While I didn't compete with MA, I did with fencing. I would need to do a light workout the days leading up, along with fencing a couple bouts. Directly before the meet/tournament, I would need to do footwork to get my head into it. The two times I tried without doing anything the days leading up, I felt stiff/rigid, and would lose my first few bouts trying to get into it. With one, I bounced back, in the other it was a domino effect, worst meet of my career.What is the justification for “no sex activity?” Does it give you pent up rage that you release on your opponent (no pun intended)?
Does not following that make someone too relaxed and/or tired? Too happy?
Seriously, I’ve never been able to figure that advice out.
As far as not breaking a sweat the last 3 days...
I actually prefer to do a good warmup and stretch the last few days. No other physical activity though. Stuff like light bag or mitt work for about 10-15 minutes and some stretching afterwards. It keeps me “in the zone” physically and mentally. And it keeps me loose. When I do nothing at all, I feel far tighter and rusty. I know it’s all in my head, but it works for me.
And I can't say I ever noticed a difference with fencing at least what my sex life was like leading up to it. Maybe MA's are different, but I don't see how...