Are there any videos that show a Wing Chun practitioner vs. an Aikido practitioner? I've searched youtube, and there are plenty of kickboxing vs. aikido, karate vs. aikido, ju jitsu vs. aikido, but I haven't located any Wing Chun vs. Aikido. Of course the problem with these videos is that without knowing how good the individual is in his art it is hard to determine what system really is more practical in terms of winning an actual fight. And without knowing the rules going into the match, it makes it even more difficult. Still, I'm curious, if you know of any out there please provide a link.
Not only does it have to be practical it has to be practical
for you . I like to use elbows and knees a lot and the speed and aggression of Wing Chun is a very good fit for me .
Not saying that Aikido doesn't have those attributes , its just that I like the particular Wing Chun flavour , same as I like vanilla milkshakes and not chocolate ones , its just a personal preference.
I don't know jack about Aikido except that Steven Seagal does it and It seems to work for him , you sound like you have experience in Wing Chun , why don't you go and train in Aikido for a while so you can learn more about it and decide for yourself.
Like Ace said it is the singer , not the song . I have met some Wing Chun guys who couldn't punch their way out of a wet paper bag by the same token I have met others that would rip your head off and spit down your neck.
Like one of my old instructors used to say , you have to have a bit of the mongrel in you , a mindset that says I don't care what you do I am going to hurt you bad . I suspect it would be the same in Aikido , you can't base your decision on what you see on Youtube.
To be quite honest if Youtube was around when I started Wing Chun based on some of the yo yo's that you see on there calling themselves Sifu and their crappy standard I probably would never have joined up .
I was just lucky that the first exposure I had to it was in the flesh at a reputable school with a very small women instructor who threw a punch at my nose that I barely saw all I felt was air hit me in the face , she demonstrated a couple of other things and I was sold .
Go and do Aikido for a while at the very least you will make some new friends and might come away with a few tricks to add to your Wing Chun arsenal .