top 10 conservative messages in films

have to admit i find the links interesting some of the time, even if i dont agree with them. This one, i dont have an opinion on.
Definitely an interesting read.
Question is... the writers of these films did they intend for those messages to be intuited or was it simply someone's grasp or interpretation?

Along the same vein I seem to interpret what futures we should NOT have by certain films.

Gattica for one as it creates a new type of segregation, a genetic one.

I-Robot, allowing Robots to integrate with our own lives.

Silent Running, the destruction of the earth's resources to the point that to save them we have to remove them and blast them out in to space, until such a time (if any) we can bring them back.

Final Cut, our every waking moment recorded via a micro-chip implanted in our brains for editing and viewing after our deaths.

The Terminator franchise- for obvious reasons.

Those and numerous others.

Central messages in films? One could go as far as to interpret what they seen, but it's usually not universal. Not everyone is going to see a film quite the same way... at least not in a majority.
But I think that's the idea isn't it?...

Nah, it's all just to entertain us.