Travelling in search on Wing Chun?


MT Mentor
On another thread, Kiru posted that, given the time and money, rather than take up new martial arts, he'd prefer to travel and experience the arts as they are practiced where they originated.

If I win the lotto, I'd want to do the same. How about the rest of you? Where would you go, who would you seek out?
I no longer train Wing Chun but if time and money where not issues I would go right back to my Wing Chun sifu and train with his sifu, if his sifu would train me. My big issue however is time since my sifuÂ’s prices are incredibly reasonable.
O.K. I want to win the Lotto first! Then immerse myself,actually take up residence with whoever will take me as a dedicated student of pugilism!
Okay, how many times have I had that fantasy, WOW. I'd spend much more time with my Sifu first. He lives about 4 states away so I'd stay with him (If my fiance' would let me, hehe) for at least a year, (if his wife would let me, hehe). Then I'd train with my Sigung for as long as I could. Then I'd find other W.C. teachers whom I've come to respect from afar, whether here or abroad. Foshan would probably be one of my first stops oversees.
If I hit the Lottery I buy up an entire Community. I would buy a house for me and my family, My Sifu's family and his Sifu. Along with any of his Gung Fu brothers. Then I would pay a stipen each month and have him refine my Wing Chun along with teaching me some of his Gung Fu styles.

After about 10 I would travel and live in Guangzhou(Canton) With a permit translator salaried paid. To refine my Wing Chun by some of the great masters and learn the greater aspects of Chi.

Okay, how many times have I had that fantasy, WOW. I'd spend much more time with my Sifu first. He lives about 4 states away so I'd stay with him (If my fiance' would let me, hehe) for at least a year, (if his wife would let me, hehe). Then I'd train with my Sigung for as long as I could. Then I'd find other W.C. teachers whom I've come to respect from afar, whether here or abroad. Foshan would probably be one of my first stops oversees.

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