UK Bans Michael Savage (and others) from entering country


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
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LONDON - Britain for the first time has published a list of people barred from entering the country for what the government says is fostering extremism or hatred.

The list includes popular American talk-radio host Michael Savage, who has called the Muslim holy book, the Quran, a "book of hate." Savage also has enraged parents of children with autism by saying in most cases it's "a brat who hasn't been told to cut the act out."

Thoughts? I'm tuning into AM this afternoon to hear his reaction. LOL!
Unfortunately, it only plays right into Savage's hands, and makes him all the more popular and effective. The only thing that can defeat him is total disinterest in his lunacy.
I've never heard Michael Savage's show. Why have they banned him? Is he really that hateful?

Called the Koran a "book of hate," and said that most autistic kids were "brats that need to be told to quit it."

He's in good company: the British have also banned Fred Phelps, and the guy who owns the Stormfront.....:rolleyes:
Seems to be a balanced list (according to the news item) as they also have extremists on the opposite side of Savage on there as well.
In the end, it's the UK's country, and they can ban whomever they please, for whatever reason they want.

In the end, this only helps their targets, since such press coverage gives them more limelight. There were many people who didn't know who Michael Savage was, but I'm willing to bet that now he has more listeners as a result.
In the end, it's the UK's country, and they can ban whomever they please, for whatever reason they want.

In the end, this only helps their targets, since such press coverage gives them more limelight. There were many people who didn't know who Michael Savage was, but I'm willing to bet that now he has more listeners as a result.
True, but only for a short time. Savage screams too much and comes across as a man who is angry (enraged?) with anyone who doesn't fit into his very narrow world view. Even when I still considered myself a staunch conservative I couldn't listen to him.
In the end, it's the UK's country, and they can ban whomever they please, for whatever reason they want.

In the end, this only helps their targets, since such press coverage gives them more limelight. There were many people who didn't know who Michael Savage was, but I'm willing to bet that now he has more listeners as a result.

It's their call. I guess they're looking at this banning people who are promoting hatred.

Canadian author Farley Mowat was banned -- apparently without explanation -- from entering the USA for a number of years. President Reagan lifted the ban.
Every country excludes undesirable aliens. The UK happens to put Fred and Michael on the list. We do the same thing with other individuals. That's a country's not just a country's prerogative. It's a fundamental duty.

If you haven't heard Michael "Savage" you're in for an experience. I listen from time to time. I think what I find most attractive is the suave grace with which he wipes the foam from his lips. He hates just about everybody. Black Americans, liberals, gays, Asians, Africans, Latin Americans, immigrants both legal and illegal, intellectuals, Muslims, Union members, all government workers, feminists, civil liberties advocates and dozens of others are all traitors and enemies of America. His show is a parade of hate, rage and self-righteousness that resembles Cotton Mather on really bad acid.

He holds out particular hatred for Jews, at least those Jews who aren't die-hard Republicans.

So much bile and anger in one man. I think a few facts explain most of what you need to know. He's Jewish. He's very short and slightly built. And his legal name is Michael Weiner.
I have not listened to Michael Savage, but have heard plenty of liberals go crazy about what a jerk he is. Funny thing is I can not think of even 1 conservative that used him as an example to make a point... /shrug
I find most of these radio talk show guys as purely entertainment folks, and not serious political commentaries... he is radio right?

What I do find interesting is that I tend to think of the Koran/Quran as a book of hate as well, I mean from what I have personally read, and seen, and heard it is pretty much a do it this way or be killed book...../shrug maybe I need to actually read it cover to cover..

I also tend to think that the term Autistic is so overused and overperscribed now days its ridiculous, and I tend to think its a copout for alot of parents to justify their kids ridiculous behavior, I mean if the numbers I have seen are correct and 1 in 6 kids have autism then our future is already doomed and we should just pack it in... no.. I tend to think most psychologists are pretty nuts themselves, and overdiagnose to make themselves seem more useful. If they are banning someone for these two opinions then they got some other issues to worry about... either this guy is much more.. Savage?? then I am led to understand, or the Muslims are taking over Europe..
I can only say that if the UK were a true ally, as they were in days past, they would admit extremists of all ilk from the USA.... and keep them!:xtrmshock
Theres a few celebrities I'd like to ban from this country. Many of them that I'd like to kick out too.
I have not listened to Michael Savage, but have heard plenty of liberals go crazy about what a jerk he is. Funny thing is I can not think of even 1 conservative that used him as an example to make a point... /shrug
I find most of these radio talk show guys as purely entertainment folks, and not serious political commentaries... he is radio right?

What I do find interesting is that I tend to think of the Koran/Quran as a book of hate as well, I mean from what I have personally read, and seen, and heard it is pretty much a do it this way or be killed book...../shrug maybe I need to actually read it cover to cover..

I also tend to think that the term Autistic is so overused and overperscribed now days its ridiculous, and I tend to think its a copout for alot of parents to justify their kids ridiculous behavior, I mean if the numbers I have seen are correct and 1 in 6 kids have autism then our future is already doomed and we should just pack it in... no.. I tend to think most psychologists are pretty nuts themselves, and overdiagnose to make themselves seem more useful. If they are banning someone for these two opinions then they got some other issues to worry about... either this guy is much more.. Savage?? then I am led to understand, or the Muslims are taking over Europe..
If you take a look at the old testament, from which we get the three major montheistic religions, it can be construed as a book of hate also. As a result, this Savage guy should tar us all with the same brush. If he singles out Muslims alone, he is a hate monger. I'd have to listen to him myself to truly understand the contents, but if he is banned from the UK because of his anti-islam slurs, then the British government are doing both him and the British public a service. Chances are, he'd be in for a lot of grief, if he turned up on British soil.

As for autistic kids. WTF? I can understand if he's in two minds about ADHD, but autism. That's like saying that all Down Syndrome children are brats. It just doesn't make sense and because of this, he shouldn't be taken too seriously.
Phelps and his family are despicable people, and it's no loss to Britain that they have been banned. They too would not last last five minutes in Britain, preaching their bigotted nonsense. Can you imagine if they turned up to a British squady's funeral with the hateful signs they carried at the funerals of US soldiers-They would get their heads kicked in. Then they go on about gays. They don't seem to realize that there are more Bible passages, condemning the wearing of mixed fabrics, than there are about homosexuality, but they don't protest outside Penney's or Sears, CRAZY.

When people like this get banned from the UK, it's usually for their own good.

It seems that the banned list, is non partisan and contains people of every hateful ilk. It seems fair to me.
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As for autistic kids. WTF? I can understand if he's in two minds about ADHD, but autism. That's like saying that all Down Syndrome children are brats. It just doesn't make sense and because of this, he shouldn't be taken too seriously.

His show is on tape delay where I live. I sometimes catch bits of it on my commute home from work. My guess is....follow the money.

Savage has a Ph.D. in Nutritional Ethnomedicine from UC Berkley. He has authored a large number of books on homeopathy, including one that I've heard him promoting recently on his show called Healing Children Naturally.

His railing against medical science, coupled by how he promotes (and profits from) homeopathic books appears to be a bit too convenient.
I can only say that if the UK were a true ally, as they were in days past, they would admit extremists of all ilk from the USA.... and keep them!:xtrmshock

Ah but you see we did the reverse of that a few hundred years ago and look how that turned out :eek:!
Thats the problem with the world..we've run out of good penal colonies.