Top Five Carear Choices

Wow. I'm glad my 5 years as a college freshman weren't wasted. :)
Although to be honest, I hate my job and would never reccomend it. But that's why they pay you to show up.
Originally posted by Jill666
Although to be honest, I hate my job and would never reccomend it. But that's why they pay you to show up.


There are subspecialties within your chosen career field that are VERY rewarding...checkout and look at the CRNA link (NOT
Salaries are very good...locations are all over the place...compensation packages are great...

In many places you have complete autonomy in your practice...
You work with one patient at a time...
If you are unhappy with your current position, don't trash the profession...look within the profession for other opportunities.

teaching in Public education can be a pain......I can go anywhere in the states, and overseas to ply my trade.

It's also helped me tremendously in teaching Martial Arts.

It's just too bad that teachers get little respect these days. Talk about a "Mass Attack" situation, I have to consider Parents, Students, and Administrators.

Luckily, I've got a few cards up my sleeve as well, to deal with them. Kinda sad it has to be this way, but...................:(
Im curious as to what made up these statistics. Im in the IT industry and it doesnt seem to promising these days.

I am not in the top five and I seem to always be in the wrong boat as well.

As to the data used, I know nothing only say the article.

If you find out anything let us know

My ears are ringing. Your giving me flashbacks from my childhood. Mom - Your always a day late, and a dollar short, your always on the wrong boat. You should be hanging out with so and so at least they have their plans figured out in life.

Then there was my friends mom. Your missing the boat. I'm telling you your missing the boat.

Two mothers in my life and it's always about missing that boat thing.
Originally posted by cfr
Im curious as to what made up these statistics. Im in the IT industry and it doesnt seem to promising these days.

It's true that the marked isn't what it used to be but IT has come to stay, and the marked still needs people. But the people it needs have changed to the more qualified type.

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Wow. I'm glad my 5 years as a college freshman weren't wasted. :)
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: That was good!
Damn it my profession is probley in he bottom ten and I hate geting up cause I kno I have to go to work.
Originally posted by JDenz
Damn it my profession is probley in he bottom ten and I hate geting up cause I kno I have to go to work.

I concurr. geting up, planning todays money pickups, what hits you contracted you gotta carry out, evading the Feds, giving the cuts to the Boss, trying to please the girl friend, and wife/kids. I feel your pain!

I'm sure the weekends are a blessing for you.:cool:
Boys and girls,
I'm in the original "growth" industry, I am a farmer. My wife is a nurse, so she's on the right track and I will be taking a Certified Nurses Aid class in the spring.

Mountain Sage
Ya Rc the weeks are a *****. I have to go do all that **** and more during the week. The weekends are the best we all get together and play cards and go to the clubs lol.
Originally posted by JDenz
Ya Rc the weeks are a *****. I have to go do all that **** and more during the week. The weekends are the best we all get together and play cards and go to the clubs lol.

Sounds nice and relaxing!