UK Warned: CIA Will Access All Government Data


Senior Master
Jan 15, 2006
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Airstrip One

U.S. intelligence agencies will soon be able to trawl through all British
government documents stored online including ministerial files, local authority
records and public sector data thanks to an unchallenged amendment to a spy law in Washington.

The FISA amendments now give the CIA and NSA the right to access all this data not just in Britain or Europe, but anywhere in the world [that uses G-cloud to store data]. U.S. citizens are excused this intrusion by the Fourth Amendment, but everybody else is included.

We have a few UK and other residents from arund the world here. How do you feel about that? Is your media reporting on this?
My feeling is that such over-arching intrusion is yet one more plank in the growth of subtle totalitarianism amidst the supposed democracies of the West. It's been foreseen for some time by futurists and authors and it is now, with insidious caution, coming to pass.

Trust the Computer. The Computer is your friend.

Just because the game is called Paranoia doesn't make the basic idea wrong.
My feeling is that such over-arching intrusion is yet one more plank in the growth of subtle totalitarianism amidst the supposed democracies of the West. It's been foreseen for some time by futurists and authors and it is now, with insidious caution, coming to pass.

Trust the Computer. The Computer is your friend.

Just because the game is called Paranoia doesn't make the basic idea wrong.

I can't imagine your government, much less the people, being okay with this.
MPs have called for the Government to stop using cloud. However considering we have all been spying on each other for years, it's nothing much new, rather just a new method. There will be counter measures, then counter counter measures and the Game goes on.
However considering we have all been spying on each other for years, it's nothing much new, rather just a new method. There will be counter measures, then counter counter measures and the Game goes on.

That's my take too--not that it doesn't suck, as Sukerkin indicates.
So... just sit back and take it? Is that the messege I'm getting here?

At least Americans have some legal recourse in the 4th... but are you all just saying "roll over"?
So... just sit back and take it? Is that the messege I'm getting here?

At least Americans have some legal recourse in the 4th... but are you all just saying "roll over"?

I am reading it more that they already know the CIA isn't playing nice with their friends.
And in turn they do some peeking of their own....

and as if you have a recourse if you don't know they are reading your stuff.....
That may spur the growth of clud services that are not based in the US and do not operate in the US.
I am reading it more that they already know the CIA isn't playing nice with their friends.
And in turn they do some peeking of their own....

and as if you have a recourse if you don't know they are reading your stuff.....

They may be reading it, but the 4th protects us from having it used against us. That's the difference.

That may spur the growth of clud services that are not based in the US and do not operate in the US.

We own it. That's the problem.
They may be reading it, but the 4th protects us from having it used against us. That's the difference.

yes, so I hear....I am sure in the patriot act there is a loophole's not like the libraries are required to supply a list of books you checked out and are not allowed to tell you....and that predates cloud issues....

and I am sure when you find out your cloud is shadowed, you will get some lame excuse...

nah, I am cynical....CIA is operating outside the law....'we spy on everybody, butuh, yeah, citizens have nothing to fear'
I got a bridge I want t sell you....and some beach front in Idaho...
You lot have been spying on us and everyone else for years, and we've been spying on you since at least before your revolution. It's how things have been done since well forever really, it's not a case of lying down and rolling over, it's seen more as a challenge. Did you think the CIA had invented spying? Well no, that was most likely Francis Walsingham. It's a Game, your spymasters know it, our spymasters know it. it's not James Bond, it's much more fun. It does make me laugh though when your authorities actually let people know they can spy on them, it sort of gives the game away don't cha think?
That's my point.

But I find this level of apathy kind of disturbing.

Lord, give me the courage to change the things I can
The strength to accept the things I can't change
and the wisdom to know the difference.

oh, come on.....
I know my tinfoil hat is on tight, but not that tight.
As Tez put it 'The Game' has been going on since the inception of human society and will continue as long as there is more than one human in the world....

Just one of the facts of life.
"Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people I had to kill today because they hacked me off."

Mind, spying on your own people is a bit low......
Lord, give me the courage to change the things I can
The strength to accept the things I can't change
and the wisdom to know the difference.

oh, come on.....
I know my tinfoil hat is on tight, but not that tight.
As Tez put it 'The Game' has been going on since the inception of human society and will continue as long as there is more than one human in the world....

Just one of the facts of life.


The "Game"...

The Founders recognized this and attempted to establish a society that would break the cycle. It appears to be failing... but, is that really a good excuse to roll over and play dead? Is it not our own apathy that has allowed this to come about in the first place?

"No man, who is not inflamed by vain-glory into enthusiasm, can flatter himself that his single, unsupported, desultory, unsystematic endeavours are of power to defeat the subtle designs and united Cabals of ambitious citizens. When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle." ~ Edmund Burke

"Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing." ~John Stuart Mill

Apathy is the true enemy.
The thing to remember is that this is primarily a martial arts board with a bit of politics etc on the side. I'm not going to get hysterical here just because of this, it's not's called time and place.
The thing to remember is that this is primarily a martial arts board with a bit of politics etc on the side. I'm not going to get hysterical here just because of this, it's not's called time and place.

nah, it's a thing women learn early on.

You can't exert yourself tilting windmills....
Being over emotional and ranting on the internet din't help anything, acting as an agent provocateur on here and calling people pathetic just to get a reaction is what I believe Americans call lame.
I'd rather lobby my MP who lives over the road from me and also happens to be the Foreign Secretary (and a decent Judoka) it's more productive. Ive read all the rants raves and name calling that the gun 'control' issue raises in America, we aren't like that here, getting hysterical isn't really our style. don't however mistake our politiceness for weakness lol.
I'm sure there is a load of government material on the cloud that the CIA are welcome to read, every department has all those boring reports, stats and stuff they archive but you can't seriously think that anything of any security value is going to be that easy to get hold of? Really, you think Europeans are so stupid that the sensitive stuff won't be somewhere a lot harder to get hold of. While it raises eyebrows that America is being so public about having the capability to spy on us (so jejune), it's no surprise nor will it be that easy.
Of course if the CIA is spying on you and I expect they are, they aren't exactly going to abide by any laws now are they, that's a different matter and one you should sort before they come and get you.
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