so concerned with what I am and where I am from, when the "revolution" pops off, I'm shooting any damn one who comes close regardless of what color they are. Cause my *** dont have a "side" but my own.

Because the reports do not build on each other, adding detail to generate a coherent narrative. Each of Zimmerman's stories is flatly contradictory to the others. In other circumstances, that would be considered the mark of a liar.

I was talking more specifically about the information being provided by the government and media outlets and not just the statements of a seemingly guilty person that has been through an incredibly traumatic experience with a DOA bounty hanging over his head. It wouldn't be the first or last time someone lied out of fear of harm to self or family.

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