UK Police on photography - 'There are no restrictions, but...'

Bob Hubbard

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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free

I loved this part.

This follows reassurances from Home secretary Jacqui Smith that there is "no legal restriction on taking photographs in public places", which is why she will shortly be issuing police with updated guidelines on ... how to enforce legal restrictions on photography.


To begin with, some restrictions do exist – most notably the Official Secrets’ Act 1911, which makes it an offence to take photographs of certain prohibited places (like dockyards and power stations).

Now this, I do understand. Some places, like say, a military base, should be off limits in most cases. But don't harass me while I'm making goofy faces at the Beefeaters. :)

I loved this part.


Now this, I do understand. Some places, like say, a military base, should be off limits in most cases. But don't harass me while I'm making goofy faces at the Beefeaters. :)

Sorry but the Yeomen (Beefeaters to you) actually work in a place covered by the Official Secrets Act. The Tower of London is a military base as well as a royal residence. If you look closer you will find British soldiers also guarding the Tower of London. :uhyeah:
But I've seen tons of tourist pics of them. ??
Or is it a matter of "he has little camera, must be tourist" and "oh he has big camera, must be Osama." type of logic they use in the US?

Yeah, I'm confusicated. LOL!
Common sense is used and they allow photographs in peacetime lol! the Yeoman Wardens are all ex service personnel ( they've just taken on their first woman) who all have at least 22 years service in the armed forces behind them and have held SNCO rank, quite honestly I wouldn't suggest pulling faces at them as they are entitled to retailate and can carry long pikes.they can go where they like and expel any visitors they feel are making a nuisance of themselves. The sentries,serving soldiers, are the ones who aren't allowed to move other than to pace up and down, they have been known to stamp on annoying tourists feet though. All done with a perfectly straight face of course. These soldiers do tours in Iraq and Afhanistan as well as doing ceremonial duties. Several have been killed out there, I don't think the tourists realise this.
Thank you. I wasn't aware they were ex military.
these are the Yeoman Warders

and these are the Yeomen of the Guard!

it says that the military guard is done by the Foot Guards but it is also done by the Gurkha Regiment and the Queens Colour Squadron of the RAF Regiment, My other half did two tours on QCS and has stories of hauntings at the Tower and also Windsor Castle. On a tour of duty at the Tower he said one of his colleagues was stood guard at the sentry box and he and his mates got pieces of wet cotton wool tied onto cotton and dangled it to annoy the sentry who soon got fed up with it so they stopped. Anyway he thought they were doing it again and came in complaining to them when he came off duty only to find they'd all gone off to the mess for food at the time he thought they were messing around! There is a very strange atmosphere in the Tower he says when all the visitors have gone.

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